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Put it this way- Its NOT FAIR FOR US FANS!

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You've never seen a Bills playoff game? How old are you, ten?


I don't disagree with you, but cmon man. You don't have to add BS to make an argument for suffering Bills fans at this point!


I haven't missed a Bills game in over 8 years, however, the last time the Bills were in the playoffs I was 11 years old. I remember my Father calling me into the living room to watch the end of the game, but other then that I didn't watch much of it.


Not to mention, at that age you indifferent to most things, and it really didn't matter to me if the Bills won or lost. Now just to ensure that you're not confused by the mathematics involved, allow me break it down for you.....


DOB - August, 1988

Bills last playoff appearance - January 8, 2000

Age at the time of playoff appearance - 11 years 5 months

Current Age - 22 years 2 months


:nana:.........I'm taking this as the emoticon that would show that I'm just screwing around with you....and you should feel honored because this is the first and last emoticon that I will ever use

Edited by DaBills51
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You've never seen a Bills playoff game? How old are you, ten?


I don't disagree with you, but cmon man. You don't have to add BS to make an argument for suffering Bills fans at this point!

You are a MORON. The guy is rightfully pissed off about the team and you rip him for making legitimate points. You must be just a knucklehead in real life. Do people like to punch you in the face often? I hope you're a tough guy because people like you don't last long where I come from.

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Its unfair that we are such loyal diehard fans of such a inept organization. Its unfair that sunday after sunday im depressed after the bills lose. Its unfair that the best fans in the NFL get to cheeer for one of the worst teams in the NFL. Its unfair that I HAVE NEVER SEEN A BILLS PLAYOFF GAME. Its unfair that all you fans waste so much money on the Bills. Its unfair that all my friends laugh at me because im a bills fan. Its unfair that no one takes our team seriously. We are the ones being hurt here. Remember that. Not the owner. Not the players. US FANS.


Waaaaaahhhhh, it's UNFAIR!


How about you try spending a day in the slums of a third world country, then come back and tell us how badly the universe has sh*t on you because your favorite football team hasn't been good in a while. Holy Buddha on stick man, grow some perspective. Or get a new hobby. Or at least stop whining.

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FU to all those who say:


1. Its just a game

2. Get another hobby

3. Find something else to do on sundays


Anyone who can claim/do any of the above is not a real fan.


I'm with you OP.


I hate this team almost as much as I love them. Being a (real) Bills fan is the definition of ambivalence.



It's just a game that tears the heart out of the fans while rapeing their wallets to pay those unwinnable players.

Get another hobby - easy - fishing, golf, being a family man, motorcycle riding, working around the house...etc. easier and cost less...even the Harley.

Find something else to do on Sunday...see above.

50 years of bills unworthy play (except for 6-8 of the Kelly years) have been a total waste. 50 years of this B.S. makes one do the above.

Just for the hell of it, I watched the game here in Jax figuring if a team showed up wearing the Bills uniforms, I could harass the jagheads in the office tomorrow. Instead, I have to tell them I won the football pool again by picking the jags, Their team won, I got their money.

I'd say I made out on thhat deal.

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