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and maybe lighting will come out my ass

Just Jack

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One time lightning came down our FM radio antenna (very tall) and right out the back of the VHF marine band radio, dance around the office and go to the electrical panal... It left a dimple in the panel that looked like someone took a center punch to it.


No doubt this lady also discovered (the hard way) that lightning will do fascinating things! :ph34r:



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Dave Attell:

I was struck by lightning one time. Anybody ever get struck by lightning? Or as I like to call it 'God's drive by shooting'. You're just walking out of a gay bookstore minding your own business and all of a sudden, KAFLOOIE! A lot of people think if you get struck by lightning you will get magic powers. Like the ability to read minds or shoot lightning from your hands. Not me. I got the ability to shake on the ground and **** my pants. Will I use these powers for good or for evil? Stay tuned...

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Closest I came to getting hit- We had an old unattached garage in the yard with wires to it from the house. Next to the garage was a 50-60 foot tree. Lightning hit the tree and and most went to the ground. Part of the lightning jumped to the wires and blew all the fuses in the fuse box. Happened to be facing the window. Bright orange flash and the ground trembled. Thought an a-bomb was going off for a second.


When I was in first grade our school had a gym-a-caf-a-torium. We had gym class and the lunch ladies were making lunch. Ball lightning comes out of the oven , moves about 30 feet and disappears out the exhaust fan. Ball lightning is very rare to see.

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Just read the article... She was brushing her teeth and stuck her mouth under the faucet when it happen. One thing you never do is take a shower or get near faucets during a storm... Especially if the water system is bonded to the electrical system, which this was most likely the case... That means the ground is through the electrical system. This was in Croatia, so maybe their systems don't have the multiple grounds that we require here with many codes... My house requires three grounds: To the copper water pipe (bond to the municipal water system: make sure plastic was not added in the water system to break that bond), to the panel, and then a third is at a ground rod near the panel straight into the soil. Newer NEC code actually calls for a separate ground wire to be bonded to the water pipe all the way PAST the water meter... This is because many people add plastic to the electrical system by mistake and break the ground connection there... Also, a separate ground wire has to be run through the whole system when using metal conduit, you can't get by just using the conduit as the ground wire anymore... Again, because of the possible addition of plastic to the system and forgetting about adding a jumper. The thing is it went right down/through her digestive tract... I don't think the rubber slippers had any effect like the article alludes to... Amazing!


Now... Say somehow the situation was different where she grabbed were the lightning entered with one hand and then where it exited with the other... The charge would have passed through her torso horizontally... She may have went into cardiac arrest... Thank God the situation was where it went through vertically... And not pass through the heart. Never grab anything electrical across your body with two separate hands. When throwing a breaker... Use one hand and lean head/face away, never "square" your body up to the panel! In case it goes/blows.

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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