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Modrak, Littman and Overdorf


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Does anyone have any insight into why "The Three Pendejos's" (spanish for moron) are still employed with the Bills. I would like to know who has insight on why the three Ilisted (Modrak-Littman and Overdorf )ares still employed by the Bills.

-The three I've mentioned seem to be a constant for screwing things up:


-Chapter One The Draft- In MODRAK our draft has been below average, you need solid drafts ala Green Bay to find success with a team and location like Buffalo-we have not had that int he last ten years, the common denominator is Modrak (besides the other 2 I mention below) The last ten years drafting in the top 25% of teams and the Bills have done very poorly. why is this guy still around? Anyone guess? If you want to show you turned the page to the future of the orgainization cut this guy loose. Modrak if you read this please resign, the organization clearly has loyalty to you (for what reason who knows)By the way what is your partner in crime John Guy doing for work now ?


-Chaper Two the Terrible Two-Littman and Overdorf. The Bills were a success under Polian and and John Butler, it seems the constant underminers were Littman and Overdorf-they ran 2 of best GM's this team ever had away. Butler has since passed away but hey, how has Polian looked since he left? You guys sure know what you are doing? Kudos!


-The last ten years have been putrid..period! The common denominator is these three, does anyone have ANY idea why they are still employed by the Bills? If someone has some insight I'd like to hear it.


Last thought, The Bills media, you should be swarming with stories about the incompetence of the orgainization and the common demonitors (Terrible Three) in the poor decisions need to be held accountable for the way this orgainization has been run the last ten plus years. To soley blame the coaches and 90 something year old Ralph is not a accurate portrayly of the real problem issues. Although Ralph writes the checks these otehr clowns are pulling the strings. Im not discluding Ralphs incompetent daughter either.

Edited by abqmarko
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The facts are that the process is opaque. We don't know who makes which decisions.


Assigning blame without the facts is guesswork, and not worth taking time for.


What little we do know is that Modrak didn't want Whitner, he wanted Ngata, that he didn't want Maybin, he wanted Cushing, and that he wanted to draft Cutler even though we had JP. Those aren't bad calls.

Edited by Thurman#1
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Littman is RW's son in law IIRC and makes the old man money, so he's not going anywhere. And Overdorf couldn't get fired after cutting Troy Vincent without telling anyone on the coaching staff. They're both Bills lifers.


It takes an edict from RW to fire anyone in the front office or a HC. No one's fired anyone but RW.


These three being on the payroll is proof-positive that results are optional so long as profit is generated.

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you do realize that scouts don't actually have the final say in draft picks right? They present their findings to the team.


You do realize it's the job of the scouts to do in-depth analysis and research on all this "talent"? Seems like GM's and coaches only get significant exposure to the draft class at the senior bowls and combines, I would guess they rely a lot on the scouting reports, as they should. It's easy to look at the history of poor drafting in the early rounds and blame it on the coaches/GM making the final decision, but I doubt they pulled decisions like Maybin, Whitner and the others from way down on the scouts' depth chart. At least part of the blame lies from the scouting department's inability to properly rank this talent.


And after 10 years of different decision makers not being able to consistantly draft talent, you've got to wonder about the ability of the scouting department. Troup and Carrington are lucky if they both dress for a game, let alone get on the field more than a handful of plays. IMO, our scouting department can consistantly identify legitimate DB talent. Other than that, I've not been impressed.

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Overdorf started in like 1987 as an intern. How in the world do you suspect he ran two of the best GM's away? Overdorf was a glorified coffee boy during the Polian regime. Smart guy though who knew capology and that's where he fit in.

Edited by zow2
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Littman may be a personality problem in the front office, but I don't get the hate for Overdorf. He writes out contracts. I don't know of any cases where the actual contract was botched. He doesn't choose the players, he doesn't set the budget, and he doesn't value the players. He manages the cap consequences of the contracts, etc.

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