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48 hours to the trade deadline.

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I am not looking for a move to please the fans, I am looking for a sign of life.


Is there a problem in Buffalo worth exploring a solution? I think so!


The trade deadline is when your veterans have the most value, some team looking for help and a shot for the playoffs.


During the off season in a low point in value.

You need willing partners and a number of bidders to get value in a trade. Realistically, who has value here? If the Bills go to Denver, and say, "hey, I've got a fluffernutter, want to trade me something?" the answer we're going to get is, "Here's a sh-- sandwich and 50 cents you can use next year." If no one wants what the Bills are offering, they shouldn't just trade players to anyone who will take them. They've got too many holes to go creating new ones.


If there was anyone I would have tried aggressively to move / ditch it would have been Kelsay (to a 4-3 team that needed run help), and even with him you would have gotten next to nothing. Instead the FO viewed some continuity and locker room presence as more important than talent. Everybody else recognizes that most of these players wouldn't be starting on other teams.


Kyle Williams, Lee Evans and maybe some of the CBs have value, but Buffalo should be holding onto the few players that can occupy spots that they DON'T need to fill, unless Dick Jauron calls offering an Eagles third round pick for Youboty or something (which Andy Reid would be pretty pissed about).

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No valure there. Whitner is young and a solid starter. Why create another hole to fill? We have more pressing needs to fill before upgrading safety.

Do you even watch the games Green Lantern?? Whitner is terrible. He can NOT cover anyone and the angles he takes on tackles are terrible. We are terrible in coverage in the deep middle of the field because of Whitner, Byrd, and our inside LB's. Whitner has NOT improved since his rookie season in coverage. His instincts to anticipate a play are nonexistent. And while he can give an occasional big pop near the line of scrimmage, he is too small to be an intimidating presence like most strong safety's in the NFL. He has no upside. Keeping guys like Whitner, Poz and Kelsay are a huge reason why we suck. They are NOT NFL starters, and please watch the rest of the NFL before you start going off half cocked about who is a solid NFL player.

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Guest dog14787

Eagles are sitting pretty with two franchise QB's and although Mike Vike has been very gracious about the situation up to this point,it seems like some team out there might be willing to give up a high draft pick, maybe even a #1 If Vike expressed interest in renegotiating his contract to a long term deal.


Mike Vike could turn this Buffalo Bill football team around quicker then any QB in the draft, or QB that's even playing in the NFL for that matter, with the exception of Aaron Rodgers.

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Guest dog14787

Eagles are sitting pretty with two franchise QB's and although Mike Vike has been very gracious about the situation up to this point,it seems like some team out there might be willing to give up a high draft pick, maybe even a #1 If Vike expressed interest in renegotiating his contract to a long term deal.


Mike Vike could turn this Buffalo Bill football team around quicker then any QB in the draft, or QB that's even playing in the NFL for that matter, with the exception of Aaron Rodgers.



Mike Vick :oops:

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I am not looking for a move to please the fans, I am looking for a sign of life.


Is there a problem in Buffalo worth exploring a solution? I think so!




The trade deadline is when your veterans have the most value, some team looking for help and a shot for the playoffs.


During the off season in a low point in value.

In hockey maybe, but not football. Trade deadline deals in the NFL are actually rare. It is much hardre to bring in a player mid-season in the NFL and get him up to speed to play. Players actually have more value at draft time, when teams are actively shopping for picks, trying to move up, etc.

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Eagles are sitting pretty with two franchise QB's and although Mike Vike has been very gracious about the situation up to this point,it seems like some team out there might be willing to give up a high draft pick, maybe even a #1 If Vike expressed interest in renegotiating his contract to a long term deal.


Mike Vike could turn this Buffalo Bill football team around quicker then any QB in the draft, or QB that's even playing in the NFL for that matter, with the exception of Aaron Rodgers.


I agree. Vick would improve our team tremendously. He's at a minimum a good QB and perhaps a very good QB. This is WAAAAY better than what we have. But the rabid foam-at-the-mouth dog fondlers er lovers can't stand that idea.

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In hockey maybe, but not football. Trade deadline deals in the NFL are actually rare. It is much hardre to bring in a player mid-season in the NFL and get him up to speed to play. Players actually have more value at draft time, when teams are actively shopping for picks, trying to move up, etc.


This season should be different, There may be no 2011, and Buddy Nix has a half empty stadium.


We will see

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