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An Important Speech

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I think you misunderstood me. I was preempting wackarkfast3rdlingenrythreads upcoming posting, by mocking it before he posts.


YOU are the VERY REASON people were attracted to that rally. YOU are the problem. YOU YOU YOU.

Edited by Peace
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Yes, exactly like that, but not hate so much as acceptance, at long last, of a truism: conner deserves what s/he gets around here, and probably worse.

I hesitate to ask because everyone has such fun playing "whack a mole" as AD calls it, but do you guys think Conner is really Conner, or just a trolling profile someone mustered up to stir the pot and f*** with people?

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I hesitate to ask because everyone has such fun playing "whack a mole" as AD calls it, but do you guys think Conner is really Conner, or just a trolling profile someone mustered up to stir the pot and f*** with people?

Personally? It is my opinion that conner is a paid political troll. Or worse, that conner has deluded himself into believing he is. :sick:


Why on God's green earth they would Media Matters send anybody here? Well, perhaps they start their noobs on the obscure political boards, and see if they can move up? Sort of minor leagues thing? Come on, clearly conner isn't one of their star players. :D

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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I hesitate to ask because everyone has such fun playing "whack a mole" as AD calls it, but do you guys think Conner is really Conner, or just a trolling profile someone mustered up to stir the pot and f*** with people?


I vacillate. Sometimes I think "No one could be this stupid." Other times I think "No one's smart enough to pretend to be this stupid."


I mean, yes, one could read the original post in this thread and say "Hey, I'm going to make a partisan post about a non-partisan speech, and then claim I was being non-partisan because I was preempting someone else's partisanship. Because baby, that's performance art at it's finest!" I've actually done similar - on really good days, when I'm truly at the very top of my game. But all day, every day? You'd need a team of writers backing you up. No one's that good on their own.

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I vacillate. Sometimes I think "No one could be this stupid." Other times I think "No one's smart enough to pretend to be this stupid."


I mean, yes, one could read the original post in this thread and say "Hey, I'm going to make a partisan post about a non-partisan speech, and then claim I was being non-partisan because I was preempting someone else's partisanship. Because baby, that's performance art at it's finest!" I've actually done similar - on really good days, when I'm truly at the very top of my game. But all day, every day? You'd need a team of writers backing you up. No one's that good on their own.


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But my end assessment of you folks is that you hate factual information, and your minds can never be changed. So since you cannot be fixed to accept factual information, !@#$ you, period.


And our end assessment of you is that you wouldn't know factual information if it bit you in the ass and gave you a weeping rectal abcess.


So try to imagine our concern with your assessment.


Finally, someone gets me.


I've always understood you, conner. No matter how you cut it, you're an immature asshat.

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It's not hard to troll you folks, I don't even try to. Most of you are based in alternate realities. You take puppeteers like Karl Rove, Limbaugh, Gingrich serious. Those men are so factually inaccurate when they speak, that the people who listen to them end up in some parallel plane of existence having no basis in reality.


But my end assessment of you folks is that you hate factual information, and your minds can never be changed. So since you cannot be fixed to accept factual information, !@#$ you, period.

The facts are: you can't distinguish facts from opinions, so everything you don't like, even though often times is a fact, is "just an opinion", according to you. This means that your reality is distorted. I have no doubt that you honestly believe in your perceptions. But, that doesn't change the fact that they are often times patently ridiculous.


This reality is what gets you into trouble here most of the time.


Well, that, and Bill Nye of course. :lol:

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I mean, yes, one could read the original post in this thread and say "Hey, I'm going to make a partisan post about a non-partisan speech, and then claim I was being non-partisan because I was preempting someone else's partisanship. Because baby, that's performance art at it's finest!" I've actually done similar - on really good days, when I'm truly at the very top of my game. But all day, every day? You'd need a team of writers backing you up. No one's that good on their own.

OK... that's some funny :censored: right there. Well done! :lol:

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I cannot tell if you are serious or joking. Your posting history would make me think you are serious. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you are a human and I'll assume you are joking.

I posted a :D. Hint? or am I just laughing at you?

Finally, someone gets me.

Only you would defend your stupidity by claiming genius.

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I hesitate to ask because everyone has such fun playing "whack a mole" as AD calls it, but do you guys think Conner is really Conner, or just a trolling profile someone mustered up to stir the pot and f*** with people?

I've decided he really is just this stupid, and he realizes it, so he ultimately throws out some some intentionally stupid stuff to make us question ourselves.


Back to the topic at hand, I found it interesting that liberal hippies for years have yelled and screamed and protested and hung presidents in effigy and painted Hitler moustaches on posters and toured the Cindy Sheehan's of the world for everyone to see, and the very moment the right gets into the game, we THEN must find civility.


It also became very clear to me this weekend that while Stewart's message was interesting, it's lost on the very people he admonishes. I watched a CNN segment early Sunday morning where the host was talking about all the anger and lack of civility out there, showing clips of Hannity and Beck and Olbermann and Shultz...and then to discuss the lack of civility, he brings in Arianna Huffington. :lol: :lol:

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Only you would defend your stupidity by claiming genius.


"Geniuses are often misunderstood."

"People always disagree with me and mock me."

"Therefore, I'm misunderstood."

"Therefore, I'm a genius."


Gotta love the thought process. Hey conner...schizophrenics are often misunderstood, too.


DC Tom completes conner.


He had me at 'Bill Nye'.

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