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Election Weekend

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Call the outcome of the Senate, House, and Governorships.

Any upset specials or particular races that you're watching?


I'll (try to remember to) close this thread Tuesday morning and we'll see who PPP's premier prognosticator is.


My guess

House 225 Rep, 210 Dem

Senate 49 Rep, 49 Dem, 2 Ind. Watch for post election rumors of Ben Nelson and Joe Lieberman jumping ship to the GOP

Gov's 30 Rep, 19 Dem, 1 Ind


My district VA-2 goes from Dem to Rep. No VA Gov or Senate races this year.

Back home, PA Gov and Senate both flip to the GOP as well as PA-3


Get ready for Senator Sharon Angle

Kendrick Meek gets under 20% in FL Senate

Republican candidate for Gov in Colorado gets under 10%

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Call the outcome of the Senate, House, and Governorships.

Any upset specials or particular races that you're watching?


I'll (try to remember to) close this thread Tuesday morning and we'll see who PPP's premier prognosticator is.


My guess

House 225 Rep, 210 Dem

Senate 49 Rep, 49 Dem, 2 Ind. Watch for post election rumors of Ben Nelson and Joe Lieberman jumping ship to the GOP

Gov's 30 Rep, 19 Dem, 1 Ind


My district VA-2 goes from Dem to Rep. No VA Gov or Senate races this year.

Back home, PA Gov and Senate both flip to the GOP as well as PA-3


Get ready for Senator Sharon Angle

Kendrick Meek gets under 20% in FL Senate

Republican candidate for Gov in Colorado gets under 10%


I'm calling Pat Toomey over Sestak in PA. I see the Republicans taking the house, but not the Senate. Reid and Boxer will survive. PA governor to Corbett. Onorato's a joke. Thank God the long teilight of Easy Ed Rendell will be ended. What a crook.

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God I love NY! :lol:


For all the guy's nuttiness... 0:) This is why they should keep debates open to all.


What's up with the gloves too?

He claims that he won't be able to breathe if he takes them off. Something to do with handling dangerous chemicals in Vietnam.

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I believe the GOP will have a turnover of:


52 House seats


8 Senate seats


although the union machine will be strong in Nevada and PA and those two could remain Democratic.


Washington and WV could possibly go to the GOP but I don't believe they will.


Also, in regards to who could switch parties, Nelson is a possibility and so is Lieberman. If Lieberman were to switch it would be in order to keep his powerful chairman position but it doesn't matter, that guy is screwed no matter what in the next election. In today's political climate, in order to survive you have to have a strong base and he is a man without a home right now. Nelson, it would make sense that he would do so, but his "Nebraska Cornhusker" deal I believe sealed his fate. Another guy who should switch parties would be Manchin, the guy is against the health insurance law, Wall Street, Cap and Trade, Cardcheck, he's a NRA and pro life guy. In other words he's a republican, he should switch and the guy is so popular in WV if he did switch it wouldn't hurt him politically.


I also believe Rubio will come close to getting more votes than both Crist and Meek.



And I believe Tancredo makes it a close race within 5 points but ultimately Hickenlooper wins.

The two most important governor's races are the Ohio and Florida races. Florida has a semi weak candidate in Scott, I actually believe he would be very capable, but he has a shady past in regards to the Medicare Fraud deal. Sink his opponent was caught cheating and lying and that may hurt her plus the Clinton/Meek/Crist debacle could demoralize African American voters and not show up for Meek in the numbers he was going to get which of course would hurt Sink. I believe Scott wins.


Kasich I believe wins over Strickland in Ohio.

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although the union machine will be strong in Nevada and PA and those two could remain Democratic.


Toomey will beat Sestak, he's got a 7 point margin last I checked, and he has a much stronger machine and deeper pockets. Also, the critical PA governorship will switch to a Republican before redistricting happens.

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Toomey will beat Sestak, he's got a 7 point margin last I checked, and he has a much stronger machine and deeper pockets. Also, the critical PA governorship will switch to a Republican before redistricting happens.

I hope so, even though the latest Morning Call poll has it back down to 2 points. I happen to think Toomey would be a very good senator, he has a wonderful economic mind whereas Sestak is a social justice sort of guy.

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Republicans win House, but not Senate.


Reid and Boxer will win.

Jerry Brown will win in California.

Gerry Connolly will win in VA.

O'Malley will win in MD.


Joseph Sestak has a great shot to win in PA. Ought to be very close.


The idea of placing candidates like Sharon Angle, Christine O'Donnell and eventually Presidential Candidate Palin scare the hell out of me.

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I hope so, even though the latest Morning Call poll has it back down to 2 points. I happen to think Toomey would be a very good senator, he has a wonderful economic mind whereas Sestak is a social justice sort of guy.


Actually I see 50 to 46. But whatever, It hink Toomey wins because he'll win the Lehigh Valley handily.

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New York is really good at giving us gubernatorial candidates whose agenda we can get behind <_<

thats the root of the problem. the republican core is sick and tired of RINO's being nominated and ran as "democrat-lite" and Paladino had every opportunity in the world but ultimatly self destructed his own campaign.


andrew cuomo oversaw HUD in the housing bubble meltdown and paladino hasnt even mentioned it once but would rather spend his time yelling a reporters. it's a shame. here is to 4 more years of the same big government high taxes blood sucking downstate we have become accustomed too here :beer::blush: .

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thats the root of the problem. the republican core is sick and tired of RINO's being nominated and ran as "democrat-lite" and Paladino had every opportunity in the world but ultimatly self destructed his own campaign.


andrew cuomo oversaw HUD in the housing bubble meltdown and paladino hasnt even mentioned it once but would rather spend his time yelling a reporters. it's a shame. here is to 4 more years of the same big government high taxes blood sucking downstate we have become accustomed too here :beer::blush: .


Andrew Cuomo is a leech. He's the worst kind of populist: a !@#$ing stupid one.

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I'm calling Pat Toomey over Sestak in PA. I see the Republicans taking the house, but not the Senate. Reid and Boxer will survive. PA governor to Corbett. Onorato's a joke. Thank God the long teilight of Easy Ed Rendell will be ended. What a crook.


I take Sestak and Onorato in PA.


Corbett and Onarato are very similar. I reviewed the debates and their positions. Not sure either is going to change anything appreciably. (BTW, the first question of their last debate is "Would you allow hunting on Sundays?" No kidding. The pressing issues facing our PA Governors.)


I don't know if I can pull a lever for either Sestak or Toomey. Toomey's a social Republican to the core (even voted for a Constitutional Amendment to define marriage...extreme douchebaggery). Sestak is a Union shill. Between them, I prefer Toomey just because most of his BS social positions won't move forward and he's fiscally conservative.


On the overall success of challengers, I'll stick with this being a watershed year and challengers will beat incumbents in 10-15% of Congressional races.

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I take Sestak and Onorato in PA.


Corbett and Onarato are very similar. I reviewed the debates and their positions. Not sure either is going to change anything appreciably. (BTW, the first question of their last debate is "Would you allow hunting on Sundays?" No kidding. The pressing issues facing our PA Governors.)


I don't know if I can pull a lever for either Sestak or Toomey. Toomey's a social Republican to the core (even voted for a Constitutional Amendment to define marriage...extreme douchebaggery). Sestak is a Union shill. Between them, I prefer Toomey just because most of his BS social positions won't move forward and he's fiscally conservative.


On the overall success of challengers, I'll stick with this being a watershed year and challengers will beat incumbents in 10-15% of Congressional races.


Sestak has a better chance than onorato does.

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