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Chanel surfing, hit MSNBC, and...

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They are talking about Dick Cheney shooting that guy, in detail. :lol: Hell they spent 5 minutes on this, with of course, the obligatory Chris Matthews dullard "insight":

"This guy got shot by accident, but the Iraq war wasn't, according to (garbled), 64k people died in the Iraq War"


Cheney shooting a guy, and the Iraq War. Holy 2006, batman.


<- And you wonder why I have the word FUTILITY written under his picture?


And again, we have to ask "Is this the best you can do?"


Hysterical. :lol:

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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I was channel surfing during the miner rescue. CNBC has some taped show on and MSNBC has the Fred Savage lookalike going on about politics and Newt Gingrich. Way to keep up with breaking news.

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I was channel surfing during the miner rescue. CNBC has some taped show on and MSNBC has the Fred Savage lookalike going on about politics and Newt Gingrich. Way to keep up with breaking news.


And none of them even so much as mentioned the "Stryker Dozen" in Afghanistan, did they?

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