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Jon Stewart crushes Obama

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I didn't see it, so maybe it came off better live than it did in writing, but this sounds like Obama got owned on friendly territory by (arguably) his most important ally.


What's sad is that Jon Stewart got a better interview than most "real" journalists. Obama hung in just fine but most hosts are pussies because they want a second shot at the president. I doubt Stewart will get any more White House guests for a while.

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Without clicking on the link I suppose that is the scathing review of the interview from Dana Millbank. According to Gibbs the interview was a "success"...


I somehow don't believe it was the way Obama envisioned this interview to go and it definitely shows the distinct contrast of the reception Obama love fest interview of 08 and the one of yesterday.


There is no doubt that the Obama brand isn't what it use to be, and if he goes up against a formidable opponent in 12, he's toast.

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Without clicking on the link I suppose that is the scathing review of the interview from Dana Millbank. According to Gibbs the interview was a "success"...


I somehow don't believe it was the way Obama envisioned this interview to go and it definitely shows the distinct contrast of the reception Obama love fest interview of 08 and the one of yesterday.


There is no doubt that the Obama brand isn't what it use to be, and if he goes up against a formidable opponent in 12, he's toast.



You should watch it and find out.

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Without clicking on the link I suppose that is the scathing review of the interview from Dana Millbank. According to Gibbs the interview was a "success"...


I somehow don't believe it was the way Obama envisioned this interview to go and it definitely shows the distinct contrast of the reception Obama love fest interview of 08 and the one of yesterday.


There is no doubt that the Obama brand isn't what it use to be, and if he goes up against a formidable opponent in 12, he's toast.

The best part is, it's like he doesn't even know what happened. He bought into his own hype and really thought everyone loved him because he was just that awesome. His fall from grace will be devastating.

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You should watch it and find out.

I did watch it, and "crushes" is a stretch. But you don't need to be a conservative to realize that this clearly did not go the way Obama thought it would. The minute you get to ""Change we need, but..." and hear the laughter, you realize that, in hindsight, this probably wasn't a good marketing move by any stretch.

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Dude can't even get his message out in friendly territory these days. No wonder he doesn't have the cajones to book an interview on Fox News

Not to mention the last time he did an interview at Fox, prior to the passage of Obamacare, he got his panties twisted when Brett Baier wouldn't just let him ramble. Probably the best Obama interview to date, not because Obama floundered, but because Baier never let him off the ropes.

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There is no doubt that the Obama brand isn't what it use to be, and if he goes up against a formidable opponent in 12, he's toast.


Big "if." It will either be Palin (not formidable) or someone else with Palin running Tea Party and splitting the vote to help BO get reelected.


Interestingly, I bet Hillary could beat BO in a primary right now. I bet she would run too.

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Crushed? yeah if you are delusional.


Jim Cramer = Crushed


Jon Steward asked some mildly tough questions he could have asked about the wars, continuing violations of the forth Amendment,continuing expansion of executive power, continuing lack of transparency in government and about 10 other issues that many progressives aren't really too happy about with Obama.


Crushed? maybe if the total fawning FOX displays with conservatives is your standard.

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I'm not a Obama fan of course but you don't call the POTUS "Dude." :thumbdown:


I'm a huge fan of the show but also found that moment unfortunate. Obama rolled with it but come on Jon: "Mr. President," especially as your guest.


Just a faux pas though--not an insult.

Edited by Peace
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Big "if." It will either be Palin (not formidable) or someone else with Palin running Tea Party and splitting the vote to help BO get reelected.


Interestingly, I bet Hillary could beat BO in a primary right now. I bet she would run too.

The only ones who can beat him in my estimations would either be Romney (who probably won't make it out of the primaries), Mitch Daniels, Chris Christie (if he decided to run) or John Thune. It has to be someone who appeals to the independents and one that has a good fiscal track record. Without question Mitch Daniels is the most qualified, but unfortunately he's recently made some suggestions (which were fiscally responsible) that pretty much will eliminate him from winning the primaries. I hate to say it, if Sarah runs, she wins the tea party vote therefore winning the primaries which is where the energy lies. Then of course she would get crushed in the general election and we'd see another 4 more years of Obama.

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I finally saw the entire thing last night. There was no crushing. They had a good reparte and Stewart asked him some straightforward but not tough questions. The "dude" remark looked worse on paper than it came across in the interview as it was directed more to Obama's remark than Obama the pres but whatever. That's a molehill. The interview was good. Obama came across well (And I don't like him) and Stewart came across fantastic--funny, not intimidated (even as Obama leaned into him at one point), quick-witted.

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