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Those are the records of the Bills from 2000 to 2009. They have been, by all accounts, mediocre for an entire decade. Yes, there has been a fleeting highlight here and there, but this is a team that has managed to stay competitive without being truly threatening for ten consecutive seasons.


Quite frankly, the front office's inability to cash in on first round selections, a consistent inability to identify late round talent, an unwillingness to utilize free agency beyond either overpriced mid-level signings (Derrick Dockery, ahem) and ineffectual low-cost acquisitions (Dominic Rhodes, we hardly knew thee), combined with a laughable coaching merry-go-round has led me to the conclusion that the best thing that can happen is this team hit absolutely rock bottom.


There is no point in continuing the mediocrity that has infested this team for ten years. The hopes and dreams of 8-8 or even 9-7 are, quite frankly, embarrassing for a franchise that, after the Dallas Cowboys, were the most dominant football team of the 1990s.


It is time that this thing be destroyed, and the only way to clean house is 0-16, the only way to guarantee that Ralph Wilson will be shamed into doing that is 0-16. Everyone connected with this franchise has to be exorcised once and for all - the front office, the scouting staff, the coaches, hell, if it's possible to completely turn over the roster, I guarantee you there is enough talent in the next free agency crop, the draft, and cast-offs from the UFL and CFL to outplay this group.


0-16 is the disease and the cure.


Embrace it, in the end we will be stronger, and maybe another decade of Buffalo Bills football will not be lost.













Those are the records of the Bills from 2000 to 2009. They have been, by all accounts, mediocre for an entire decade. Yes, there has been a fleeting highlight here and there, but this is a team that has managed to stay competitive without being truly threatening for ten consecutive seasons.


Quite frankly, the front office's inability to cash in on first round selections, a consistent inability to identify late round talent, an unwillingness to utilize free agency beyond either overpriced mid-level signings (Derrick Dockery, ahem) and ineffectual low-cost acquisitions (Dominic Rhodes, we hardly knew thee), combined with a laughable coaching merry-go-round has led me to the conclusion that the best thing that can happen is this team hit absolutely rock bottom.


There is no point in continuing the mediocrity that has infested this team for ten years. The hopes and dreams of 8-8 or even 9-7 are, quite frankly, embarrassing for a franchise that, after the Dallas Cowboys, were the most dominant football team of the 1990s.


It is time that this thing be destroyed, and the only way to clean house is 0-16, the only way to guarantee that Ralph Wilson will be shamed into doing that is 0-16. Everyone connected with this franchise has to be exorcised once and for all - the front office, the scouting staff, the coaches, hell, if it's possible to completely turn over the roster, I guarantee you there is enough talent in the next free agency crop, the draft, and cast-offs from the UFL and CFL to outplay this group.


0-16 is the disease and the cure.


Embrace it, in the end we will be stronger, and maybe another decade of Buffalo Bills football will not be lost.


how does 0-16 solve anything


how does 0-16 solve anything

I agree with the original poster to be honest. I was thinking this earlier and was going to put something up on my Facebook about it...yes, because I get picked on A LOT! However, I think this IS the best thing and what I am hoping for.


I want the overall #1 pick, more than 0-16...I would rather be 1-15...0-16 would be more ammo for opposing fans.


Orlando Pace, Peyton Manning, Michael Vick, Carson Palmer, Eli Manning, Mario Williams, Jake Long, Matthew Stafford and Sam Bradford...all former #1 overall picks, in which the team actually got RIGHT...all of them pretty much to an extent, single handedly change the fortunes of their teams within a couple years. Sure we are still awaiting a verdict of Stafford and Bradford, even Williams and Long...but they sure do look like names and faces you could change your culture and represent your franchise with.


You could even go back further for examples, but I am not old enough to know how those teams (Elway, Aikman, Bruce...etc) were the years immediately before and after those draft picks took place. The Patriots and Bledsoe are another example.



If we end up with the #1 overall and Buddy/Chan CAN GET IT RIGHT...we will be well on our way back to respectability.


We only have to be bad enough go get the first draft pick. Any worse than that is wasted.


The fact is that we've looked terrible so far, but part of the reason is that we've played three good teams and one solid team. We'll play some crap teams this year. And we'll win a game or two. Maybe three or four, though I hope not, because that's the area where you start passing a team or two in the standings.













Those are the records of the Bills from 2000 to 2009. They have been, by all accounts, mediocre for an entire decade. Yes, there has been a fleeting highlight here and there, but this is a team that has managed to stay competitive without being truly threatening for ten consecutive seasons.


Quite frankly, the front office's inability to cash in on first round selections, a consistent inability to identify late round talent, an unwillingness to utilize free agency beyond either overpriced mid-level signings (Derrick Dockery, ahem) and ineffectual low-cost acquisitions (Dominic Rhodes, we hardly knew thee), combined with a laughable coaching merry-go-round has led me to the conclusion that the best thing that can happen is this team hit absolutely rock bottom.


There is no point in continuing the mediocrity that has infested this team for ten years. The hopes and dreams of 8-8 or even 9-7 are, quite frankly, embarrassing for a franchise that, after the Dallas Cowboys, were the most dominant football team of the 1990s.


It is time that this thing be destroyed, and the only way to clean house is 0-16, the only way to guarantee that Ralph Wilson will be shamed into doing that is 0-16. Everyone connected with this franchise has to be exorcised once and for all - the front office, the scouting staff, the coaches, hell, if it's possible to completely turn over the roster, I guarantee you there is enough talent in the next free agency crop, the draft, and cast-offs from the UFL and CFL to outplay this group.


0-16 is the disease and the cure.


Embrace it, in the end we will be stronger, and maybe another decade of Buffalo Bills football will not be lost.





Granted the Bills are not very good. But in no way will I ever cheer for or hope that the Bills go 0-16.


You had me until you said "Here me out".





If "Hear me out" is a near guarantee of a bad opening post, what the hell does "Here me out" guarantee?


The grammar police are right, mistaking "here" for "hear" should invalidate this post. Please disregard and continuing accepting mediocrity, dreaming of the elusive double-digit win season and hoping to squeak into the playoffs as a wild card.


I would accept 1-15, as long as it guaranteed every member of the front office, scouting staff, coaching staff, etc. be let go.


Burn, baby, burn.


how does 0-16 solve anything

it doesn't, of course. somehow, certain fans think that if we lose enough, the bills front office will suddenly learn how to evaluate talent. i find this inexplicable, but somehow the idea persists.


The logic of this post is completely flawed. Going 0-16 doesn't guarantee everyone will get fired. This staff was just hired so they will get a grace period of at least two seasons. So 0-16 won't result in anyone getting fired. What it will result in is a major drop in ticket sales which will result in blackouts and the Bills moving up on the list of teams that might be moved to a new city. Wouldn't that be great if we go 0-16 and the LA Bills get the number 1 pick? 0-16 will just put the Bills in another infamous category. Isn't being the only team to lose 4 back to back super bowls enough humiliation? Now we have to be in the list of worst teams ever? No thanks. I would never root for the team to go 0-16. The Bills don't necessarily even need the #1 draft pick, anywhere in the top 4 should be good enough to get a high impact player.


cant we at least go 1-15 or 2-14 just so we aren't known in the books on the same level as Detroit and the 76 Bucks?


+1. We have gotten more than our fill of neg attention over the last decade plus. Don't need an 0-fer hanging on us as well.


+1. We have gotten more than our fill of neg attention over the last decade plus. Don't need an 0-fer hanging on us as well.



0-16 would be exactly the kind of negative attention that ego-blind Wilson needs to get him to open his fat wallet and pay for an NFL franchise.


Do you honestly think RW would pay three coaches at once? On the bright side, 0 - 16 could cause his health to take a turn for the worse. You know, if we actually wished that upon somebody.


Dear Peyton Manning fans...the vast majority of top QBs were not selected #1 overall, and there are more busts than stars selected #1 overall.


I don't think you have to bend over backwards hoping for a high pick, because that is what is unfolding, but us moving from 0 to 1 to 2 to 3 or even 4 or 5 wins is not going to be a bad thing if good decisions are made. At this point I don't mind #1 and think it could be refreshing, but I am definitely happier if we beat Jacksonville Sunday than if we lose, and I don't think losing that game "helps" us get better.


We are going to have a tough transitional year and a lot of losses this year, and end up with a high draft pick. But thinking that 0-16 and the shame that comes with it is somehow better than 1-15 or 2-14 or 3-13 seems a little silly to me.


And if you think #1 is enough important to want to lose, tell me who you are picking #1? Who is the Peyton Manning and you don't want to get stuck with Ryan Leaf? I don't see enough clarity among the top QBs right now, and I think this might be a draft where there is a Rivers/Rothlesberger situation after the top pick to go with Eli Manning #1.


And while I think a top 5 pick could help this franchise a lot...please look at history and realize that one and two win seasons are much more predictive of future 3-13 and 4-12 than they are of Super Bowl winners.

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