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what's gone right


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If I'm Gailey and Nix I come into this season with a few big things on my agenda for this year. Simply my thoughts but I believe their plan would mirror this:


1.) Stay healthy - get guys healthy enough to get our squad through an entire season mostly intact. In addition - get some guys to become bigger, stronger and more physical.

--> So far, other then Batten, Easley, and A. Davis/McGee's nagging injuries this squad has been remarkably better off then the past few years.


2.) Cut dead weight players and develop "our" guys - Gailey really made it clear Maybin is on thin ice. Our regime determinedly quickly that what you see in practice you don't get in the game with Edwards. They traded a player who wasnt going to resign for draft picks. They cut past 2nd and 3rd round picks (have to believe McCargo is on here too, he barely touched the field). More importantly - they also got rid of possibly the most useless 3rd string qb of all time in Hamdan. What were we thinking not even ATTEMPTING to groom a younger, talented player (at the least like Brohm or Levi)


3.) Plug rookies in/infuse "our guys" - Perhaps it was out of necessity but Troupe had a very good game. Remember he was a 4-3 DT in college so maybe its better for us to utilize the 4-3 until we get linebackers who can flow to the ball and cover RBs/TEs in the flat. He was responsible for A. Davis' INT and also took on multiple blockers and held up well at the point of attack. We know Spiller has talent and is a good compliment to FJ. Easley flashed some in preseason. It be nice to see what Carrington's got. He is one of the few guys on this team who could maybe generate a pass rush. See Moats as well. As for FA's Dwan Edwards and A. Davis have both been huge for us. Davis is our best LB against the rush and Dwan edwards is the only other guy besides Kyle Williams who can consistently push up field.


4.) Implement new offense and defensive systems - Gailey's offense, though it struggled against the Jets and Phins has actually shown up this year. He is yet again taking a below average QB and making the guy competitive. Fitz has never had a 3 game set as good as these... Our O will be OK once we can get some better play our of our RT, TE and QB. Defensively we are awful. The 4-3 players are useless in this. Stroud, who I love, just plays so much better inside. even when we go to 4 down he is a more impact player then at DE. Spencer Johnson is the same just less talented. We have no OLBs that can cover. Torbor and kelsay are limited. We have to hope we see more of moats and coleman in passing downs. A. Davis has been a great player and someone that hopefully can mentor Poz.


5.) Turnovers - though we are not getting near as many as last year (where are you jairus byrd) we are not turning it over near as much either. This is a credit to better coaching and a better offense.


6.) Let players develop - so far, Bell has looked like a solid LT. I'm in shock, I was a huge D. Bell hater. McKelvin, if he can cut down on mental errors has a chance to be our best DB. He is much improved. See Roscoe as well. Wood is struggling more then last yaer, which is to be expected. Bell/Levitre form a formidable lane to run behind. Watch most of our runs and they are behind these two. Levitre is downfield often which is nice. If Urbik ever develops there's a good chance Wood moves back to Center, which would be great against the Wiflork's, Jenkins, etc.


and finally.... 99.) Win - this is the goal every game, however this roster had a bunch of mediocore players and a mediocore, play to don't lose system. Gutting it and doing the house cleaning the right way is what we should have down years ago instead of these hope-less, half-filled 7-9, 6-10 seasons.



Unlike most guys on this board, this season isn't shocking me and I'm actually OK with it. I hate watching them lose, get penalties, fail to tackle, etc. But it is clear (despite sully) that the Bills have a plan in place. Nix is already righting this ship, it's just going to take some time. I hope this team stays around long enough for us to see the product, because its going to be a good squad that's going to be tough and up to the fight for the AFC East... Chan is more uspet with losing then any coach I've seen through here since Marv. He's a very, very good coach and Buddy did a good job hiring him.


Keep it up Chan and Buddy.

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This team is absolutely awful on D, but the offense is more watchable than it has been in years. You can see how most of the plays have potential to work. Gailey knows what he's doing. We are just short of personnel.


The play-calling was not good last week, but maybe Gailey saw something in the Jacksonville D that he thought he could take advantage of. If I were the Jacksonville coordinator, I would have stacked up against the run. I haven't (and won't) re-watch the game, but I reckon that's what Gailey saw. If not, then it was just bad play-calling.


To repeat the obvious, we don't have a defense. The offense has been reasonable. That Maybin pick might have set this franchise back at least a year. We're going to have address that position again.


This will be a long year. I bet the offense pulls out a game somewhere along the line. Probably just one though. Then for the most tedious, repetitive pre-draft period for years on TBD!

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