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Budget passed

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My sister works in the county budget office.  She says Giambra is the most coprrupt politician she has ever seen.


I don't live in Buffalo anymore, and there are probably other reasons for this mess too, but government isn't the problem so much as corruption and incompetence in government.



Smaller government = less corruption.


Simple equation and the truth.

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to bad you cant take bush's tax plan. increase spending, and decrease taxes.


i had a friend who tried to increase spending, and not work as much. it was great at first. till a year later when the credit card company came after him.


to bad there is no bill collectors for the federal government.


they could take it out of bush's paycheck each month...  :D  :D


yeah Bush raised your NY taxes again Idiot. He also made the Bills loose the 1st 4 games..............................

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At least you can get it done if you don't have insurance with having to go bankrupt.


And I highly doubt that this is a likely occurance.



Oh? Do some research into the issue and you'll see some of the serious problems with the Canadian way of doing things.


And what good is a bypass if you die before you dcan get one?

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That's what happens when you live in a communist state. There is a reason why many people left Buffalo including myself. Rather than taking a capitalist approach, they take more of a communist approach. Regarding healthcare in Canada, it's so bad that all the Canadians are coming to the US to get care.....


I feel sorry for all of you but that is what happens when you have a ton of flaming liberals running the city and state.

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That's what happens when you live in a communist state. There is a reason why many people left Buffalo including myself. Rather than taking a capitalist approach, they take more of a communist approach. Regarding healthcare in Canada, it's so bad that all the Canadians are coming to the US to get care.....


I feel sorry for all of you but that is what happens when you have a ton of flaming liberals running the city and state.


You mean socialized, not communist, correct?

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Guest Guest_DanInWestSeneca_*
When is the extra 1% effective?  I'm looking at buying a car........



Me too. Pretty sure it's March 1.

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That's what happens when you live in a communist state. There is a reason why many people left Buffalo including myself. Rather than taking a capitalist approach, they take more of a communist approach. Regarding healthcare in Canada, it's so bad that all the Canadians are coming to the US to get care.....


I feel sorry for all of you but that is what happens when you have a ton of flaming liberals running the city and state.



No different in northern Illinois... What do you do after years and years of growth and then the bottom drops out? What do you do with the system in place?... Who takes the hit first?... It is always fine if it is another that has to suffer. So far, the best "check" is to up and move, until the problem happens there.


At least when it happens in the south, you can just kick people out into the street.

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I don't consider socialism anymore...it's either communist or capitalist. Buffalo and NY for that part fits most of the 10 facets of communism in Marx and Engels book. Buffalo should take a look at China and see how they are going from more of a communist environment to more of a capitalist environment.


Have you seen how all of the liberal states all have the same problems (companies leaving due to high taxes and communist approaches)? The best example now of this exodus of companies is California with their ridiculous worker comp taxes and the stupid environmental regulations on gasoline. I was on the Pacific Coast Highway in June and was paying $3.60 a gallon. Insanity! Here in Georgia we are paying $1.63 a gallon right now. I bet Buffalo is close to $2.00. I just hope the Bills stay there....

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the patronage continues too:


In a maddeing whirlwind of procedural movements in the final half-hour before midnight (which you saw live on channel 2 and WGRZ.COM), legislators re-vamped and made changes to the so-called red budget that knocked out most of the jobs cuts and service funding.

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I don't consider socialism anymore...it's either communist or capitalist. Buffalo  and NY for that part fits most of the 10 facets of communism in Marx and Engels book. Buffalo should take a look at China and see how they are going from more of a communist environment to more of a capitalist environment.


Have you seen how all of the liberal states all have the same problems (companies leaving due to high taxes and communist approaches)? The best example now of this exodus of companies is California with their ridiculous worker comp taxes and the stupid environmental regulations on gasoline. I was on the Pacific Coast Highway in June and was paying $3.60 a gallon. Insanity! Here in Georgia we are paying $1.63 a gallon right now. I bet Buffalo is close to $2.00. I just hope the Bills stay there....



You can blame the federal work environment during WWII for it.

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Exiled, you're exactly correct...the New Deal has become the great disaster...and you're right with the homeless in the South. The city of Atlanta is most concerned about hiding the problem rather than addressing it. I am actually working on a project with my organization on helping a homeless shelter use some prime retail space to attract some social/community entities to rent out to help the homeless shelter patrons back on their feet. The problem is the shelter is in the same building.


People who care, though capitalist as myself, will put time in to help society rather than relying on the gov't. I wish those bastards up north realized that.

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Yeah nothing like waiting 6 months to have a tumor removed.



Amd of course you'll have some skewed half true story to back that up. I personally deal with Canada daily in my line of employment, and while they admit their system isn't absolutely perfect, virtually everyone one of them that I've spoken to about this feels the USA is morally bankrupt when it comes to our health care system. Sorry, but there was a news piece a month or so back where quality of service and yes, wait times, were looked at and guess what, the good old USA did NOT finish #1. They compared the Canadian system, Germany's (I believe), and the UK's, and possibly one more. I found myself getting angry when I read it because I know in my heart that our country and all the purported God loving right wingers will not have anything to do with something that could possibly benefit everyone. Worse yet, is that they've managed to convince millions of everyday folk to drop in, lock step, behind them as if they're the Pied Piper to help fight to maintain this corrupt, immoral system. The estimates are that we have 40-45 million people in this country without health care insurance, meaning their access to the "system' is extremely limited. That's sad, that's immoral, that should be criminal.


What is also true, is that we have a strong and powerful right that speaks of God, and then decries any attempt to help their fellow man. Our system exists for greed, plain and simple. Very powerful insurance companies would fight change in anyway they can because their very existance would be on the line. Hospitals, the doctors, right down the line, all feed on greed. And no, Mr Gecko, greed is not good.


I guess this is why it is easier for a Camel to pass thru the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven.

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And now we see what decades of Democratic rule means.


Thank God those Jokers can't win on a national level or we'd be Canada.




Bingo!! Right on Joe6Pack... NYS- ya got no one to blame but yourselves...ya vote these Democratic clowns in and just like CA and you're stuck in financial chaos !!

And then ya voted in that longtime NYS resident...Hillary Clinton... what a joke... :D

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In all reality, there are only 8 million Americans that don't have access to health care. The other 32 million have the option but don't take it because they can't or won't pay for it or don't see the need to have insurance (which puts a burden on our society). There are a lot of Canadiens that are going South of the Border to get health care because they are sick of waiting 6 weeks to see a physician.


What's going on in Buffalo is simple economics. The supply of people is declining because of the lack of employment opportunities or sick of the lousy dreary weather up there and the gov't can't support its initiatives with the drop in supply hence the tax hikes. The problem is going to be more catatrosphic as you have the baby boomers retiring and many of the younger people leaving. There will be a huge tax crisis then.


It's too bad that you can't turn the clock back 100 years ago when Buffalo was one of the biggest cities in the country. If they would have taken that money received and gave enticements to keep people and companies in Buffalo, there would probably be lower taxes than what we have in the South.

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Amd of course you'll have some skewed half true story to back that up. I personally deal with Canada daily in my line of employment, and while they admit their system isn't absolutely perfect, virtually everyone one of them that I've spoken to about this feels the USA is morally bankrupt when it comes to our health care system. Sorry, but there was a news piece a month or so back where quality of service and yes, wait times, were looked at and guess what, the good old USA did NOT finish #1.  They compared the Canadian system, Germany's (I believe), and the UK's, and possibly one more. I found myself getting angry when I read it because I know in my heart that our country and all the purported God loving right wingers will not have anything to do with something that could possibly benefit everyone.  Worse yet, is that they've managed to convince millions of everyday folk to drop in, lock step, behind them as if they're the Pied Piper to help fight to maintain this corrupt, immoral system. The estimates are that we have 40-45 million people in this country without health care insurance, meaning their access to the "system' is extremely limited. That's sad, that's immoral, that should be criminal.


What is also true, is that we have a strong and powerful right that speaks of God, and then decries any attempt to help their fellow man. Our system exists for greed, plain and simple. Very powerful insurance companies would fight change in anyway they can because their very existance would be on the line. Hospitals, the doctors, right down the line, all feed on greed. And no, Mr Gecko, greed is not good.


I guess this is why it is easier for a Camel to pass thru the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven.



This is so laughable I don't know where to begin.






Immoral is allowing corrupt politicians to handle something better handled in the free markets. Immoral is allwoing one portion of society to live off the fruits of another portion's labor.


Why the hell should my taxes have to rise to support the healthcare needs of someone who's working a minimum wage job somewhere/ Can't you see where someone might abuse such a system? And what about the 300 pound blob of goo that refuses to lose weight and take care of their health? Why should I pay their burden?


It sounds like you just took a page out of Chairman Mao's little red book, Comrade.


Immoral? What a joke that post was.


Oh, and another thing...Who gives a flying f*ck what Canadians think about us? Without us, they'd still be trapping beavers for a living.

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