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Any one ever hear of "spice"?

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(playing devil's advocate)


but on the other hand, plenty of people do REALLY dumb things (or have emotional problems) the first time they drink, or when new to drinking, or even as regular drinkers.


just giving another perspective :)


I'm not suggesting to anybody that it would be a great idea to go out and get blasted.

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I suggest you try it. Seriously. You will either like it or you won't. You will either handle it well, get a bit paranoid, weird, or perhaps you will feel nothing much at all. It won't hurt you. Just make sure you aren't driving, in a position where you need to be responsible for someone else, with someone you don't really trust, like, etc. If you are in a relaxed setting with an old and trusted friend, fire some up. Seriously.


It's worth the shot, IMO.


Great idea. I'd bet he's never thrown himself in front of a bus either. Should he try that?


He will either like it or he won't. He will either handle it well, get a bit broken, splattered, or perhaps he will feel nothing much at all until he sees the light and walks toward it.

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Great idea. I'd bet he's never thrown himself in front of a bus either. Should he try that?


He will either like it or he won't. He will either handle it well, get a bit broken, splattered, or perhaps he will feel nothing much at all until he sees the light and walks toward it.


LOL - It's worth a shot!


Only a crayon-eating sissy wouldn't try that, at least once.


But, what if he likes it - he's going to be throwing himself at buses all the time.

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LOL - It's worth a shot!




But, what if he likes it - he's going to be throwing himself at buses all the time.



Hey, a bus is big and it generally moves fairly slowly. If you can't get under the bus before it hits you, you really deserve to die. Dontcha think?

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Good for you. I suggest you don't try it. Seriously.


Those who suggest nothing bad can come of it are wrong. I, like many others, had their first panic attack after smoking it (not the first time smoking it by far, either).


That is absurd. How can you even begin to justify blaming marijuana for someones panic attack? ESPECIALLY because it was not their first time smoking...


On another note, the only reason that marijuana makes people paranoid is because it's illegal. If alcohol were illegal, people would be saying it had the same exact effect.

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Hey, a bus is big and it generally moves fairly slowly. If you can't get under the bus before it hits you, you really deserve to die. Dontcha think?


Actually you make a good point!


That is absurd. How can you even begin to justify blaming marijuana for someones panic attack? ESPECIALLY because it was not their first time smoking...


On another note, the only reason that marijuana makes people paranoid is because it's illegal. If alcohol were illegal, people would be saying it had the same exact effect.


You cannot be serious?

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I do not and have never smoked weed.

Like jboy, I have never and have no intention of ever smoking weed.

Like these two, I've never smoked. Not that I never had the opportunity, just never saw the appeal and had no interest. Alcohol is my drug of choice and I don't even use it that often either.

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You cannot be serious?


So you are against something you know little about?




A lot depends upon the user's mental state before smoking, the environment and the user's expectations. Marijuana causes perceptual changes which make the user more aware of other peoples' feelings, enhance the enjoyment of music and give a general feeling of euphoria. It can also make the user feel agitated if they are in a situation which is not pleasant - if they are with strangers or trying to hide the fact that they are using - which is often referred to as a paranoia. Using marijuana with other drugs, such as alcohol, can make the user feel dizzy and disoriented.
Edited by Booster4324
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So you are against something you know little about?



From the same page you linked at Ilovepotcuzimaloser.com:


Panic Reactions


The majority of all adverse responses to marijuana are panic reactions in which people begin to fear that they are dying or losing their minds. Panic reactions, or "bad trips", may become so severe as to be incapacitating. Smith (1981) reports that roughly 50% of marijuana smokers in the United States have on some occasion experienced this adverse reaction.

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Smith (1981) reports that roughly 50% of marijuana smokers in the United States have on some occasion experienced this adverse reaction.


They got too stoned or were new to it. This from a guy who eats crayons and has a lot of hamsters for some bizarre reason...



Half of them get this reaction? So you have to be pretty good at smoking pot to avoid it? Is that a marketable skill? Can it get people a job say, well, I don't know as a mannequin or maybe in a zombie movie after they beat out all the Canadians?



And since when is being an animal lover bizzare? And I don't mean an animal lover in a "Big Cat" sort of way. Anyway I only have two hamsters and one comes and goes as she please because she is a mom. Plus Sammy is missing so right now I have none.

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And since when is being an animal lover bizzare? And I don't mean an animal lover in a "Big Cat" sort of way. Anyway I only have two hamsters and one comes and goes as she please because she is a mom. Plus Sammy is missing so right now I have none.


Don't worry, your secret is safe with me.

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Don't worry, your secret is safe with me.

Your reading comprehension is down both for what I wrote and the quotes from ImadeafakewebsitesoIcansaypotiscoolandlookobjective.com. Have you been lighting up already today or have you smoked enough over time that it is a permanent condition?

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Your reading comprehension is down both for what I wrote and the quotes from ImadeafakewebsitesoIcansaypotiscoolandlookobjective.com. Have you been lighting up already today or have you smoked enough over time that it is a permanent condition?


Denial is typical for people like you, isn't it... Richard.

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Half of them get this reaction? So you have to be pretty good at smoking pot to avoid it?



An unpublished study commissioned for Melissa and Doug revealed 80% of those who eat crayons experience severe stomach pains, and over 65% vomit after the experience. And yet this product is marketed to CHILDREN! :o


While I wouldn't suggest children smoke pot, it probably would help the nausea caused by a stomach full of crayons.

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Way back when I was a kid, just didn't like it.

Wine is fine.



Ditto .... though I prefer Vodka or Bourbon to wine. The libertarian in me says legalize it and tax it like all of the other vices. As long as people are smoking in their own home and they are not our driving while high what's the harm? I tend to doubt the physical damage over the long term is much worse than sa someone who smokes cigs and drinks more than a couple every day.

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