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You're telling me that's in the First Amendment?

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In my view after learning more about her, I am convinced that she craves and loves the attention more than anything and right now Jim Demint and Sarah Palin

Suggesting a senatorial candidate craves and loves attention is like suggesting Rosie O'Donnell enjoys a little midnight snack. I can understand the left piling on a woman who is down 18 points two weeks before the election because, frankly, she is the total extent of their mid-term narrative. They have not a single accomplishment they can honestly promote with good returns, so in typical liberal fashion, they pick a tiny pebble up off the ground, hold it in the air, and try to convince everyone that an asteroid is coming.


I guess what I'm saying is, I expect that mindless stuff from conner and Frenkle. Not so much from you. And to be clear, I don't care that much beyond the fact that I found it a little surprising.


And also to be clear, I'd take a crazy, out-of-her-league ill-qualified witch over a brutally hard-left liberal like Coons any day of the week.

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Suggesting a senatorial candidate craves and loves attention is like suggesting Rosie O'Donnell enjoys a little midnight snack. I can understand the left piling on a woman who is down 18 points two weeks before the election because, frankly, she is the total extent of their mid-term narrative. They have not a single accomplishment they can honestly promote with good returns, so in typical liberal fashion, they pick a tiny pebble up off the ground, hold it in the air, and try to convince everyone that an asteroid is coming.


I guess what I'm saying is, I expect that mindless stuff from conner and Frenkle. Not so much from you. And to be clear, I don't care that much beyond the fact that I found it a little surprising.


And also to be clear, I'd take a crazy, out-of-her-league ill-qualified witch over a brutally hard-left liberal like Coons any day of the week.

She's a mess... All you have to do is see that she has always looked to be in the lime light dating back pretty close to a decade ago. She was a regular on Bill Maher's show for !@#$'s sake, all she has ever done is run for office her entire career. The last time she was running for office her mantra was national defense, this time she catches the tea party wave. I've got a pretty good sense of things and I honestly gave her a shot, but after observing her these last couple weeks and reading more about her, I've come to the conclusion that this was a colossal error, but hey, the people voted her in in the primaries, she rode the wave and now she has been caste into the national spotlight, and man is she flawed, too flawed to win any general election when more moderates come into the equation.


In regards to what the liberals have accomplished, you have no argument here. They can't run on the issues because it has been a monumental failure and everyone knows it, so all they can do is localize issues and demonize their opponents because that is all they have. I also would rather have her rubberstamp conservative legislation than the likely alternative. But in this case, the liberals got a real gift, they got a complete bafoon that was endorsed by Demint and Palin, who will end up costing them a voting senator. You would of thought that they would of vetted her better than they did, and if it happens that the GOP loses the majority by one vote, then they are the one's I will blame.

Edited by Magox
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Suggesting a senatorial candidate craves and loves attention is like suggesting Rosie O'Donnell enjoys a little midnight snack. I can understand the left piling on a woman who is down 18 points two weeks before the election because, frankly, she is the total extent of their mid-term narrative. They have not a single accomplishment they can honestly promote with good returns, so in typical liberal fashion, they pick a tiny pebble up off the ground, hold it in the air, and try to convince everyone that an asteroid is coming.


I guess what I'm saying is, I expect that mindless stuff from conner and Frenkle. Not so much from you. And to be clear, I don't care that much beyond the fact that I found it a little surprising.


And also to be clear, I'd take a crazy, out-of-her-league ill-qualified witch over a brutally hard-left liberal like Coons any day of the week.

Right, keep telling yourself that the revolution is coming...

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She's a mess... All you have to do is see that she has always looked to be in the lime light dating back pretty close to a decade ago. She was a regular on Bill Maher's show for !@#$'s sake, all she has ever done is run for office her entire career. The last time she was running for office her mantra was national defense, this time she catches the tea party wave. I've got a pretty good sense of things and I honestly gave her a shot, but after observing her these last couple weeks and reading more about her, I've come to the conclusion that this was a colossal error, but hey, the people voted her in in the primaries, she rode the wave and now she has been caste into the national spotlight, and man is she flawed, too flawed to win any general election when more moderates come into the equation.


In regards to what the liberals have accomplished, you have no argument here. They can't run on the issues because it has been a monumental failure and everyone knows it, so all they can do is localize issues and demonize their opponents because that is all they have. I also would rather have her rubberstamp conservative legislation than the likely alternative. But in this case, the liberals got a real gift, they got a complete bafoon that was endorsed by Demint and Palin, who will end up costing them a voting senator. You would of thought that they would of vetted her better than they did, and if it happens that the GOP loses the majority by one vote, then they are the one's I will blame.



How qualified does one have to be to handle the job of being a US senator???? They have to have the ability to cast a vote. WOW, does that sound like a tough job! Seriously, a jobless, homeless person off the street who held the proper fiscally conservative pro-business principles would be a better option than a pro-marxist like Coons.


She's obviously a bad candidate with a paper-thin resume , but she's clearly the better option than the far lefty Coons. After taking a good long look at look at the gigantic crater of debt the "brilliant" ivy league lawyers/politicians have put America in, I've come to the conclusion that the senate should have some "regular" people in it. Even someone who's a bottom of the barrel candidate like O'Donnell.

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How qualified does one have to be to handle the job of being a US senator???? They have to have the ability to cast a vote. WOW, does that sound like a tough job! Seriously, a jobless, homeless person off the street who held the proper fiscally conservative pro-business principles would be a better option than a pro-marxist like Coons.


She's obviously a bad candidate with a paper-thin resume , but she's clearly the better option than the far lefty Coons. After taking a good long look at look at the gigantic crater of debt the "brilliant" ivy league lawyers/politicians have put America in, I've come to the conclusion that the senate should have some "regular" people in it. Even someone who's a bottom of the barrel candidate like O'Donnell.

You wouldn't want some one of questionable background with a paper thin resume and a history of making strange and retarded comments when stuck without a teleprompter to be elected Senator. That's what the Presidency is for.

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They are all in such a hurry to get ahead of the crowd. Then they realize the crap they wrote and fix it.


More often than not I think they just leave the crap as-is...or it takes on a life of its own after being corrected, after the marginal internet media (commondreams, moveon, worldnetdaily, that other hellaciously pathetic right-wing "news" site that people here link to) repeats the original story ad nauseam.


Overall, I think this particular rewrite is an excellent example of how loosely connected to the truth of an event the reporting of it is.

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How qualified does one have to be to handle the job of being a US senator???? They have to have the ability to cast a vote. WOW, does that sound like a tough job! Seriously, a jobless, homeless person off the street who held the proper fiscally conservative pro-business principles would be a better option than a pro-marxist like Coons.


She's obviously a bad candidate with a paper-thin resume , but she's clearly the better option than the far lefty Coons. After taking a good long look at look at the gigantic crater of debt the "brilliant" ivy league lawyers/politicians have put America in, I've come to the conclusion that the senate should have some "regular" people in it. Even someone who's a bottom of the barrel candidate like O'Donnell.

That's the point that I've been trying to make, it's too bad that the more "qualified", electable and well-liked Mike Castle didn't win that Primary. Sure he made some questionable votes such as Cap and Trade and the Bank Bailout, but on most issues he would of voted for Conservative pieces of legislation, and I'm sure if he had to do the Cap and Trade Vote as a Senator, he wouldn't of voted for it this time around.


Now what happens? Coons AKA rubber stamp, will vote for whatever Democratic leadership instructs him to do. It's ok for Demint and Palin to want to endorse who they wish, but please, try vetting the candidate first, obviously they didn't. What makes this worse is that this was an important election, they are fighting for the Senate and every single one counts and now it brings the odds down considerably from winning control of the upper chamber. It's not just the vote, but control of the Senate means that they get to dictate what comes up for votes and what legislation the GOP wants to push.


It's a real shame. But whatever...

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She's a mess... All you have to do is see that she has always looked to be in the lime light dating back pretty close to a decade ago. She was a regular on Bill Maher's show for !@#$'s sake, all she has ever done is run for office her entire career. The last time she was running for office her mantra was national defense, this time she catches the tea party wave. I've got a pretty good sense of things and I honestly gave her a shot, but after observing her these last couple weeks and reading more about her, I've come to the conclusion that this was a colossal error, but hey, the people voted her in in the primaries, she rode the wave and now she has been caste into the national spotlight, and man is she flawed, too flawed to win any general election when more moderates come into the equation.


In regards to what the liberals have accomplished, you have no argument here. They can't run on the issues because it has been a monumental failure and everyone knows it, so all they can do is localize issues and demonize their opponents because that is all they have. I also would rather have her rubberstamp conservative legislation than the likely alternative. But in this case, the liberals got a real gift, they got a complete bafoon that was endorsed by Demint and Palin, who will end up costing them a voting senator. You would of thought that they would of vetted her better than they did, and if it happens that the GOP loses the majority by one vote, then they are the one's I will blame.

All of which I can't or won't argue with. It's just that this uprising of tea party candidates is new and imperfect, and things will go wrong with an O'Donnell like they will with an Alvin Greene, a phenomenon that makes O'Donnell's primary win look like an accounting error. The difference between O'Donnell and Greene is that no one was responsible for Greene winning his primary, so no one is to blame. It happens. They'll lose. People will learn from this. But the woman is down 18 points. They'll call that race the moment the polls close.


Which is all to say you are generally a bigger picture guy, and in recognizing that truth, you usually avoid the low-hanging fruit.


And note to Frenkle: I don't need a revolution. I just need someone to stop this abortion of an administration from FUBAR'ing what's left of our economy. Give me GOP control of the house and I'll be happier than conner receiving his Bill Nye Super Secret Climate Change Decoder Ring.

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That's the point that I've been trying to make, it's too bad that the more "qualified", electable and well-liked Mike Castle didn't win that Primary. Sure he made some questionable votes such as Cap and Trade and the Bank Bailout, but on most issues he would of voted for Conservative pieces of legislation, and I'm sure if he had to do the Cap and Trade Vote as a Senator, he wouldn't of voted for it this time around.


Now what happens? Coons AKA rubber stamp, will vote for whatever Democratic leadership instructs him to do. It's ok for Demint and Palin to want to endorse who they wish, but please, try vetting the candidate first, obviously they didn't. What makes this worse is that this was an important election, they are fighting for the Senate and every single one counts and now it brings the odds down considerably from winning control of the upper chamber. It's not just the vote, but control of the Senate means that they get to dictate what comes up for votes and what legislation the GOP wants to push.


It's a real shame. But whatever...



I can't get all worked up over an older-than-dirt, retirement aged, career politician losing out to a young, spunky, and yes, the oh so non-experienced and clumsy O'Donnell. This "mad as hell" American groundswell against the left's power grab towards socialism wasn't going to have a perfect record. There were bound to be one or two unfortunate outcomes due to flat out bad candidates. But her winning the primary will hopefully encourage a more worthy "outsider" Delaware candidate the next time around. Dinosaurs like Castle needed the wake-up call that their time is officially over. We need to purge the cronies out of the congress. Delaware may just end up being one casualty in the long uphill battle of the American people taking their government back from the blood sucking ruling class that are the Washington ivy league elites.

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I can't get all worked up over an older-than-dirt, retirement aged, career politician losing out to a young, spunky, and yes, the oh so non-experienced and clumsy O'Donnell. This "mad as hell" American groundswell against the left's power grab towards socialism wasn't going to have a perfect record. There were bound to be one or two unfortunate outcomes due to flat out bad candidates. But her winning the primary will hopefully encourage a more worthy "outsider" Delaware candidate the next time around. Dinosaurs like Castle needed the wake-up call that their time is officially over. We need to purge the cronies out of the congress. Delaware may just end up being one casualty in the long uphill battle of the American people taking their government back from the blood sucking ruling class that are the Washington ivy league elites.

You do know that Ken Buck, Joe Miller and Sean Bielat, all tea party backed candidates are ivey league college grads don't you?

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You do know that Ken Buck, Joe Miller and Sean Bielat, all tea party backed candidates are ivey league college grads don't you?


I was using that as an "in general" term. It was not supposed to be meant as literal for every candidate to not be from an ivy league school. Just that the smugness, looking down your nose at the "stupid little people" politician needs to be flushed out of Washington. Jeez man...has Conner put you in a pod and taken over your body?

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Jeez man...has Conner put you in a pod and taken over your body?

Sorry, I'm not going to get in line with what the "conservative" talking point leaders tell me. I unlike some of you, have the ability to think for myself, and just because I see what some of you are unwilling to see doesn't make me any less of a "conservative" than you. Sorry to hurt your feelings, and go against the grain, but ODonnell was a poorly vetted candidate with many many flaws. She continues to embarrass herself and it's quite clear to any rational thinking person that she is in way over her head.


Does this mean that I would rather have Coons in there? Of course not, because at the end of the day these two poor candidates won't offer anything to this country other than a supporting vote for their own parties agenda.

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Does this mean that I would rather have Coons in there? Of course not, because at the end of the day these two poor candidates won't offer anything to this country other than a supporting vote for their own parties agenda.


Yup. No matter who wins that race, we all lose. One candidate is a rank and file Dem. The other is a complete effin' loon. I would pull an empty lever if I lived in DE and those were my only choices.

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Sorry, I'm not going to get in line with what the "conservative" talking point leaders tell me. I unlike some of you, have the ability to think for myself, and just because I see what some of you are unwilling to see doesn't make me any less of a "conservative" than you. Sorry to hurt your feelings, and go against the grain, but ODonnell was a poorly vetted candidate with many many flaws. She continues to embarrass herself and it's quite clear to any rational thinking person that she is in way over her head.


Does this mean that I would rather have Coons in there? Of course not, because at the end of the day these two poor candidates won't offer anything to this country other than a supporting vote for their own parties agenda.

Easy Magpie, come down off your high horse, you self-righteous POS. I know you think your self-directed pragmatic middle-of-the-road allegiance to none quasi-conservative maverick style renders you some sort of economic divinity, but sooner or later you're going to have to face the fact that you're just some guy with an opinion. And as a wise man once said, opinions are like the pennies in your pocket; everybody's got em and they aren't worth shiit.

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Easy Magpie, come down off your high horse, you self-righteous POS. I know you think your self-directed pragmatic middle-of-the-road allegiance to none quasi-conservative maverick style renders you some sort of economic divinity, but sooner or later you're going to have to face the fact that you're just some guy with an opinion. And as a wise man once said, opinions are like the pennies in your pocket; everybody's got em and they aren't worth shiit.

Whatever you say mouth breather.

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Whatever you say mouth breather.

Good one buddy. Mouth breather, huh? That's right up there with penis head. Clearly I can't match wits with that. I was expecting more of your self-aggrandizing babble about how your free thinking vagueness makes you superior to anyone with any strong principles or positions, or who might have a slightly different take on things than you. Looks like you're slipping.

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ODonnell may not be the best canidate, but Coon is worse. It simply comes down to the way they will vote. I'd rather have her voting than Coon. Since that is probably not going to happen, my second choice would have been to have Castle voting. So what if she is a little loony? We've got congress people thinking Guam might tip over and that natural gas is not a fossil fuel.

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Im not following where O'Donnell is doing or saying that makes her "a stupid whacko loon."


Lets have a list please. And it better NOT include the "witch" stuff or her comments on religion from almosty fifteen years ago. Nor can it include a misinterpreted statment in a debate, especially from a debate where her opponent said something FAR worse (Coons couldnt name the five freedoms guaranteed in the BoR).


Lets have some CURRENT statements/actions that make her "stupid."

Edited by RkFast
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