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Multi culturalism has failed

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Interesting that a major leader would be honest and not worried about being politically correct. do you agree or disagree?


see stories below, choose your poison;






there are some serious social issues that cause contraversay and it's time for an honest talk

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Interesting that a major leader would be honest and not worried about being politically correct. do you agree or disagree?


see stories below, choose your poison;






there are some serious social issues that cause contraversay and it's time for an honest talk

You want to have an honest discussion about Turks in Germany? :unsure:

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Multiculturalism hasn't "absolutely failed".


Muslims assimilating in to German society has failed. Granted, Germany is probably a country where assimilation is an uphill battle for whatever group emigrates there. But Muslims don't want to assimilate no matter what.


Country after country. Muslims are always the problem. Germany hasn't failed to absorb Muslims. The Muslims have failed to assimilate.


It wasn't a politically correct statement for German Chancellor Angela Merkel to make. It was really the first volley against Muslims. Expect her to be more direct in future references.

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Already discussed back in 1996. Have you ever read The End of Education by Neil Postman?


The End of Education Overview


"Economic utility, Consumership, Technology and Multiculturalism are the terms coined by Postman to describe the new gods, the "gods that fail."


"Finally, there is the god of Multiculturalism, otherwise known as the god of Tribalism or Separatism. Postman cautions us not to confuse the notion of cultural pluralism with that of multiculturalism. The former "celebrates the struggles and achievements of nonwhite people as part of the story of humankind". (p.53) The narrative of Multiculturalism, on the other hand, tells the story of how "goodness inheres in nonwhites, especially those who have been victims of 'white hegemony'".(p.52)"


"In Postman's view multiculturalism is a separatist movement that destroys American unity but on the other hand, he discusses teaching through diversity as an important theme that should be utilized in regard to teaching history, culture and language."

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Multiculturalism hasn't "absolutely failed".


Muslims assimilating in to German society has failed. Granted, Germany is probably a country where assimilation is an uphill battle for whatever group emigrates there. But Muslims don't want to assimilate no matter what.


Country after country. Muslims are always the problem. Germany hasn't failed to absorb Muslims. The Muslims have failed to assimilate.


It wasn't a politically correct statement for German Chancellor Angela Merkel to make. It was really the first volley against Muslims. Expect her to be more direct in future references.


I think i remember reading about many of the same problems in France and the UK as well. I think that as the Muslim population becomes more established and grows here in the U.S. there will be many of the same issues

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I think i remember reading about many of the same problems in France and the UK as well. I think that as the Muslim population becomes more established and grows here in the U.S. there will be many of the same issues


I suspect that the Muslims will get more pushback in the US than they got from Europe. Europe has for the most part moved away from religion/Christianity as a part of their every day lives. As fast as the Muslim population is growing in the US, the Latino population is growing even faster. The Latino community is heavily Roman Catholic.


Catholics vs Muslims. Crusades 2.0 The New World

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I suspect that the Muslims will get more pushback in the US than they got from Europe. Europe has for the most part moved away from religion/Christianity as a part of their every day lives. As fast as the Muslim population is growing in the US, the Latino population is growing even faster. The Latino community is heavily Roman Catholic.


Catholics vs Muslims. Crusades 2.0 The New World


Check out the top 1000 baby names for 2009...


Mustafa (boys) has cracked the top 1000 at number 1000... A lot of Latin names in there too...



Top 1000 Baby Names, CHANGE TO 2009



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  • 3 months later...

My Grandmother would have said the same thing about the Irish, Italians, Polish and the Jews and yet it all kinda worked out in the end- of course she was born in 1895 so I'm going to give a pass to anyone on this board born before 1900 everyone else is a moron.

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My Grandmother would have said the same thing about the Irish, Italians, Polish and the Jews and yet it all kinda worked out in the end- of course she was born in 1895 so I'm going to give a pass to anyone on this board born before 1900 everyone else is a moron.


If your grandmother was born in 1895 you were most likely born after 1900.

What does that make you ;)

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I suspect that the Muslims will get more pushback in the US than they got from Europe. Europe has for the most part moved away from religion/Christianity as a part of their every day lives. As fast as the Muslim population is growing in the US, the Latino population is growing even faster. The Latino community is heavily Roman Catholic.


Catholics vs Muslims. Crusades 2.0 The New World

Last time I checked a Mormon ran for president. It was Romney. He will run again. He took a little crap for being Mormon which is the American word for Muslim, but not much. He probably won't take any crap this time around. I haven't heard of too many Muslims running for president of Germany so I guess your theory is not a good one.

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