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Bill Clinton pushed Kendrick Meek to quit Florida race

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If you need a reminder of the guy that you voted for, then why did you vote for him?


2008: Barr (general), Paul (primary)

2004: Badnaraik (general), Nobody Primary (grew up in closed primary state, didn't know I could vote for either party in open primary state as registered independant)

2000: Bush (general) Primary Nobody(moved from PA to VA, before PA primary but after VA primary)

1996: Harry Browne (general), Jack Kemp (write in Primary)




How about 1992?


Voted Perot, organized for him in college.

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You've gotta really admire the first black President, who tries to talk his party's candidate - who won his party's primary - to drop out of a competitive race, in order to back a renegade Rino - who lost HIS party's primary, so the voting public can ostensibly vote out the candidate from the Republican party - who actually won his party's primary over the loser Rino. Oh, and did I mention that the Democrat candidate that won his party's primary is black? Call me a racist, but I can clearly see that the man's of African American descent. In fact, he looks "blacker" - whatever that is - than the first black President himself. Either one of them, for that matter.


You can't make this stuff up.


Wasn't old enough to vote in '92. If I was I would have voted for Perot


Another jug-eared doofus with personal vendetta against a Bush.

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