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NPR fires Juan Williams


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What the !@#$ is that supposed to mean?

After reading through the remainder of this thread from my last post, I am betting he has no idea.


You see, the regurgitation machine appears to be down, and the big words stop making sense when you can't sync them up in real time, from other people "at the college level".




Everything Big Cat has said boils down to:

1. I'm a hypocrite

2. But, I'm smart enough to know people will call me that, so...

3. I will use the Clintonesque defense: "Yeah but, those people over there are doing the same stupid crap I am..." so...

4. I would defend the act of ass-raping nuns, if it meant defending a Democrat who got caught ass-raping nuns, but at least you can't call me a hypocrite.


5. Oh, and don't forget that I am morally superior to all of you...because I go to college.(As if we all don't have degrees)


(EDIT) 6. Besides, ass-raping nuns is just part of "the business", don't you know that?


I wonder how this woman(for lack of an appropriate term) felt about the Bill Clinton incident. Hmmm...

Opens can of Pre-Fabricated Response:


"Bill Clinton has done more for women's issues than any President. Therefore, we support him, blah, blah, blah"


...and have exactly 0 intellectual honesty and moral courage.


As we see with Big Cat: there's no such thing as "wrong", as opposed to "right", when we are talking about people on the left. However, if somebody on the right does something "wrong", then suddenly he turns into Che Guevara and wants to oversee summary executions.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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After reading through the remainder of this thread from my last post, I am betting he has no idea.


You see, the regurgitation machine appears to be down, and the big words stop making sense when you can't sync them up in real time, from other people "at the college level".




Everything Big Cat has said boils down to:

1. I'm a hypocrite

2. But, I'm smart enough to know people will call me that, so...

3. I will use the Clintonesque defense: "Yeah but, those people over there are doing the same stupid crap I am..." so...

4. I would defend the act of ass-raping nuns, if it meant defending a Democrat who got caught ass-raping nuns, but at least you can't call me a hypocrite.


5. Oh, and don't forget that I am morally superior to all of you...because I go to college.(As if we all don't have degrees)


(EDIT) 6. Besides, ass-raping nuns is just part of "the business", don't you know that?



Opens can of Pre-Fabricated Response:


"Bill Clinton has done more for women's issues than any President. Therefore, we support him, blah, blah, blah"


...and have exactly 0 intellectual honesty and moral courage.


As we see with Big Cat: there's no such thing as "wrong", as opposed to "right", when we are talking about people on the left. However, if somebody on the right does something "wrong", then suddenly he turns into Che Guevara and wants to oversee summary executions.


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It means that liberals want to be nice to everyone, and some people...don't.


And when somebody steps outside the liberal contention of "nice," the liberals get real nasty. It's hypocritical, but I still think that cultivating a 'nice' rhetorical environment ought to be the goal. I just don't' know how you go about doing it, and liberals--every time they get 'nasty'--are failing at their own ends by violating their own means.

I'm still not clear on this. Are you suggesting that this culture of "nice" rhetoric is devoid of any statements that anyone might find vaguely offensive, or where people can be pleasant despite having their fragile sensitivities offended?


After reading through the remainder of this thread from my last post, I am betting he has no idea.


You see, the regurgitation machine appears to be down, and the big words stop making sense when you can't sync them up in real time, from other people "at the college level".




Everything Big Cat has said boils down to:

1. I'm a hypocrite

2. But, I'm smart enough to know people will call me that, so...

3. I will use the Clintonesque defense: "Yeah but, those people over there are doing the same stupid crap I am..." so...

4. I would defend the act of ass-raping nuns, if it meant defending a Democrat who got caught ass-raping nuns, but at least you can't call me a hypocrite.


5. Oh, and don't forget that I am morally superior to all of you...because I go to college.(As if we all don't have degrees)


(EDIT) 6. Besides, ass-raping nuns is just part of "the business", don't you know that?



Opens can of Pre-Fabricated Response:


"Bill Clinton has done more for women's issues than any President. Therefore, we support him, blah, blah, blah"


...and have exactly 0 intellectual honesty and moral courage.


As we see with Big Cat: there's no such thing as "wrong", as opposed to "right", when we are talking about people on the left. However, if somebody on the right does something "wrong", then suddenly he turns into Che Guevara and wants to oversee summary executions.

Gotta love the college know it alls.

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I'm still not clear on this. Are you suggesting that this culture of "nice" rhetoric is devoid of any statements that anyone might find vaguely offensive, or where people can be pleasant despite having their fragile sensitivities offended?



Gotta love the college know it alls.


First, I'm not a college student.


Second, I'm saying they want a culture where everyone's nice, but when someone isn't nice, they get their panties so wadded up that they end up breaking their own rules, e.g., firing someone for saying something not-'nice.'


I think we should foster public discourse in which everyone is nice. And frankly, I don't think it's 'nice' to say you get scared on an airplane when you see someone who looks Muslim--what, exactly, Muslimi look like, I'm curious to know.


But in their noblest mission of fostering that type of environment (assuming for a moment that NPR is liberal--a 'fact' here, but not elsewhere), NPR screwed the pooch with their own brand of intolerance. That's the hypocrisy I'm talking about. But again, I don't disagree with the ends, just the means.

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First, I'm not a college student.


Second, I'm saying they want a culture where everyone's nice, but when someone isn't nice, they get their panties so wadded up that they end up breaking their own rules, e.g., firing someone for saying something not-'nice.'


I think we should foster public discourse in which everyone is nice. And frankly, I don't think it's 'nice' to say you get scared on an airplane when you see someone who looks Muslim--what, exactly, Muslimi look like, I'm curious to know.


But in their noblest mission of fostering that type of environment (assuming for a moment that NPR is liberal--a 'fact' here, but not elsewhere), NPR screwed the pooch with their own brand of intolerance. That's the hypocrisy I'm talking about. But again, I don't disagree with the ends, just the means.


There are plenty of times in life where being nice just isn't the right option.

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And frankly, I don't think it's 'nice' to say you get scared on an airplane when you see someone who looks Muslim--what, exactly, Muslimi look like, I'm curious to know.


Just wondering, who said that they get scared on an airplane when they see someone who looks "muslim"?

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Just wondering, who said that they get scared on an airplane when they see someone who looks "muslim"?

Maybe that Crocodile on that flight in the Congo was dressed as a muslim. Everyone panics, runs to the front of the plane. It crashes. Mission accomplished.


Frankly I am wondering if he was not just fired for being stupid. I mean, if you are a muslim !@#$head terrorist then the last thing you would wear on a plane (or anywhere else you might be planning to carry out an attack) is muslim clothing. Hooded sweatshirts, baseball caps and being clean shaven would be the order of the day.

Edited by Britbillsfan
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First, I'm not a college student.

...anymore. Did you graduate, quit, or get booted?

Congrats on any of the above, as long as there is a good story to go along with it.

Second, I'm saying they want a culture where everyone's nice, but when someone isn't nice, they get their panties so wadded up that they end up breaking their own rules, e.g., firing someone for saying something not-'nice.'


I think we should foster public discourse in which everyone is nice. And frankly, I don't think it's 'nice' to say you get scared on an airplane when you see someone who looks Muslim--what, exactly, Muslimi look like, I'm curious to know.

Plagiarizing Rosie O'Donnell does you no favors here my friend. This naivete is just as ridiculous as her being "against guns", while employing an armed security force. The American people are angry right now, and they have every right to be angry. Obama can call us idiots all he likes, it doesn't change the fact that he sucks at his job.

But in their noblest mission of fostering that type of environment (assuming for a moment that NPR is liberal--a 'fact' here, but not elsewhere), NPR screwed the pooch with their own brand of intolerance. That's the hypocrisy I'm talking about. But again, I don't disagree with the ends, just the means.

What ends are you referring to? Intolerance? Hypocrisy? 1000 free gallons of bad PR that they will never live down? There's nothing good about this for NPR. What possible purpose does this action serve other then making them look like the smug, petty little turds that they obviously are?


You are trying to take a bushel of BS, and make lemonade. You drink it. We don't want any.

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There are plenty of times in life where being nice just isn't the right option.


Depends, I guess. In issues of discourse, I don't think that's true. Sticks and stones, right?


Just wondering, who said that they get scared on an airplane when they see someone who looks "muslim"?


“I mean, look, Bill, I’m not a bigot,” Williams said on the "The O'Reilly Factor" Monday. “But when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous.”


Is Williams an expert on "Muslim garb?" Does he know what all the different types of 'garb' denote when it comes to the respective Muslim belief systems?


Does a robe and turban a Muslim make?


Maybe that Crocodile on that flight in the Congo was dressed as a muslim. Everyone panics, runs to the front of the plane. It crashes. Mission accomplished.


Frankly I am wondering if he was not just fired for being stupid. I mean, if you are a muslim !@#$head terrorist then the last thing you would wear on a plane (or anywhere else you might be planning to carry out an attack) is muslim clothing. Hooded sweatshirts, baseball caps and being clean shaven would be the order of the day.


Best point in the whole thread.


...anymore. Did you graduate, quit, or get booted?

Congrats on any of the above, as long as there is a good story to go along with it.


Plagiarizing Rosie O'Donnell does you no favors here my friend. This naivete is just as ridiculous as her being "against guns", while employing an armed security force. The American people are angry right now, and they have every right to be angry. Obama can call us idiots all he likes, it doesn't change the fact that he sucks at his job.


What ends are you referring to? Intolerance? Hypocrisy? 1000 free gallons of bad PR that they will never live down? There's nothing good about this for NPR. What possible purpose does this action serve other then making them look like the smug, petty little turds that they obviously are?


You are trying to take a bushel of BS, and make lemonade. You drink it. We don't want any.


You're a very, very poor reader.

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Is Williams an expert on "Muslim garb?" Does he know what all the different types of 'garb' denote when it comes to the respective Muslim belief systems?


Does a robe and turban a Muslim make?





You're a very, very poor reader.

I think you caught yourself there.

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Maybe that Crocodile on that flight in the Congo was dressed as a muslim. Everyone panics, runs to the front of the plane. It crashes. Mission accomplished.


Frankly I am wondering if he was not just fired for being stupid. I mean, if you are a muslim !@#$head terrorist then the last thing you would wear on a plane (or anywhere else you might be planning to carry out an attack) is muslim clothing. Hooded sweatshirts, baseball caps and being clean shaven would be the order of the day.

In other words, stereotypes are lazy, bad and sometimes dangerous :thumbsup:

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You're a very, very poor reader.

Blah, blah


What ends are you referring to? Answer the question.


Go ahead and tell me that the ends NPR got were "what they wanted all along". :rolleyes: Yeeesss, this was all part of the their master plan, it's jut that we are too stupid to understand it. :lol: While you are at it, tell me why their CEO shouldn't be auto-fired, along with whoever is doing their PR...."during fund-raising week". :lol:

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how would people feel if williams said "i feel uncomfortable and worried every time i see a group of jews on a plane in their garb". i'll bet the reaction would be very different and he'd have a lot less defenders. in fact, something similar recently occurred at cnn involving antisemitic remarks and we didn't see a general revolt against that network. i think they were both wrong in their remarks and cnn and npr were justified in their responses. this type of "commentary" has no place at a serious news network. at fox, it's business as usual...so williams ended where he belonged.

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how would people feel if williams said "i feel uncomfortable and worried every time i see a group of jews on a plane in their garb". i'll bet the reaction would be very different and he'd have a lot less defenders. in fact, something similar recently occurred at cnn involving antisemitic remarks and we didn't see a general revolt against that network. i think they were both wrong in their remarks and cnn and npr were justified in their responses. this type of "commentary" has no place at a serious news network. at fox, it's business as usual...so williams ended where he belonged.

The man told the truth and got fired for it, period.


Yeah, all of us were real idiots for being worried AFTER 9/11, especially since the shoe bomber and the underwear bomber....didn't happen, right? :rolleyes:


The bottom line is Michael Moore is an idiot, there IS a terrorist threat, and it's coming from Islamic nuts. Not Christians, not Jews, not Hari Krishnas, no, it's coming from Muslims. Crazy Muslims? Sure, but still, Muslims. I will start caring about what "moderate" Muslims think right after they prove they are doing something about the crazy Muslims. Until then, they can blow their issues and their complaining about our military interventions, right out their asses.

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Yeah, all of us were real idiots for being worried AFTER 9/11, especially since the shoe bomber and the underwear bomber....didn't happen, right? :rolleyes:


The bottom line is Michael Moore is an idiot, there IS a terrorist threat, and it's coming from Islamic nuts. Not Christians, not Jews, not Hari Krishnas, no, it's coming from Muslims. Crazy Muslims? Sure, but still, Muslims. I will start caring about what "moderate" Muslims think right after they prove they are doing something about the crazy Muslims. Until then, they can blow their issues and their complaining about our military interventions, right out their asses.

and all of this has exactly what to do with a "newsman" advancing stereotypes? it would be true for many to say that they are fearful when they step on public transport and they are the only white person there but it wouldn't smart, right nor tolerated even on fox.

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I think we should foster public discourse in which everyone is nice. And frankly, I don't think it's 'nice' to say you get scared on an airplane when you see someone who looks Muslim--what, exactly, Muslimi look like, I'm curious to know.


We really need a jerk off emoticon for crap like this.

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and all of this has exactly what to do with a "newsman" advancing stereotypes? it would be true for many to say that they are fearful when they step on public transport and they are the only white person there but it wouldn't smart, right nor tolerated even on fox.

Gotta love it when liberal demands for tolerance creates intolerance. :rolleyes: Also gotta love the circular reasoning of it all.


How about this:

Liberals have demanded tolerance of the African-American culture, but then the Mike Vick thing happens, which is a direct result of African-American culture, and all these liberal dog lovers turn on him like a mother-in-law? Damn their intolerance!


Buddy, the truth is: fighting dogs is indefensible, too much of African-American culture is counter-productive, and so is telling us that there is no Muslim terrorist threat.

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Gotta love it when liberal demands for tolerance creates intolerance. :rolleyes: Also gotta love the circular reasoning of it all.


How about this:

Liberals have demanded tolerance of the African-American culture, but then the Mike Vick thing happens, which is a direct result of African-American culture, and all these liberal dog lovers turn on him like a mother-in-law? Damn their intolerance!


Buddy, the truth is: fighting dogs is indefensible, too much of African-American culture is counter-productive, and so is telling us that there is no Muslim terrorist threat.

how bout this chief: i've seen you throw out "circular reasoning" as a counter argument multiple times. is that the concept they taught the one day you actually made your intro logic class? there are limits to tolerance and i don't know anyone including liberals who argue otherwise. for instance, no society that i'm aware of openly tolerates murder or rape. some tolerate racism and discrimination based on religon but i would argue that most americans don't.

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how would people feel if williams said "i feel uncomfortable and worried every time i see a group of jews on a plane in their garb".

You mean assuming a bunch of Jews had hijacked our own planes, flew them into our own buildings, killing 3000 of our own people, all in the name of their religion?

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