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You really need to stop watching MSNBC. A group wants less taxes, and smaller government and that makes them hateful? What tea party are you referencing?

He's referring to the tea party that he's never experienced, as told to him by people who have never experienced it. As I've said before, the best thing I've come to learn from getting more involved in politics is how easy it is to find out who threatens liberals the most, because all you have to do is find out who they're mocking.


Case in point, here's a a great article by the Time's Joe Klein.


There is no way she (Christine O'Donnell) could ever be confused with a member of the elites; there is no way she could be confused with an above average high school student. Her ignorance, therefore, makes her authentic--the holy grail of latter-day American politics: she's a real person, not like those phony politicians. In that sense, she--and the lifeboat filled with other Tea Party know-nothings--follow in the wake of our leading exemplar of ignorant authenticity, Sarah Palin (who seems every bit as unaware of public policy--she certainly never talks about it--as she was when a desperate and petulant John McCain chose her to be his running mate).


There is something profoundly diseased about a society that idolizes its ignoramuses and disdains its experts. It is a society that no longer takes itself seriously.


On the same day, here is Eugene Robinson of The Washington Post.


OK, I want to make sure I understand. Two years ago, with the nation facing a host of complex and difficult problems, voters put a bunch of thoughtful, well-educated people in charge of the government. Now many of those same voters, unhappy and impatient, have decided that things will get better if some crazy, ignorant people are running the show? Seriously?


You see, Washington isn't the problem. America is the problem. We're stupid. No one would confuse us with a member of the elites. We're ignoramuses. Why is that so hard for you ignoramuses to understand?

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Lol, they totally called themselves that.





Now the term "obamacare" is an inaccurate term that has never been used by Obama or any Dem, yet you wingnuts insist on using it.

You're an idiot


He's referring to the tea party that he's never experienced, as told to him by people who have never experienced it. As I've said before, the best thing I've come to learn from getting more involved in politics is how easy it is to find out who threatens liberals the most, because all you have to do is find out who they're mocking.


Case in point, here's a a great article by the Time's Joe Klein.




On the same day, here is Eugene Robinson of The Washington Post.




You see, Washington isn't the problem. America is the problem. We're stupid. No one would confuse us with a member of the elites. We're ignoramuses. Why is that so hard for you ignoramuses to understand?

Sounds like sour grapes, I think they realize that they are going to experience a tsunami of the likes they haven't experienced since 1994.


I read both those articles today... It's this sort of hate-filled rhetoric from the race-baiting libs that is helping fuel voter turnout. All I can say is come November, they are gonna be toast... :beer:

Edited by Magox
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You see, Washington isn't the problem. America is the problem. We're stupid. No one would confuse us with a member of the elites. We're ignoramuses. Why is that so hard for you ignoramuses to understand?


+1... The Tea Bagger's protest signs prove it! I would rather be elite then.


I read both those articles today... It's this sort of hate-filled rhetoric from the race-baiting libs that is helping fuel voter turnout. All I can say is come November, they are gonna be toast... :beer:


Race baiting? Hey, I didn't make the signs.

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+1... The Tea Bagger's protest signs prove it! I would rather be elite then.






So you're joining the immature name calling group. Not surprising.


Numbskill maybe, at least not a Tea Bagger numbskill! I have an ounce of decency.


People with decency don't call people tea baggers.

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Numbskill maybe, at least not a Tea Bagger numbskill! I have an ounce of decency.

It is my sincerest hope (and I genuinely mean this) that you will spend as much time as possible explaining this precise sentiment to as many people as will listen to you.


Spread the word. Shout it loud and spread it wide. Hit the social networks. Leave people voicemails. Send letters to the editor.



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Numbskill maybe, at least not a Tea Bagger numbskill! I have an ounce of decency.

clearly demonstrating that the tea party is full of hate.



The tea party is full of regular hard working people that are sick and tired of government abuse of their hard earned money and want to hold the elected officals who tax and spend like it's going out of style to be held accountable.


the left wing talking heads love to spout off immature name calling to the tea party trying to portray them as racist, hateful or whatever else by using immature terms as "tea baggers"


if the shoe was on the other foot and it was the right calling a left group "tea baggers" the main stream media would be up in arms over this. it's a clear double standard.


if you still don't know what a "tea bag" is go to urban dictionary and search the term. this is what the left media has labeled the tea party in a clear showing of disrespect but where is the media outrage over that?

Edited by drinkTHEkoolaid
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clearly demonstrating that the tea party is full of hate.



The tea party is full of regular hard working people that are sick and tired of government abuse of their hard earned money and want to hold the elected officals who tax and spend like it's going out of style to be held accountable.


the left wing talking heads love to spout off immature name calling to the tea party trying to portray them as racist, hateful or whatever else by using immature terms as "tea baggers"


if the shoe was on the other foot and it was the right calling a left group "tea baggers" the main stream media would be up in arms over this. it's a clear double standard.


if you still don't know what a "tea bag" is go to urban dictionary and search the term. this is what the left media has labeled the tea party in a clear showing of disrespect but where is the media outrage over that?




Good luck trying to get them (libs) to admit this though.

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clearly demonstrating that the tea party is full of hate.



The tea party is full of regular hard working people that are sick and tired of government abuse of their hard earned money and want to hold the elected officals who tax and spend like it's going out of style to be held accountable.


the left wing talking heads love to spout off immature name calling to the tea party trying to portray them as racist, hateful or whatever else by using immature terms as "tea baggers"


if the shoe was on the other foot and it was the right calling a left group "tea baggers" the main stream media would be up in arms over this. it's a clear double standard.


if you still don't know what a "tea bag" is go to urban dictionary and search the term. this is what the left media has labeled the tea party in a clear showing of disrespect but where is the media outrage over that?


I even gave the fool a link but it is obvious that he would prefer to revel in his own ignorance.

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Wow! You actually support this kind of waste? With all the programs that are going to have to be cut, you would rather she waste our money in this manner, flying her family members around?



Don't agree with that kind of waste. Yet, she should be traveling by military aircraft.

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I used to get all twisted about being called a teabagger or whatever other stupid name the left thinks up. LET THEM carry on with their snickering, their names, their elitism, etc. Becuase you know what "we" can call them in a few weeks?



Besides that, no matter how much they throw around their BS, their namecalling and all their other BS,no matter HOW much control of the media they have and force out their message, they are STILL the minority, STILL the lunatic fringe. This is still (and will always be) a center-right Country. People will ALWAYS become Democrats/liberals mainly becuase its cool when youre at keg parties and will ALWAYS turn to the right when they grow up. The ones that stay to the left either get a job in acedemia or just never grow up or get a decent sense of humor.


So no matter what happens, we win. And even when we lose like we did a few years ago, we STILL win becuase the American people, whenever they pine for libtard policy and then get a taste of it, ALWAYS rebuke it in short order. Just like we are seeing now.

Edited by RkFast
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