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America........... !@#$ Yeah!!

Chef Jim

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Yeah! This thread makes me want to go out and get a mortgage that I can't afford!


USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!

And this post makes me want to kick you in the nuts. Go USA!!

And I'm gonna go buy the biggest truck I can that gets the least amount of miles per gallon, then drive it to Wal-Mart and load up on cheaply made Chinese products. Go USA!!!!!

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Hanging out at my wife's office in the Transamerica building in downtown SF watching the Blue Angels show over the bay. The majority of the world would love to do what we do just for fun. USA kicks ass!!


Got to see The Thunder Birds today in Littlr Rock at the air show. Hope the Blue Angels are here next year.

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Hanging out at my wife's office in the Transamerica building in downtown SF watching the Blue Angels show over the bay. The majority of the world would love to do what we do just for fun. USA kicks ass!!


One year they started the show by flying UNDER the Golden Gate Bridge. First and only time. The deck is about 200 ft above the water for those who haven't been to SF.

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San Francisco, of all places, should be praising the US Military for allowing them to "exercise" their "freedoms." Instead, most people on the left coast are very apethetic towards the men & women who serve.


Having lived in Seattle for 20 years, the Puget Sound area is ringed with: Fort lewis, McChord AFB, Bremerton, Bangor, Whidby Island etc. yet our servicemen are essentially not welcomed in the area. Seeing people on the street, in uniform, is rare,


Now I live in S. Virginia and the attitudes of citizens toward the Military are remarkably positive, and that's a good thing. When the Blue Angels fly over Norfolk, it's a Big event and the entire area actually welcomes them. Too bad it's not like that everywhere in the USA!

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What the Blue Angels do is borderline-insane, and I LOVE it. Lived in EssEff for 7 years and don't know anyone who didn't enjoy Fleet Week and the air show, even though the shock-waves from those F-18s used to set off every freaking car alarm in the city during their practice flights...


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What the Blue Angels do is borderline-insane, and I LOVE it. Lived in EssEff for 7 years and don't know anyone who didn't enjoy Fleet Week and the air show, even though the shock-waves from those F-18s used to set off every freaking car alarm in the city during their practice flights...



That's awesome!

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The Blue Angels is really a sight to behold. Watching (and hearing) these jets buzz downtown San Francisco is breathtaking.


It is also a spectacularly bad idea. The Blue Angels, while very skilled pilots, are not without flaw and they have experienced more than a few accidents while flying these shows in other cities. If they ever hit the Transamerica Building, the same people who applaud this show will be asking "What in the world were they thinking, letting this thing go on in the middle of the city?" I won't bother to address the cost of these shows in a time when many are demanding the gov't tighten its belt.


By the way, I'm not against the air shows. I simply think they should be conducted in the bay, and not over the city where an accident can spell disaster.

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If they ever hit the Transamerica Building, the same people who applaud this show will be asking "What in the world were they thinking, letting this thing go on in the middle of the city?"


Billion dollar lawsuit! USA USA! (cough, torte reform)

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