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Can we please have a moratorium on threads about Brian Orakpo/Haloti Ngata/Michael Oher/et al.?


It happened, we missed on the draft picks, we have a new national scout, a new GM and a new assistant GM, we landed a promising NT (Troupe) who should be an anchor of our defense for years to come, a promising DE (Carrington), an OLB (Moats) who will help this defense for years, and a WR (Easley) who showed some amazing flashes before getting hurt, not to mention a franchise RB.


We had a good draft, much better than everyone wants to admit, because we aren't in the playoffs yet. It wasn't an amazing draft, but it was solid, and everyone needs to stop harping on the previous drafts, its a different GM/AGM/National Scout/Coach.


Wow! You have a TON of confidence in Troupe and Carrington...And I hope you're right...It's early...But so far Carrington can't show enough to be active and it's not like Troupe is doing much to prove he's going to an anchor anything any time soon...Players make plays...Neither is doing much yet...Potential is a word that starts with p...that's about it...


You're right about the new Folks in power, but there are holdovers as well in Scouting...So I'm not going to give anybody over there the benefit of the doubt just yet...Again I hope you're right about this Draft Class...But I think it's WAY to early to judge one way or the other just yet... B-)

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Can we please have a moratorium on threads about Brian Orakpo/Haloti Ngata/Michael Oher/et al.?


It happened, we missed on the draft picks, we have a new national scout, a new GM and a new assistant GM, we landed a promising NT (Troupe) who should be an anchor of our defense for years to come, a promising DE (Carrington), an OLB (Moats) who will help this defense for years, and a WR (Easley) who showed some amazing flashes before getting hurt, not to mention a franchise RB.


We had a good draft, much better than everyone wants to admit, because we aren't in the playoffs yet. It wasn't an amazing draft, but it was solid, and everyone needs to stop harping on the previous drafts, its a different GM/AGM/National Scout/Coach.


Just so long as you realize that none of the ways you've touted our draft picks are locked-in guarantees, but rather best case scenarios.

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not that it needs to be stated, but being at that 2008 NFL Draft live and in person, I just get sick to my stomach every single time this guy makes a big play. A huge sack on peyton today giving him 15 in the past 2 years. I can't even explain how huge it would be to have this guy on our squad instead of maybin. My anger and frustration that day just intensifies every single time Orakpo shows up. I still place this blame squarely on RW and Jauron... I don't think it's what modrak wanted and rumors were that he wanted cushing I believe (correct me if I'm wrong)...


anyways I'm working on a huge spread sheet with a scoring system breaking down just how horrible our drafts have been in the 00's.... and it's shockingly horrible.



We needed a pass rusher and to DJ that meant a DE and not a LB. Drafting for "need" can be dangerous.


Orakpo vs. Maybin. Watch the college film and you pick Orakpo, he actually had more than one year of work to review. Line them up next to each other and look at them, it is man versus boy. Finally talk to them. Orakpo has the work ethic of those that want to be the best and when he talks you hear that. Maybin talks like my son and his high school buddies. Spends his time on twitter and other nonsense.

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not that it needs to be stated, but being at that 2008 NFL Draft live and in person, I just get sick to my stomach every single time this guy makes a big play. A huge sack on peyton today giving him 15 in the past 2 years. I can't even explain how huge it would be to have this guy on our squad instead of maybin. My anger and frustration that day just intensifies every single time Orakpo shows up. I still place this blame squarely on RW and Jauron... I don't think it's what modrak wanted and rumors were that he wanted cushing I believe (correct me if I'm wrong)...


anyways I'm working on a huge spread sheet with a scoring system breaking down just how horrible our drafts have been in the 00's.... and it's shockingly horrible.

I don't think we need a spreadsheet to make that point. The on-field product makes it painfully clear 16 times a year.

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Can we please have a moratorium on threads about Brian Orakpo/Haloti Ngata/Michael Oher/et al.?


It happened, we missed on the draft picks, we have a new national scout, a new GM and a new assistant GM, we landed a promising NT (Troupe) who should be an anchor of our defense for years to come, a promising DE (Carrington), an OLB (Moats) who will help this defense for years, and a WR (Easley) who showed some amazing flashes before getting hurt, not to mention a franchise RB.


We had a good draft, much better than everyone wants to admit, because we aren't in the playoffs yet. It wasn't an amazing draft, but it was solid, and everyone needs to stop harping on the previous drafts, its a different GM/AGM/National Scout/Coach.

git back on yer meds!

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Can we please have a moratorium on threads about Brian Orakpo/Haloti Ngata/Michael Oher/et al.?


It happened, we missed on the draft picks, we have a new national scout, a new GM and a new assistant GM, we landed a promising NT (Troupe) who should be an anchor of our defense for years to come, a promising DE (Carrington), an OLB (Moats) who will help this defense for years, and a WR (Easley) who showed some amazing flashes before getting hurt, not to mention a franchise RB.


We had a good draft, much better than everyone wants to admit, because we aren't in the playoffs yet. It wasn't an amazing draft, but it was solid, and everyone needs to stop harping on the previous drafts, its a different GM/AGM/National Scout/Coach.

And this is what keeps Ralph's pockets full right here.


Is Troupe promising? You know that for sure right? He just started playing more. I tend to think he is, but he just hit the field. We really don't know.


Carrington, really? Based on what?


Moats? You can't be serious.


And Easley? Based on what? Training camp reports?


Cmon man. Try to be a little realistic. I hope your right, but you really have no idea how these guys are going to be. None.

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Why are we still talking about Orakpo? Here's what the Bills would be like if we drafted him: He's be either a) be on injured reserve b) demanding a trade off this loser team or c) totally ineffective because there are 10 other players who stink around him.



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anyways I'm working on a huge spread sheet with a scoring system breaking down just how horrible our drafts have been in the 00's.... and it's shockingly horrible.


I think many of us will be interested in that.

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Can we please have a moratorium on threads about Brian Orakpo/Haloti Ngata/Michael Oher/et al.?


It happened, we missed on the draft picks, we have a new national scout, a new GM and a new assistant GM, we landed a promising NT (Troupe) who should be an anchor of our defense for years to come, a promising DE (Carrington), an OLB (Moats) who will help this defense for years, and a WR (Easley) who showed some amazing flashes before getting hurt, not to mention a franchise RB.


We had a good draft, much better than everyone wants to admit, because we aren't in the playoffs yet. It wasn't an amazing draft, but it was solid, and everyone needs to stop harping on the previous drafts, its a different GM/AGM/National Scout/Coach.

Nope we want to obsess and harp on these topics until Modrak is fired and we start drafting winners again.

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Can we please have a moratorium on threads about Brian Orakpo/Haloti Ngata/Michael Oher/et al.?



Never going to happen as it's not hindsight - many fans were calling for those selections before the draft and the Bills went off the path and blew the pick. Fans aren't likely to let that slide until the team turns it around.



It's a sad sad franchise that can be out-drafted by a fan with a subscription to ESPN insider.

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Which leaves us all to wonder, how could they have swung and missed so badly on this guy.

Because we are the Buffalo Bills!


Can we please have a moratorium on threads about Brian Orakpo/Haloti Ngata/Michael Oher/et al.?

Let me check.......




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Never going to happen as it's not hindsight - many fans were calling for those selections before the draft and the Bills went off the path and blew the pick. Fans aren't likely to let that slide until the team turns it around.



It's a sad sad franchise that can be out-drafted by a fan with a subscription to ESPN insider.

Trueer woprds never bbeen said. We try to out smart the experts and our commopn sense goes out the window each year on drfat day/

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Easily one of the players I have been most wrong about since I have been following football.....


I truly thought that the switch to linebacker would turn Maybin into the beast I pictured him to be....instead it showed that Orakpo was clearly the better football player and its not even close.


God....im gonna hurl

I think if they said "Maybin - you go get the QB. Every Play. You have no other responsibility. Don't cover anybody, don't fill a gap. Just go get the QB. Go wherever you need to go to get to him.", he'd at least provide a little benefit.

Edited by JÂy RÛßeÒ
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A moment here or there doesn't seem to help the aggravation in missing out on Haloti Ngata. There was a point late in the game yesterday when Ngata tossed aside the center and just swallowed up Brady--- Brady was so frustrated that he slammed the ball down and hit his hands on the ground like a little kid throwing a tantrum. In my wildest dreams I wish the Bills had a disruptive force in the middle of our D-line (or anywhere) that could cause Brady to nearly lose it.


Right . . . i know. . . I've been one of the few that rage against the Ngata parade. I realize that Ngatra would likely be a better player for the Bills . . .However, you missed my point. Whitner PLAYS for the Bills . . . Maybin wears a uni (for now) . . .


Well he may have a moment every now and again but the gap between Whitner and Ngata is still pretty freaking wide...Not to mention the Positional importance, etc... B-)

Are you seriously going to tell me that the gap between Whitner and Ngata is more than the gap between Orakpo and Maybin?!?!?!?!? Jesus. Buy a f'in clue peeps . . .

Edited by Fatty McButterpants
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Can we please have a moratorium on threads about Brian Orakpo/Haloti Ngata/Michael Oher/et al.?


It happened, we missed on the draft picks, we have a new national scout, a new GM and a new assistant GM, we landed a promising NT (Troupe) who should be an anchor of our defense for years to come, a promising DE (Carrington), an OLB (Moats) who will help this defense for years, and a WR (Easley) who showed some amazing flashes before getting hurt, not to mention a franchise RB.


We had a good draft, much better than everyone wants to admit, because we aren't in the playoffs yet. It wasn't an amazing draft, but it was solid, and everyone needs to stop harping on the previous drafts, its a different GM/AGM/National Scout/Coach.

I'm with you. I dunno what these guys get out of harping on missed opportunities. Who knows about Troupe, Carrington and Moats. But one thing is for sure: We can't go back and take Orakpo, Oher or Ngata. But maybe, just maybe if we talk long enough about it, it'll mean something.

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