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Any one ever hear of "spice"?

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Not getting in to the whole god aspect. I do not and have never smoked weed. I find it amazing that K2 is processed while marijuana is not. Yet, marijuana is illegal. Both should be legal, but I find it hilarious that the artificial substance accepted.


By the way, K2 is not as good as Silvia (sp?), it's the root of the sage plant, according to what I have heard.

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A beginning is a very delicate time. Know then, that is is the year 10191. The known universe is ruled by the Padishah Emperor Shaddam the Fourth, my father. In this time, the most precious substance in the universe is the spice Melange. The spice extends life. The spice expands consciousness. The spice is vital to space travel. The Spacing Guild and its navigators, who the spice has mutated over 4000 years, use the orange spice gas, which gives them the ability to fold space. That is, travel to any part of the universe without moving. Oh, yes. I forgot to tell you. The spice exists on only one planet in the entire universe. A desolate, dry planet with vast deserts. Hidden away within the rocks of these deserts are a people known as the Fremen, who have long held a prophecy that a man would come, a messiah, who would lead them to true freedom. The planet is Arrakis, also known as Dune.



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Not getting in to the whole god aspect. I do not and have never smoked weed. I find it amazing that K2 is processed while marijuana is not. Yet, marijuana is illegal. Both should be legal, but I find it hilarious that the artificial substance accepted.


By the way, K2 is not as good as Silvia (sp?), it's the root of the sage plant, according to what I have heard.

it's incense formed though to sell but that is not what is happening. Very big here in Southwest VA and they are trying to make it illegal. People are smoking the incense instead of just burning it to get a high.


It is also called "POSH"

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  • 5 weeks later...

I do not and have never smoked weed.


I suggest you try it. Seriously. You will either like it or you won't. You will either handle it well, get a bit paranoid, weird, or perhaps you will feel nothing much at all. It won't hurt you. Just make sure you aren't driving, in a position where you need to be responsible for someone else, with someone you don't really trust, like, etc. If you are in a relaxed setting with an old and trusted friend, fire some up. Seriously.


It's worth the shot, IMO.




Damn, that's funny.

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because K2 is processed supposodly it wont show in a standard drug test (i'm not a chemist just what i read and have heard)

so to some people that makes it appealing.




it's much stronger than traditional pot and can have side effects.




Pot = less dangerous, but is illegal

K2 = more dangerous, but currently is legal


does that make any sense?

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I do not and have never smoked weed.

I suggest you try it. Seriously. You will either like it or you won't. You will either handle it well, get a bit paranoid, weird, or perhaps you will feel nothing much at all. It won't hurt you. Just make sure you aren't driving, in a position where you need to be responsible for someone else, with someone you don't really trust, like, etc. If you are in a relaxed setting with an old and trusted friend, fire some up. Seriously.


It's worth the shot, IMO.


Like jboy, I have never and have no intention of ever smoking weed. I have known plenty of people who do and have, and I have no desire to end up like any of them


That said...

Legalize it.


It's not up to me, you, or President Obama/Bush/Clinton/Bush/Reagan/Carter/Ford/Nixon/Johnson/Kennedy/... to decide how you want to live your life or what you want to do to your body.


Just don't ask me to subsidize your habit, rehab, or future health problems.

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By the way, K2 is not as good as Silvia (sp?), it's the root of the sage plant, according to what I have heard.



What's the criteria for "good" here?


Like jboy, I have never and have no intention of ever smoking weed. I have known plenty of people who do and have, and I have no desire to end up like any of them



Just so I am clear here, you are saying that everyone you know who has even tried pot has ended up as someone whose life is worse than yours? Or who is someone not to be emulated in any way?


I guess I am a bit confused by your statement. I know very successful and generally wonderful humans who smoke pot on occasion. I also know many who, while they may not smoke pot now, have used it at one time or another. I'm talking about doctors, lawyers, executives, professors, cops, firemen, soldiers, etc. I'm talking about people who are outstanding role models for just about anyone. So when you say "I have no desire to end up like any of them" I'm just a bit confused about what exactly you mean.


Also, I am willing to bet many people you may think deserve to be emulated in some way have also taken a puff or two in their day.

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What's the criteria for "good" here?





Just so I am clear here, you are saying that everyone you know who has even tried pot has ended up as someone whose life is worse than yours? Or who is someone not to be emulated in any way?


I guess I am a bit confused by your statement. I know very successful and generally wonderful humans who smoke pot on occasion. I also know many who, while they may not smoke pot now, have used it at one time or another. I'm talking about doctors, lawyers, executives, professors, cops, firemen, soldiers, etc. I'm talking about people who are outstanding role models for just about anyone. So when you say "I have no desire to end up like any of them" I'm just a bit confused about what exactly you mean.


Also, I am willing to bet many people you may think deserve to be emulated in some way have also taken a puff or two in their day.


Okay you got me

Instead of "any of them" I should have said 90% of them (and that's being generous)


Not all fry their brains. There are a few who survive.

But not many




My point was...

Bad Idea

But by all means go ahead and make it.


Just don't expect me help to salvage the wreckage

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What's the criteria for "good" here?





Just so I am clear here, you are saying that everyone you know who has even tried pot has ended up as someone whose life is worse than yours? Or who is someone not to be emulated in any way?


I guess I am a bit confused by your statement. I know very successful and generally wonderful humans who smoke pot on occasion. I also know many who, while they may not smoke pot now, have used it at one time or another. I'm talking about doctors, lawyers, executives, professors, cops, firemen, soldiers, etc. I'm talking about people who are outstanding role models for just about anyone. So when you say "I have no desire to end up like any of them" I'm just a bit confused about what exactly you mean.


Also, I am willing to bet many people you may think deserve to be emulated in some way have also taken a puff or two in their day.


I actually agree with that. I know a fair amount of successful respectable people who use pot. however since it is socially "frowned upon" its not something you just know or pick up on in random conversations, since many of these people value their reputations they keep their thoughts to those they trust and not out in public for all to see


sure there are plenty of pot head burnout losers, but there are probably just as many successful individuals that enjoy pot but you just would never know. I think the whole issue is one of personality and culture over drugs and abuse. If the pot head burnouts couldnt smoke pot they would just find something else to waste away on instead.

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Okay you got me

Instead of "any of them" I should have said 90% of them (and that's being generous)


Not all fry their brains. There are a few who survive.

But not many



Maybe it's a difference in our ages. I would say MOST of the people I know have at least tried pot. Certainly a huge majority of the people I grew up with have smoked pot at least once. (If you went to high school in the early 70's and didn't smoke pot, chances are you are socially awkward, IMO. It is much the same as someone who has NEVER tasted any alcohol.) I would estimate there is little difference in the success rate of those that smoked pot and those that didn't.


If I had to guess, I think a small fraction of those who have tasted alcohol end up alcoholics. I'd also guess an even smaller percentage of those who have smoked pot end up as burn outs.


I think the koolaid drinker hit the nail on the head. You have no idea how prevalent pot smoking (at one time or another) is among people you know. Since you don't smoke, they never mention it to you. For some reason people open up to me and think it is OK to tell me about their drug use. Many people who act as if they are the straightest folks in town have let me know they smoke pot...and have made it clear they don't want anyone else to know. Why do these people think it's OK to tell me? :lol:


BTW, all this drug talk has prompted me to roll a fatty. It's been weeks since I have smoked, but I think, to quote Charley Parker, Now's The Time:



Edited by The Dean
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I do not and have never smoked weed.


Good for you. I suggest you don't try it. Seriously.


Those who suggest nothing bad can come of it are wrong. I, like many others, had their first panic attack after smoking it (not the first time smoking it by far, either).

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Good for you. I suggest you don't try it. Seriously.


Those who suggest nothing bad can come of it are wrong. I, like many others, had their first panic attack after smoking it (not the first time smoking it by far, either).

(playing devil's advocate)


but on the other hand, plenty of people do REALLY dumb things (or have emotional problems) the first time they drink, or when new to drinking, or even as regular drinkers.


just giving another perspective :)

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Good for you. I suggest you don't try it. Seriously.


Those who suggest nothing bad can come of it are wrong. I, like many others, had their first panic attack after smoking it (not the first time smoking it by far, either).


I once passed out in church. True story. Wasn't the first time I had ever gone to church, either. So I advise nobody to EVER go to church based on that experience.


Very sound logic, don't you think?

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I once passed out in barchurch. True story. Wasn't the first time I had ever gone to barchurch, either. So I advise nobody to EVER go to barchurch based on that experience.


Very sound logic, don't you think?

Understand your point, but the counterpoint is way to easy to prove

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You were probably all sparked up.




Well, now let me think about that for a moment...



Understand your point, but the counterpoint is way to easy to prove



Excellent point. But I never passed out in a bar. At least not that I remember. I have passed out outside a bar, in a snow bank, in Williamstown Mass.

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