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ESPN text alerts, let's have a little fun...


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I am sure many people here get ESPN alerts and if you do than you'll know usually you see who the message is from an instantly wonder what is going on. I have a Blackberry and it shows usually the first couple characters. Today I got one that started off "ESPN - NFL - AP: B" on my screen. It turned out to be a Browns story, but I always get a message like this or something where it could easily be believed to be Bills related. I was instantly thinking the Bills traded someone, Ralph kicked the bucket, cut someone, fired the DC, etc.


So, with today being the last day of the trade deadline, coming off our bye week, and really a time there is not much to talk about except the same 5 themes that are rechurned every day, lets play a game. What should or could that text have said that you wished would have happened or you expect will happen (suspension, etc)? Try to keep it somewhat realistic? I'll start:


"ESPN - NFL AP: Bills owner Ralph Wilson announced ownership plan to retain the franchise in Buffalo for foreseeable future


Take a shot...

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