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Xbox or PS3?


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Today I got a check from work as a furlough reimbursement, and I've decided to blow the money on something I enterily don't need -- a gaming system. It's pretty clear that I'm not a serious gamer, otherwise I would have one of these by now, but I have a 10-week-old baby girl at home, so I find myself on the couch a lot more often these days.


Which system do you all prefer? I can say this -- I don't care about BluRay. I care about reliability, game quality and wireless capability. A couple more notes: I have an iMac -- will that adversely affect any kind of wireless connectivity with the Xbox? Which system is better for online play?


I appreciate any feedback. Thanks.

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I prefer the Xbox 360 as a pure gaming system better than the PS3. More games, I like the exclusive titles better on the 360, xbox live is superior for online play ( you do have to pay for it while the Sony's is free) and the xbox 360 controller is the best controller I have ever used on a console.


The biggest problem with the 360 is reliability issues but with the new model that is on the market, those problems are solved. There are some reliability issues with the PS3 as well but nowhere close to the history of the 360.


As a all-around home theater and gaming system the PS3 is a superb machine that offers a ton of value and has a lot of great games. To this day the PS3 is still one of the best Blu-ray players around that competes well even with some of the current Panasonic and OPPO models.

Edited by BuffaloBillsForever
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Today I got a check from work as a furlough reimbursement, and I've decided to blow the money on something I enterily don't need -- a gaming system. It's pretty clear that I'm not a serious gamer, otherwise I would have one of these by now, but I have a 10-week-old baby girl at home, so I find myself on the couch a lot more often these days.


Which system do you all prefer? I can say this -- I don't care about BluRay. I care about reliability, game quality and wireless capability. A couple more notes: I have an iMac -- will that adversely affect any kind of wireless connectivity with the Xbox? Which system is better for online play?


I appreciate any feedback. Thanks.

I have a PS3 ny son has xbox. He has already had the red ring of death. I haven't had any trouble.

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I say go with the PS3. It has some great games that you can play forever (RDR, Bad Company 2, Bioshock & Bioshock 2, Uncharted 2, MW2, and of course MGS 4), and the online community isn't made up exclusively of 12-year-olds calling you 20 different synonyms for a homosexual male.

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Today I got a check from work as a furlough reimbursement, and I've decided to blow the money on something I enterily don't need -- a gaming system. It's pretty clear that I'm not a serious gamer, otherwise I would have one of these by now, but I have a 10-week-old baby girl at home, so I find myself on the couch a lot more often these days.


Which system do you all prefer? I can say this -- I don't care about BluRay. I care about reliability, game quality and wireless capability. A couple more notes: I have an iMac -- will that adversely affect any kind of wireless connectivity with the Xbox? Which system is better for online play?


I appreciate any feedback. Thanks.


I have an Xbox 360 and I love it. I've gotten the Red Ring of Death once over a 4 year period and it was covered under warranty so it was no problem and they sent me a new replacement model within three weeks with a free 1 year warranty and a free month of Xbox Live. I've had no problems since and I absolutely love the console.

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I love the PS3--free online community, blu ray, intuitive controller, cheap downloadable games...

and not for nothing the worst part about online gaming is online gamers. xbox live seems to have a metric ton of hyper aggressive d-bags. PS3 is mellower. my experience at least.

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The biggest difference between the two consoles is the controller which is really important to me and the exclusives. The "quality" of the games are a wash, just depends on your taste.


Big Exclusive Titles for PS3:

  • Uncharted 1 & 2
  • Resistance 1 & 2
  • MGS 4
  • LittleBigPlanet
  • Killzone 1 & 2


Big Exclusive Title for Xbox 360:

  • Mass Effect 1 & 2
  • PGR 3 & 4
  • Halo 3, Halo 3:ODST, Halo Reach
  • Gears of War 1 & 2
  • Fable 2 & 3 (upcoming)
  • Forza Motorsport 2 & 3
  • Crackdown 1 & 2

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I have an xbox 360 and really like it...that being said, if I were looking into what to buy TODAY, I'd probably go with the PS3.

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I love the PS3--free online community, blu ray, intuitive controller, cheap downloadable games...

and not for nothing the worst part about online gaming is online gamers. xbox live seems to have a metric ton of hyper aggressive d-bags. PS3 is mellower. my experience at least.

Agreed especially on the online gamer thing. Seems like there's a lot more d-bags on xbox. You'll be verbally assaulted (and i do mean assaulted) whether you're good, bad, or average. A lot less of that on ps3. Ps3 is more durable I've had mine for over two and a half years and never a problem with it. All my friends with an xbox are on at least their second machine and usually more than that. Games are the same give or take a few.

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Agreed especially on the online gamer thing. Seems like there's a lot more d-bags on xbox. You'll be verbally assaulted (and i do mean assaulted) whether you're good, bad, or average. A lot less of that on ps3. Ps3 is more durable I've had mine for over two and a half years and never a problem with it. All my friends with an xbox are on at least their second machine and usually more than that. Games are the same give or take a few.


Xbox gives a free headset with every console, PS3 you have to buy separate. Maybe that's why there are more d-bags on Xbox Live. Also, I'm not gonna make my decision on whether I want Xbox or PS3 based on 12 year olds that talk into a headset that you don't have to pay attention to if you don't want. There is a mute button for most online games.

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You're probably going to be fine no matter which decision you make. You said you didn't care about bluray, but that really is one of the big plusses to the PS3. Another thing that I think plays a role in this kind of decision is if you have a history with either system. If you've player earlier games from those exclusive series, that'll factor it. I went with a PS3 a few years back based almost completely on the fact that I've been playing Metal Gear games all the way back to the NES days.

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Xbox gives a free headset with every console, PS3 you have to buy separate. Maybe that's why there are more d-bags on Xbox Live. Also, I'm not gonna make my decision on whether I want Xbox or PS3 based on 12 year olds that talk into a headset that you don't have to pay attention to if you don't want. There is a mute button for most online games.

x box pride

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Defiantly go with PS3. Dont have to pay for online gaming and you have wifi built right into it. Also blue ray system with 3-d capabilities. Blue ray cds can store more information so exclusive PS3 games probably have better graphics and longer game play. If you like racing games I would buy Grand Tourismo 5. The game looks sick.


Xbox gives a free headset with every console, PS3 you have to buy separate. Maybe that's why there are more d-bags on Xbox Live. Also, I'm not gonna make my decision on whether I want Xbox or PS3 based on 12 year olds that talk into a headset that you don't have to pay attention to if you don't want. There is a mute button for most online games.

You dont have to pay for Play station Network. So i can spend my 50 bucks on a brand new headset.

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I'd imagine that the free online play must be appealing with a 10 month old in the house.


Haha, 10-week! Yes, for sure, it certainly has me leaning the PS3 way. I appreciate all the feedback. It seems to me like they're both great systems. Also, I'm reading that the iMac setup with Xbox users has been frustrating.

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Blue ray cds can store more information so exclusive PS3 games probably have better graphics and longer game play


You can say that, but it actually isn't true - the 360 generally has better graphics in a lot of games, although I doubt most people would notice - the difference isn't that great.


The 360 will soon (month or so) have ESPN 360 streaming on it -- that could be a huge difference maker if you like watching sports. They're also further ahead in IPTV.


I'm surprised to hear about all of the negative online experiences -- but I suppose I play with people I know 80% of the time so it's not that big of a deal. There's a thread in the Consumer Forum with gamertags for TSW folks. Online play isn't free, but it's only ~$40/year if you shop around. I actually got three years for $90. The service provides a lot more than the PS3, thus the cost.


Keep in mind also that Xbox will be releasing Kinect in a few weeks - it's a camera system that can sense your motions and can be used to play games, control the 360, etc. It supposedly can sense multiple people, and can do facial recognition to know who you are. Time will tell how good it is, and it costs $150, but nobody else has anything like it.




The list of exclusive titles is a big factor as well, as a previous poster mentioned. Also, a lot of content comes out to the 360 before the PS3 (Fallout DLC, for example) so if you want to play it first, you need a 360. If you have patience (3-6 months usually), it's a wash.


Controller is purely a personal decision. I really don't like the PS3 controller, but love the 360 controller. You should try 'em both out if possible.


Personally, I think the 360 has better exclusive titles (Halo, Gears of War, Crackdown, Fable), but some people would say MSG is better, so look at what kind of games you prefer. :)

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