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Home Grown Terror


Al-Qaida makes a full press for Muslims in America and other Western nations to wage homegrown terrorist attacks in the second issue of its English-language magazine, offering grisly suggestions that “would cause chaos and trauma among the public.”


"The idea is to use a pickup truck as a mowing machine, not to mow grass but mow down the enemies of Allah,” Ibrahim writes. “Maximum carnage” can be created by adding steel blades to the front grill of the truck and driving it at high speed into a crowd of pedestrians. The attacker can bring a gun to “finish off your work if your vehicle gets grounded during the attack.”


:blink: :blink:



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Home Grown Terror


Al-Qaida makes a full press for Muslims in America and other Western nations to wage homegrown terrorist attacks in the second issue of its English-language magazine, offering grisly suggestions that “would cause chaos and trauma among the public.”


"The idea is to use a pickup truck as a mowing machine, not to mow grass but mow down the enemies of Allah,” Ibrahim writes. “Maximum carnage” can be created by adding steel blades to the front grill of the truck and driving it at high speed into a crowd of pedestrians. The attacker can bring a gun to “finish off your work if your vehicle gets grounded during the attack.”


:blink: :blink:


I wonder if Jaun Williams will be nervous when he sees an F-150 in a parking lot?

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I wonder if Jaun Williams will be nervous when he sees an F-150 in a parking lot?


I am...usually driven by a trucknut hanging redneck, toothless sister !@#$ing dolt.


See...the "target" there is white. So such a feeling is OK.

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Yes, we should negotiate with these people. Perhaps if we bow to them a little more, and show more respect for their point of view, they won't be completely psychotic douchebags. :rolleyes:



Yeah, I say we take off, nuke the site from orbit, It's the only way to be sure......

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“Maximum carnage” can be created by adding steel blades to the front grill of the truck and driving it at high speed into a crowd of pedestrians.

Nothing that I don't see a lot of every year up here.


Probably in an attempt to fit in. They don't realize that real Americans buy imports.

I drive an import, my Ford was imported from Canada.

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