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Bill Clinton pushed Kendrick Meek to quit Florida race

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Good call, and the news of that possibility pisses me off. They are desperate to win that seat, not so much so that it remains in the D column but more so to not allow Rubio to win. They know that he is a political star in the making and the fact that Clinton tried to push Meek out says it all.

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Hehe Nice call. Does the hypnofrog get an assist on that one?


Also, it remains to be seen if the same thing happens in Colorado but with the Republican quitting. The fact that a libertarian? insurgent can command 40% of the vote, in Colorado of all places, without the Republican dropping out, is a clear indicator of the mood of the country right now.


This has nothing to do with poor communication, although Obama etc. have proven they suck at that too. Rather this has to do with a "refudiation" :lol: of these policies. The poll results speak for themselves.

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What is sad is that I have heard Meek interviewed and he seemed completely dim. Rubio needs to be taken down. He is dangerous and the Dems probably see this, as well. He can gain backing from not just the GOP but the Tea Party idiots which will continue to plague the elections for the next few cycles.

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What is sad is that I have heard Meek interviewed and he seemed completely dim. Rubio needs to be taken down. He is dangerous and the Dems probably see this, as well. He can gain backing from not just the GOP but the Tea Party idiots which will continue to plague the elections for the next few cycles.


Why is Rubio dangerous? Because he doesn't want to send our country into financial ruin?

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What is sad is that I have heard Meek interviewed and he seemed completely dim. Rubio needs to be taken down. He is dangerous and the Dems probably see this, as well. He can gain backing from not just the GOP but the Tea Party idiots which will continue to plague the elections for the next few cycles.

Yeah, you are one of those people... :lol:

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Why is Rubio dangerous? Because he doesn't want to send our country into financial ruin?

Crist was on Greta Van Susteren last night and it was just embarrassing: Meek should step aside because it's the only way to defeat Rubio, who is a "radical extreme tea party candidate" who wants to "overturn Roe v. Wade" and "destroy Medicare" and "not support stem cell research for people who have Alzheimers, cancer, diabetes..." and make old people eat each other's intestines as a last meal.


It was so embarrassing, I almost wanted to vote for him just to make it stop.

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Hehe Nice call. Does the hypnofrog get an assist on that one?


Also, it remains to be seen if the same thing happens in Colorado but with the Republican quitting. The fact that a libertarian? insurgent can command 40% of the vote, in Colorado of all places, without the Republican dropping out, is a clear indicator of the mood of the country right now.


This has nothing to do with poor communication, although Obama etc. have proven they suck at that too. Rather this has to do with a "refudiation" :lol: of these policies. The poll results speak for themselves.



God I hope that the republicans and republican 2.0's (Tea Party) don't win as much as some expect.


Crist was on Greta Van Susteren last night and it was just embarrassing: Meek should step aside because it's the only way to defeat Rubio, who is a "radical extreme tea party candidate" who wants to "overturn Roe v. Wade" and "destroy Medicare" and "not support stem cell research for people who have Alzheimers, cancer, diabetes..." and make old people eat each other's intestines as a last meal.


It was so embarrassing, I almost wanted to vote for him just to make it stop.



Question.. how does Rubio stand on those issues?

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God I hope that the republicans and republican 2.0's (Tea Party) don't win as much as some expect.





Question.. how does Rubio stand on those issues?

He has repeatedly said he does not want seniors to eat other seniors' intestines as a last meal.


In all seriousness, whatever his position, he has a RCP average lead of 12% right now, so I believe your argument is not whether this are things he believes in but whether these are things you don't believe in, which, unless you live in Florida, means nothing.

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He has repeatedly said he does not want seniors to eat other seniors' intestines as a last meal.


In all seriousness, whatever his position, he has a RCP average lead of 12% right now, so I believe your argument is not whether this are things he believes in but whether these are things you don't believe in, which, unless you live in Florida, means nothing.




No arguement. Simple question does he believe in those positions. I do have family currently living in Florida, concern is having a person like that in office.

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No arguement. Simple question does he believe in those positions. I do have family currently living in Florida, concern is having a person like that in office.

I honestly have no idea. My post was not because of his positions, but because Crist embarrassed himself with his rhetoric during the interview. Maybe I should have been more specific about that. Greta was asking him specific questions about Meek and Clinton and who he talked to and who he didn't talk to and who at the WH was involved, and all he kept saying was "RUBIO IS EXTREME!"


Seriously embarrassing. Greta has become one of my favorite news commentary shows (which I only get to see maybe once or twice a week) as she seems to have unlimited access to virtually any office in the senate. Golden opportunity for Crist and he behaved like a schoolyard dolt. I would not be surprised if she had Rubio on tonight.

Edited by LABillzFan
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No arguement. Simple question does he believe in those positions. I do have family currently living in Florida, concern is having a person like that in office.

I live in Florida. He is the only one that has enough balls to talk about serious issues such as reforming S.S before the elections and for that reason alone I admire the man.



From as far back as Barry Goldwater in 1964, political candidates have risked backlash in Florida for suggesting changes to Social Security. So it was remarkable to see Marco Rubio in a national TV debate with Gov. Charlie Crist call for raising the retirement age.


Blogs and Facebook groups instantly lit up. The consensus was Rubio committed a serious gaffe. Older Americans are among the most reliable voters, and in Florida, 2.4 million of them receive Social Security.


But as he braces for Crist to exploit the issue in their intense Republican U.S. Senate primary, Rubio says it shows that he is willing to confront the uncomfortable.


"This is one of those issues that we have to deal with," he said in an interview.


Many Social Security experts agree that raising the retirement age is one of the solutions that must be considered if the 75-year-old entitlement program is to avoid insolvency.


"Any expert from any political spectrum will tell you that Rubio was right," said Andrew Biggs, former No. 2 at the Social Security Administration and now with the conservative American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research.


Rubio said during the March 28 Fox News Sunday debate that he favored raising the age only for people younger than 55, meaning current beneficiaries would not be affected.


He agrees with a sweeping entitlement reform plan advanced by U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., that would raise the age for full benefits to 70 by 2098, with the gradual climb beginning in 2018. The plan, which has gained notice beyond Washington, also includes changing an indexing formula under which benefits are adjusted. In the debate, Rubio said he's open to rejiggering the cost of living adjustment.


Asked what he would do, Crist told debate moderator Chris Wallace that raising the age "really flies in the face of an awful lot of my fellow Floridians" and said he would root out waste and fraud instead.


"Crist's answer was just a parody of the nonserious politician," Biggs said. Other experts agree waste and fraud, while it exists, is not part of the overall problem facing Social Security"


So to recap, people 55 or older won't be affected.


They want to raise the age for full benefits from 65 to 70, BY THE YEAR 2098, with the gradual climb beginning in 2018.


Then when Crist gets asked the question, what does he do? He does what he always does, which is to say anything that he believes will get him elected. It's amazing to me that he is still getting at least a quarter of the vote, how can anyone not see his politically expedient moves. He's changed his stance on abortion, he's changed his stance on oil drilling, he's changed his stance on the Bush Tax cuts, he's changed his stance on the healthcare vote, he's changed his stance on the teachers unions, and this all remarkably happened after he decided to run as an independent. He's a joke, everytime I see him I think "you poor little man, how pathetic it must be to not stand for anything".

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I live in Florida. He is the only one that has enough balls to talk about serious issues such as reforming S.S before the elections and for that reason alone I admire the man.





So to recap, people 55 or older won't be affected.


They want to raise the age for full benefits from 65 to 70, BY THE YEAR 2098, with the gradual climb beginning in 2018.


Then when Crist gets asked the question, what does he do? He does what he always does, which is to say anything that he believes will get him elected. It's amazing to me that he is still getting at least a quarter of the vote, how can anyone not see his politically expedient moves. He's changed his stance on abortion, he's changed his stance on oil drilling, he's changed his stance on the Bush Tax cuts, he's changed his stance on the healthcare vote, he's changed his stance on the teachers unions, and this all remarkably happened after he decided to run as an independent. He's a joke, everytime I see him I think "you poor little man, how pathetic it must be to not stand for anything".



He sounds like Lieberman. Do anything, say anything to get elected.

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He sounds like Lieberman. Do anything, say anything to get elected.

I wouldn't compare those two at all. The war in Iraq was very unpopular and as a democrat he supported it. He caucuses with the Democrats and he was against the public option that was wildly popular with the liberals in the blue state of Connecticut. He supported John McCain, how do you think that plays out with Democrats? Sorry, I actually find Lieberman to be quite the opposite, he is hated by the left because he takes strong positions against his party.

Edited by Magox
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Clinton chimes in, and says he never asked Meek to step aside, and said Meek never agreed to step aside.


Link here.


So Crist said it not only happened, but that he spoke to the WH about it, but Clinton and Meek insist this is nonsense.


The more this story continues, the more it becomes obvious that Crist is desperately out of his mind. If he doesn't win this race, he'll be lucky to get elected dog catcher.

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