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The CUSE BABY !!!!!!!!


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ugh......well, loss #1 on the season. i fell asleep anyway. started at 10?!?!?!? whats that about[



quote=BuffOrange,Dec 8 2004, 05:24 AM]

Cuse owns the Big 12 when it matters - that's one point.


Real classy move by John "I suck so I gotta pad my stats w/ .8 seconds left" Lucas. What a punk. Where's the hardware? Never mind, go ahead and act like you won the Nat'l title in December. Daddy must be proud. Payback's a B word - have fun watching Cuse on TV in April.


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Free throw shooting was horrible. Warrick had one of his worst games if not the worst ever. Forth was friggin' useless tonight. G-Mac is still way to inconsistent. Pace and Robertss were the only bright spots, but they should be contributers not the main men.


Oh well, thankfully it's only December. Still plently of time to get their sh-- in one sock.


The whole team should be shooting a thousand free throws in practice today.

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What are you like a Patsy troll?? Learn how to post and stop acting like a 5 year old. 





Take the loss like a man and quit whining! Damn can't a man celebrate a victory?


There are other Bills fans outside of New York. If you want to post on this board about the "cuse" then I have every right to post about the 'boys. If you have a problem with someone being happy about a victory and spreading a little good old fashion ribbing then :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: and grow up.


With that said, I thought last nights game was a great one featuring two excellent D's. Both teams look very sloppy at times. Neither was having a great day at the line. It looks as if both teams have some major work to do at practice this week.


I for one was getting tired of seeing all of the miscues on O for the Cowboys. Some of their turnovers were just plain inexcusable. Sharper passes and better decisions need to be made...as well as improvements in free throw shooting.


I know most probably don't care on my take but I wanted to throw in my two cents.

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this is a wonderful topic and all (college BB is second only to the NFL in my book), but you are all missing the point....which is....


the HEELS are back.  be afraid.  be very afraid.



And Roy hasn't even begun to recruit yet! He's still dealing with prima donnas (good players though) like McCants. Once he gets "his guys" into the program, watch out.

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Take the loss like a man and quit whining!  Damn can't a man celebrate a victory?


There are other Bills fans outside of New York.  If you want to post on this board about the "cuse" then I have every right to post about the 'boys.  If you have a problem with someone being happy about a victory and spreading a little good old fashion ribbing then  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:  and grow up.


With that said, I thought last nights game was a great one featuring two excellent D's.  Both teams look very sloppy at times.  Neither was having a great day at the line.  It looks as if both teams have some major work to do at practice this week.


I for one was getting tired of seeing all of the miscues on O for the Cowboys.  Some of their turnovers were just plain inexcusable.  Sharper passes and better decisions need to be made...as well as improvements in free throw shooting.


I know most probably don't care on my take but I wanted to throw in my two cents.


Then stop making 6 posts in 6 minutes acting like a 5 year old - I can see one or two, but 6 is just stupid, and the perfect MO of a troll. Thanks for the little Fyou there, too, real classy. If you had just put your couple paragraphs about the game in then it would've made sense. Thought we were all adults here.

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