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Correction. Anyone who thinks there's truth to the blanket assertion that "Minorities have so many more opportunities than others" is automatically white trailer trash. :)


wrap your mind around this...ever think that the term "white trash" can be insulting to people who aren't white? sort of infers that there's white people, then there's white people who don't make the cut and such, join the rest of the mongrels of the world.


not to mention the assumption that someone living in a mobile home is by default a hateful ignorant racist. so there's that bit of stereotyping going on as well.


anyway, playing the race card on Tiger vs Favre is as clumsy a deal as Marshawn for a 4th rounder.


I just started this about race to stir things up. I truly believe Favre will be ripped apart just like Tiger. And as Favre has been married a lot longer than Tiger the numbers in his infidelity harem will be greater than Tiger's. You can all scream and shout that it is premature to make allegations against the all-time favorite white QB, but where where is smoke there is fire.


I just started this about race to stir things up. I truly believe Favre will be ripped apart just like Tiger. And as Favre has been married a lot longer than Tiger the numbers in his infidelity harem will be greater than Tiger's. You can all scream and shout that it is premature to make allegations against the all-time favorite white QB, but where where is smoke there is fire.


Is anyone screaming and shouting? Most people, I think, are pretty confident it's true.


A pretty big one if you happen to be one of the 11 other people.





Uh...yeah, pretty much.




There is no difference.


Killing is killing. It's wrong.


Cheating on your spouse is wrong. It does not make it any more right if he only did it once, or twenty times. All repeated occurrences prove is how much of a Grade A douche that person is.


From what I've read there's a big difference:


-> Tiger was a huge success as a stray dog. Big scores

-> from the reports so far, Favre was a total bust as a stray dog. "Ewww, Icky!" reactions

(either that or the ones he succeeded with ain't talkin')


Personally, I think the whole timing of this was orchestrated by the Jets. Anything to win, boys.


Its' no wonder. Did you see Favre's ugly rooster in that video?


First, murder does not equal cheating. That's a pretty lousy argument. You can feel however you want about it, but equating the two is dumb. Second, the Tiger Woods story was so big not because he cheated but because of the scandal over the car accident in which he was injured and the number of girls that came forward. People are used to hearing about celebrities cheating. That's not news. When a different girl is coming forward everyday for two weeks people take notice. This is just an old guy that acts like a kid a long way from his wife. It's probably not the first time he's done it or tried, and it's probably not OK with his wife, but it's not even close to Tiger Woods.


It's not a lousy argument.


Cheating does not destroy families? What about children of cheaters? It doesn't affect them?


Now, obviously cheating is not literally killing somebody- any boner with half a brain cell knows that. My point is demonstrating that a crime everyone can agree on is still a crime; whether it was done once or a thousand times.


But your argument actually helps to further my earlier comments. There is no high road in all of this. No party is in the right. But why is it that Tiger Woods cheating is news at all? We live in this reality TV world where people keep subscribing to this intellectual drivel. Why as a society are we not disgusted? America is fast becoming a tabloid culture.


Race is always a hot button issue and there is a feeling that minorities are quick to bring it up while Whites are so quick to try and hide it or run away from it.


I think that the more that people in this country discuss race with an open mind without so much fear or playing the victim card that we could easily make progress on the issue.


In the case of Favre, it is funny that in a media world, and by this I include, Television, radio, newspapers and internet, that minorities (Black, Asians, Latinos, and Native Americans) make up less than five percent in total!!!!!!!!!!!!


Consequently, 95% of the information that we consume are delivered by Whites!


So the question is, are minorities right in expressing skepticism about how news and information is slanted?


My answer is YES!


And I do believe there should be legitimate questions about whether there is a bias in how the Tiger Woods issue and the Brett Favre or Kobe Bryant case is covered.


This should be interesting, lol




There is no difference.


Killing is killing. It's wrong.


Cheating on your spouse is wrong. It does not make it any more right if he only did it once, or twenty times. All repeated occurrences prove is how much of a Grade A douche that person is.



So, killing one person is the same thing as killing a thousand?


You are a blathering idiot.


Any one who objects to race being brought up in any or all issues is automatically white trailer court trash. Gotca Mister open mind.


Only in America does race ever come up... bringing it up in this case is at best to be argumentative and at the worst to place blame on others.


Race is always a hot button issue and there is a feeling that minorities are quick to bring it up while Whites are so quick to try and hide it or run away from it.


I think that the more that people in this country discuss race with an open mind without so much fear or playing the victim card that we could easily make progress on the issue.


In the case of Favre, it is funny that in a media world, and by this I include, Television, radio, newspapers and internet, that minorities (Black, Asians, Latinos, and Native Americans) make up less than five percent in total!!!!!!!!!!!!


Consequently, 95% of the information that we consume are delivered by Whites!


So the question is, are minorities right in expressing skepticism about how news and information is slanted?


My answer is YES!


And I do believe there should be legitimate questions about whether there is a bias in how the Tiger Woods issue and the Brett Favre or Kobe Bryant case is covered.


This should be interesting, lol


Only in America... the country obsessed with race. I've been to 22 foreign countries and lived in 2- it is obsession, not healthy debate.


Only in America does race ever come up... bringing it up in this case is at best to be argumentative and at the worst to place blame on others.




Only in America... the country obsessed with race. I've been to 22 foreign countries and lived in 2- it is obsession, not healthy debate.



I've lived in other countries and where we have racial issues they have regional or tribal issues. So, as long as you have people, you will always have issues. Even homogenous racial nations, in the abscence of race, you have gender, socio-economic or immigrant problems.


It is just a function of society,


Unfortunately our history is one of race. Both of racial hypocrisy and progress.


I mean, the land of the free, was unfortunately, also the "Home of the Slave"


Yet at the same time, we have elected the first Bi-racial President, so again out of our biggest failures come some of our biggest examples of our Success

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