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Thoughts on the game, Baltimore, crab cakes


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Just got back to Dallas from the game.


R. Rich...thanks for the pregame spread, it couldn't have gone any better. Good food, beer & plenty of Bills fans (one Steeler fan too), what else do you need to get ready for a Bills game? A plus was the crab cakes at G&M. Crab cakes, cream of crab soup...damn, I miss East Coast seafood (anybody want some catfish?) You and Lisa are terrific hosts...thank you again and I'll see you soon.


Finally got to meet Mr. & Mrs. Mead along with Mead Jr. It's about damn time Rande, we've been talking here for years. It was really great to share beer and stories with you. Next time I'll head up your way so that I get to try that famous Stromboli! Thanks for introducing me to Paul and his lovely wife (happy birthday!). Next time I'm in Virginia I just might have to look them up. I'll be watching for that Batavia sign at home games too Paul.


Mr. Info...great talking to and meeting you. It is really nice to put a name with a face.


Split a pair of game tickets with Jay Rubio...Thanks Jay, we saw a decent game that coulda woulda shoulda ended differently. I enjoyed watching the game with you and I realize that I'm the reason the Bills ended up losing in OT. I had to catch a flight so I went down to the lower bowl to watch OT. I should have stayed in my seat...I take full blame for the loss.


The game from my perspective...Obvioulsy the end of the first half and the beginning of the second were killers. Fitz did a decent job and really spread the ball around. Most of his throws were accurate, but the bad ones were really bad. He's got a weird, almost sidearm delivery. J R reasoned that this could be the reason for the batted balls. Most of the time he put the ball where it belonged...hit the correct receiver, but damn, he had a couple horrid throws. On the final (i think it was the final) interception there was no MLB, and only one tackle over center. For some reason Hangartner just let him waltz on in and Fitz threw the ball up for grabs...horrid. On our last drive in regulation he rolled right away from pressure and threw to the outside incomplete...I was screaming my head off and pointing at Roscoe...alone in the middle of the field with no Raven within 15 yards...damn...coulda woulda shoulda...


I thought the O-line played well. I'm not sure if that's progress or an indictment of the Ravens players and coaches. I'll hope for progress. I watched Bell as much as possible and I think he played well. Fred Jackson played well except for one bad drop. The illegal formation penalty was a killer on the pass to Freddy (it was Jackson wasn't it?). That was a play they were setting the Ranvens up for all game and they blew it before the play even started. Spiller made the most of his opportunities from the backfield but I wish he would have returned a couple of those kicks rather than taking a touchback.


Put me in the group that allows Fitz to groom a long term QB. He isn't the answer, but he'll get you to the time 'that guy' is ready assuming the FO pulls the trigger.


Defense...front can't stop the run...we were lucky the Ravens didn't run more. Kelsay is Kelsay which means he can't contain, can't support against the run, and can't cover.


Byrd was way way late on one long pass when there was only one receiver for him to worry about.


It's late, I made it to the airport with 30 minutes to spare...my lovely wife left my bottle of Oban in the fridge so it was chilled for me (co-workers have dubbed her The Saint which is probably fitting). I've been sipping as I type and it's time to call it a night.


Thanks RR, JR, mead, Paul, Mr. Info...good times today...coulda woulda shoulda...

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