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Remember, it's the 'peaceful' religion

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This particular religion seems to have a lot of fanatics bent on killing lots of people.

That's like saying America has more idiots than any other country. It's a percentage thing- high population= more idiots, because of percentage. Islam and Christianity has the two largest followings in the world, therefore, there are more fanatics. Doesn't mean that the majority aren't good people that you wouldn't want for neighbors.


Problem is that people like to stereotype, and in doing so, they hold people accountable for things that other people did.....which is very un-american.

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That's like saying America has more idiots than any other country. It's a percentage thing- high population= more idiots, because of percentage. Islam and Christianity has the two largest followings in the world, therefore, there are more fanatics. Doesn't mean that the majority aren't good people that you wouldn't want for neighbors.


Did I suggest otherwise?

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You may not give a rats ass about their religion or their god foresaken lands but our military sure seems to have a major interest. Maybe that's what has them so pissed off.


The US military pulled out of the Muslim Holy Lands, which was bin Laden's primary beef.


Yet their terrorism continues.


Whats your next excuse for their behavior? MTV?


Really, Jim? Youre going for the "its really the eeevil US' fault all those poor poor Moslems have to blow themselves up" line of bull ****? Really?

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That's like saying America has more idiots than any other country. It's a percentage thing- high population= more idiots, because of percentage. Islam and Christianity has the two largest followings in the world, therefore, there are more fanatics. Doesn't mean that the majority aren't good people that you wouldn't want for neighbors.


Problem is that people like to stereotype, and in doing so, they hold people accountable for things that other people did.....which is very un-american.

There is only one thing that rings hollow in this statement when you lump Christians in with Muslims. I not defending Christianity but can you name one Christian group that has plotted and carried out attacks in Europe, North America and Asia in the last 10 years? I know its not PC to say but it's not the same thing, there may be Christian fanatics but they are not going around blowing people up wholesale style purely in the name of their religion or perceived defense of their religion.

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There is only one thing that rings hollow in this statement when you lump Christians in with Muslims. I not defending Christianity but can you name one Christian group that has plotted and carried out attacks in Europe, North America and Asia in the last 10 years? I know its not PC to say but it's not the same thing, there may be Christian fanatics but they are not going around blowing people up wholesale style purely in the name of their religion or perceived defense of their religion.


The Christian Brotherhood is made up of many sects. The Lutherans are largely a peaceful branch and keep pretty much to themselves. The Methodists are peaceful also but are very secular which makes members of their particular brand of christianity good government leaders. Now the Baptists are an enigma. There are many strains but the three most known are the Southern Baptist, Shiloh Baptist and just plain Baptist. They have strange rules which frown on alcohol consumption, dancing and reading the comics on Sunday. The Shilohs really can sing though. They are called fundamentalist and are known to communicate with each other during their meetings in strange and ancient languages. They also frown on baby killing which has put them on the government's watch list. All-in-all, these are people to be worried about. It was once rumoured that one of their sect was involved with killing a fetis eliminator.


The very dangerous branch of the Christian religion though are the Catholics. Their strange motions of touching their forheads and kneeling and standing in unison are symptoms of a cult that has been in existance for many centuries. They adore and follow the lead of a far off Imam that wears a cone shaped head piece that had its origins with the KKK. They eat the flesh and drink the blood of a long dead but once revived prophet. They even have a slush fund called "Catholic Charities" that is obviously a front for the funding of the Catholic Missionaries, a group sent out to further their cause in strange and far off lands. This is the group to be wary of. If you suddenly hear the phrase "God is Great" shouted, protect yourself for surely the wrath of the lord will be upon you. Obviously, compared to the "Religion of Peace" Christianity can't compare.

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There is only one thing that rings hollow in this statement when you lump Christians in with Muslims. I not defending Christianity but can you name one Christian group that has plotted and carried out attacks in Europe, North America and Asia in the last 10 years? I know its not PC to say but it's not the same thing, there may be Christian fanatics but they are not going around blowing people up wholesale style purely in the name of their religion or perceived defense of their religion.

Expand your timeline just a bit and we could talk about the IRA.

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The US military pulled out of the Muslim Holy Lands, which was bin Laden's primary beef.


Yet their terrorism continues.


Whats your next excuse for their behavior? MTV?


Really, Jim? Youre going for the "its really the eeevil US' fault all those poor poor Moslems have to blow themselves up" line of bull ****? Really?


We're not helping matters.

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I don't think it really matters much what we do. The Muslim extremists are going to try to do what they want no matter what.



Here is a nice read- I don't know about the website, but it isn't where I originally heard about this. If a Muslim group insulted our troops like this, there would be outrage


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So, in other words you are saying that there isn't a dedicated group of muslim extremists out to destroy our way of life?

It is ridiculous to think they they would give two schitts about us if we didn't meddle in their affairs. Your way of life is not that interesting.

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