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Any one ever hear of "spice"?

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Pot is totally harmless. Well, if you don't mind a little psychosis:

Schizophrenia anyone?

And you should pick your battles. Since you are a such a health activist- you should fight for something more prevalent and much more harmful- such as BPA. Do a lttle research on that, and then get back to me how bad marijuana is. Hemp is the most useful plant in the world

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And you should pick your battles. Since you are a such a health activist- you should fight for something more prevalent and much more harmful- such as BPA. Do a lttle research on that, and then get back to me how bad marijuana is. Hemp is the most useful plant in the world


Oh, you're one of these hemp is needed for rope guys. I have no battle and I'm not a health activist. I don't know what BPA is and I no longer drink or smoke cigarettes or hemp.


My only issue with people is when they say that pot is harmless. That is garbage. There are no free lunches with nature. You use mind-altering drugs, some price will have to be paid. Maybe you're one of the lucky ones that the price isn't too high. The person who becomes schizophrenic, well he paid a higher price.


I don't go looking for research. This was right on my aol home page yesterday (there was also a study that was similar that came out two weeks ago).


I just linked to the research article. Maybe you should contact them and complain about their findings.


You potheads seem to be really paranoid about this.

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Oh, you're one of these hemp is needed for rope guys. I have no battle and I'm not a health activist. I don't know what BPA is and I no longer drink or smoke cigarettes or hemp.


My only issue with people is when they say that pot is harmless. That is garbage. There are no free lunches with nature. You use mind-altering drugs, some price will have to be paid. Maybe you're one of the lucky ones that the price isn't too high. The person who becomes schizophrenic, well he paid a higher price.


I don't go looking for research. This was right on my aol home page yesterday (there was also a study that was similar that came out two weeks ago).


I just linked to the research article. Maybe you should contact them and complain about their findings.


You potheads seem to be really paranoid about this.

BPA is ubiquitous and linked to everything from cancer to low sperm counts. wikipedia is a nice start for info "The land of the free" is such a misnomer. Repeat a lie enough times and you are likely to believe it. We couldn't make our own beer in this country until Jimmy Carter. And you still cannot make moonshine without the feds coming down on you. Seriously- ATF- how about we drop the A and T from that agency? This same myopia exists with weed. There is puritanical like zealotry with regards to weed. It all comes down to tax dollars and big business. It is fine for Monsanto to pollute our food supply with frankenfood and rBST and for BPA to be in most plastic and canned items- but we get our panties in a bunch over a bag of weed or if Janet Jackson shows a nipple. The biggest industry in this country by far is pharmaceuticals- thus making them the biggest drug dealers on the planet. But those are "good drugs". Organic weed is deemed a "bad drug". Yet pharmaceutical companys try and replicate weed in labs because there is health benefits. It is so ass backwards and retarded it is laughable. Seriously- can you imagine if the US made spinach illegal, but tried to bio engineer it and package it and sell it to you? Our founding fathers must be spinning in there graves when they see the temperance movement applied to weed. One more part to my rant for you- 1985 there were 5 private prisons. Today there are 276. What the !@#$ is a privatized prison? USA has less then 5% of the worlds population, but we have more then 25% of the worlds incarcerated. A large percentage is on drug crimes. Do you sense some hypocrisy in our ways?

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Excellent response to the points raised. **** every drug on the market discloses worse than what you posted.


Side effects include Death


I was going to respond to it as soon as I got off the phone with Ted Kaczynski, who I was helping with his similar concerns.

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I was going to respond to it as soon as I got off the phone with Ted Kaczynski, who I was helping with his similar concerns.


How about responding to the side effects of Alcohol, Tobacco, and pharmaceutical drugs? Compare them to weed.

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How about responding to the side effects of Alcohol, Tobacco, and pharmaceutical drugs? Compare them to weed.


Why would I care about them. I don't do them anymore either.........I'm only on one drug now and it's called Charlie Sheen.

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When you're stoned it's just a ride. When you're not you're in the driver's seat. I prefer to be in control.


If you smoke enough, it stops having its effects.


Personally, I used to smoke three times a day. Now, two tokes and i have to puke.

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This thread is now my favorite thread on the board, better then the Cam Newton thread.


What I do find funny is that everyone is saying that Salvia is not as bad as pharmecuticals, nor is weed. Well, they're still all not good for you and for that it's like saying you'd rather be shot in the foot then in the hand.

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This thread is now my favorite thread on the board, better then the Cam Newton thread.


What I do find funny is that everyone is saying that Salvia is not as bad as pharmecuticals, nor is weed. Well, they're still all not good for you and for that it's like saying you'd rather be shot in the foot then in the hand.


Red meat is bad for you.

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