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Survey Says: You're Stupid


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I am not at all surprised. My last job I had the password password01 than added a number after each time it had to change.

Password does not meet password complexity. Must contain at least 2 upper case, 2 lower case, 2 digits, and 2 special characters. Must be at least 12 characters in length


Even better - I told a lot of people. I left the job a long while ago and as far as I know they still use my user name and password.

Me and you would not have gotten along. No sir, I would have taken issue with that and you would not have liked me one bit

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Every two months my bank makes me change my password to view my statements online. I take 5 minutes that day and change my passwords to everything. However, I make sure that the password to my social networking accounts, my e-mail accounts, and my bank account are all different. If everyone did it this way, it'd be a hell of a lot harder for someone to get a hold of another person's account of any type (provided, of course, that the passwords you set aren't obvious).


Only one I tend to not change is the password to get on my computer. I should probably get on that.

Edited by LeviF91
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Password does not meet password complexity. Must contain at least 2 upper case, 2 lower case, 2 digits, and 2 special characters. Must be at least 12 characters in length

for our inventory system, it would. I technically did use Pasword01, 02, 03, but didn't feel like specifying that.


Me and you would not have gotten along. No sir, I would have taken issue with that and you would not have liked me one bit

What is even funnier, my ID badge still gets me in...not that it matters - the doors are always open. We had a great IT department they just didn't meddle with the little things. They only clear the user logs yearly. The sharing was common place, it took up to 5 weeks to get logins.

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Password does not meet password complexity. Must contain at least 2 upper case, 2 lower case, 2 digits, and 2 special characters. Must be at least 12 characters in length



Me and you would not have gotten along. No sir, I would have taken issue with that and you would not have liked me one bit

Password security and all is great.. .but you've got, what... 6-10 different things/sites that are password protected (ATM, Home security, computer logon, email1, email2, Amazon, some Travel Site, Bank site, TBD, a few other misc sites). So, you're supposed to have separate and unique passwords for each of these complete with special characters and change them every few months - without writing them down? Give me a break.


I'd like to see data on how many people get their specific accounts broken into because someone stole/guessed their password. Seems like most of the problems come from when someone hacks into Amazon and gets everyone's info; not from someone hacking individual Amazon accounts (for ex). Maybe I'm wrong.

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Password security and all is great.. .but you've got, what... 6-10 different things/sites that are password protected (ATM, Home security, computer logon, email1, email2, Amazon, some Travel Site, Bank site, TBD, a few other misc sites). So, you're supposed to have separate and unique passwords for each of these complete with special characters and change them every few months - without writing them down? Give me a break.

My parents use one of these for remembering their sites and passwords....


Internet Password Organizer


I'm thinking of getting one myself.

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When I was working they made us keep changing our passwords. I really didn't care about my work PC being password protected, since there was nothing on there I wouldn't be sharing with co-workers anyway. So I just started using one letter of the alphabet 5 times. The 1st time it was aaaaa, second bbbbb etc. Then they added alpha, symbol, & numeric requirements. So I then used my initials, the @ sign & then 5 digits starting with 1. Fortunately, I left before I ran out of password combinations. My last one was hl@77777. Every time I typed it in I thought of Mickey Mantle.

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Hope my son doesn't read this board... His password was so easy to figure out! I just play dumb and make him think I don't know his login account password for his computer. Of course he is only 12 years and I am the sys admin.


When he is older, I whill give him the tips for strengthening his password choices... For now, he is infallible and I am silently montioring...


:lol: :lol:


My parents use one of these for remembering their sites and passwords....


Internet Password Organizer


I'm thinking of getting one myself.



Mine at work is a big pad of paper in book form, in a manilla evelope marked: "Achilles Heel"


Has every crossed out password for the last 10 years. Anyway... Nobody will crack my chicken-scatch handwriting...


Even in the wrong hands... Safer than any program made out there! Sometimes I can't even read the code...



Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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I've done that at times, write things in code. For instance, on a to-do list I had a triangle and a check mark. It stood for balance checkbook.





Then ontop of it my employer (gov't) has so many passwords/cac's that change every 90 to 160 days... Half the time I can't even figure how to get mine to work legit... :bag:


Maybe they are doing something right?

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