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Just the Beginning?


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This has gotten bad. This team has been poorly run with no NFL level talent evaluator for years. The scary thought that just crossed my mind is....IS THIS JUST THE BEGINNING? Lynch was one of the few good players on this team and letting him go for a 4th rounder was just dumb. Even if we did get the 3rd what would we do with it? Screw it up as usual because we don't have anyone that could judge talent if it fell to them in the draft (Orakpo).


How are we getting rid of so many people? If they were bad enough to release why didn't we figure that out before the draft and free agency ended?


Trent Edwards

Kawika Mitchell

Marshawn Lynch


Who's next? Are we saving money? If we are it's to over pay below average talent instead of retaining or acquiring probowlers. Are we getting rid of everything to stock pile picks? If we are we will only squander them in the draft. Didn't the front office know that LT/RT, LB, QB and DE were our biggest needs before the draft? They did absolutely jack squat to address those needs!!! They did nothing in the draft and did almost nothing in free agency other than grabbing a cast off LB who has been in the 3 - 4 before.


If it weren't for idiotic moves like giving Kelsay a boat load of money I would say they are just getting rid of anyone making money or who would need to be resigned for money so that the next owner can put their stamp on things and start over. If you exclude the Kelsay signing it looks like a fire sale. Is this even a rebuilding year or a year to tear it all down and sell the team so that the next owner can START the rebuilding process next year? If so, why put a GM and coach in place if you are selling the team at the end of this season?


I'm confused!!! Can they really be that dumb? There has to be some agenda that we are not seeing clearly that explains the idiocy we have seen. Is Ralph a senile old ruler who has lost it but rules with an iron first? Is it Modrak who is playing senator Palpatine and is secretly running the organization into the ground by being completely incompetent at pro player talent evaluation? All the while Ralph drools on himself talking to Al Davis on the phone about the good old days of the AFL? What freakin' gives?

Edited by PDaDdy
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Bring it on! Fire Sale!


Cut or trade all these losers. i'd rather lose with second stringers than suffer another week with some of the wastes of space currently on the roster (Evans, Kelsay, I'm talking to YOU.)

It's not a Fire Sale when you extend a slug like Chris Kelsay!

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I've been a ML fan from the beginning and hate to see him go, but the deal makes sense. He is in the last year of his deal,and with CJ and FJ on board for the future someone had to go. Getting something now is better than nothing later. The Pats got a 4th for Maroney and had to send a 6th as well. We got a 4th and a conditional as well. The market for RB's is not good. You're afraid more moves are coming, well I'm hoping more are in the works. This team needs a major overhaul. It's time to see what the younger half of the roster has to offer and to move so much of this dead wood. I would jump for joy if the next move was the release of Kelsay. I will not be surprised if Evans is moved before the draft in 2011. As much as it pains me to admit it, this team is going no where in the present, or near future. I'm just hoping the coach and GM have a viable plan in place. Stay tuned Bills fans, things could get rocky.

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I've been a ML fan from the beginning and hate to see him go, but the deal makes sense. He is in the last year of his deal,and with CJ and FJ on board for the future someone had to go. Getting something now is better than nothing later. The Pats got a 4th for Maroney and had to send a 6th as well. We got a 4th and a conditional as well. The market for RB's is not good. You're afraid more moves are coming, well I'm hoping more are in the works. This team needs a major overhaul. It's time to see what the younger half of the roster has to offer and to move so much of this dead wood. I would jump for joy if the next move was the release of Kelsay. I will not be surprised if Evans is moved before the draft in 2011. As much as it pains me to admit it, this team is going no where in the present, or near future. I'm just hoping the coach and GM have a viable plan in place. Stay tuned Bills fans, things could get rocky.

He is NOT in the last year of his contract.What is so hard to understand?

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I've been a ML fan from the beginning and hate to see him go, but the deal makes sense. He is in the last year of his deal,and with CJ and FJ on board for the future someone had to go. Getting something now is better than nothing later. The Pats got a 4th for Maroney and had to send a 6th as well. We got a 4th and a conditional as well. The market for RB's is not good. You're afraid more moves are coming, well I'm hoping more are in the works. This team needs a major overhaul. It's time to see what the younger half of the roster has to offer and to move so much of this dead wood. I would jump for joy if the next move was the release of Kelsay. I will not be surprised if Evans is moved before the draft in 2011. As much as it pains me to admit it, this team is going no where in the present, or near future. I'm just hoping the coach and GM have a viable plan in place. Stay tuned Bills fans, things could get rocky.




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I hope they get rid of more of the dead wood this year. Lynch was productive, but a poor attitude. I can't figure out why on earth they extended Kelsay's contract. He's a nice guy, but not all that productive. Get rid of Modrak too and take out the trash that came with him. It's going to be a very long year, and I'm quite happy with myself for NOT signing up for NFL Direct ticket!

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He is NOT in the last year of his contract.What is so hard to understand?

Actually he probably is in his last year. As per PFT ...


Lynch is under contract through 2012, but it's possible that the sixth year of his rookie deal voids.


His last year of the rookie contract can be voided based on how many games he missed in the first 5 years.

Edited by CodeMonkey
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Watch the offseason this year. Goodbye to Whitner, Maybin, Stroud, and who knows else. I would love to see Kelsay gone too, but I think they'll keep the epittomy of overpaid underachievment.

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He is NOT in the last year of his contract.What is so hard to understand?


What is hard to understand is how you fixated on that one debatable point, and missed the larger issue to compare this trade to the Maroney deal. The great and glorious Pats had to send him and a 6th to get a 4th.... which puts this deal in perspective, something that too many knee-jerk critics around here clearly lack.

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Watch the offseason this year. Goodbye to Whitner, Maybin, Stroud, and who knows else. I would love to see Kelsay gone too, but I think they'll keep the epittomy of overpaid underachievment.


I understand the shakeout but what I dont understand is the timing... Why not before the start of the season, why now...

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I understand the shakeout but what I dont understand is the timing... Why not before the start of the season, why now...

Nix and Gailey had to "see for themselves". Last season wasn't good enough for them. :rolleyes:


Plus during the season they can try to catch some teams desperate. GB for example needs a RB bad, as did Seattle. In theory that improves your bargaining position and gets you more in the trade. Hasn't played out that way so far though.

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I understand the shakeout but what I dont understand is the timing... Why not before the start of the season, why now...


Likely they wanted to see what they had and why move a back if the other two aren't going to do the job. There's never been any rush, but now is the time. He's been featured a few weeks. He's a good back and he's been on his best behavior. That can all change quickly. It's done and the running game will be better having two instead of three backs. Now let's move out some other bodies and truly rebuild.

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Actually he probably is in his last year. As per PFT ...




His last year of the rookie contract can be voided based on how many games he missed in the first 5 years.


It's 2010 right now. If the 2012 season is voided, that still leaves 2011, which is next year.

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Please educate me! How does getting rid of what little talent the Bills have in the case of Stroud and Evans make the team better? Evans has no one to throw him the ball or time to get 5 yds down field before the pocket collapses and the play is turned into a chinese fire drill. Stroud is getting older yes and may have slowed down or does not fit int othe system, but who are you going to get to replace him. Julius Peppers commented on a Chicago radio show that " yeah Buffalo made a better financial offer,but man it's Buffalo,NO ONE WANTS TO GO THERE." So we get rid of this board's choices for underachievers and replace them with what? FA? Not anyone in their prime. Rookies? How has that worked out since 1999.


There is no quick fix. Only a slow torture while new players are drafted, mature and contribute while existing players mature and decline. The stars have to align with a historically stupid move aka the Saints Trading their draft picks for R Williams, the herschel Walker deal, letting Brees go or yes even the Cornelius Bennet move for a team to make enormous strides overnight. And before I get the falcons and dolphins examples as retorts, keep in mind they did not trade their core to do it. The birds added A QB behind a decent line and gave him Gonzalez and a rb to work with. The fins drafted LT, DE, G and LB after the WR debacle and used a "has been" at QB. There is little hope that a 90 something owner is in it for the long haul.

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I hope they get rid of more of the dead wood this year. Lynch was productive, but a poor attitude. I can't figure out why on earth they extended Kelsay's contract. He's a nice guy, but not all that productive. Get rid of Modrak too and take out the trash that came with him. It's going to be a very long year, and I'm quite happy with myself for NOT signing up for NFL Direct ticket!

I disagree with you contention that ML has a poor attitude. I have never read anything negative regarding the team or his teammates. I would go so far as to say he and FJ have had at, least for appearance sake, a friendly relationship inspite of competing for the same job. That certainly seems to be a resonably good attitude.

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It's not a Fire Sale when you extend a slug like Chris Kelsay!



And that really says it all.


I can understand waiving Edwards, trading Lynch, coming to an agreement with Mitchell to let him go, saying 'see ya' to Hardly.


These are all players (with the exception of Lynch) that have been spotty at best for us. Edwards did not work out, so why prolong the inevitable? If they are all equal in terms of ability, then what difference does it make? We make progress as a roster closing up the Edwards tent, moving on, and giving Brohm and Brown as much work as we can. We turn the corner.


Mitchell was not a stud LB. He was respectable. But he would be out of position, blocked off the ball, etc. For 2 seasons in a row now, we have injuries creeping in. Not good for a position like LB.


Hardy should reflect the poor scouting of Modrak and Co. How Tom Modrak still has a job at OBD is beyond me. But we finally parted ways. I was pleased.


Lynch, for all of his talent, began to grow restless in Buffalo. He seemed to me to be starting to suffer from McGahee syndrome. "I'm better than this city", etc. Terrible symptoms of arrogance and inflated self-importance. Throw a little DUI and canadian bashing with your SUV and its clear he was distracted. What makes me mad is that it is for UNDISCLOSED draft picks. So, we have to wait to find out what we got out of this deal. He was a 1st rounder. I sure hope that we got atleast a high 3rd with maybe a 4th or 5th for him. Anything less, and we were robbed. But if Modrak and Co. are still doing the scouting, I don't think 20 1st rounders is going to make a difference.


But the Kelsay deal makes no sense. We got RID of John Guy and his stupidity. Kelsay has done nothing to justify being a ball boy. I thought Whaley was supposed to bring Pittsburgh-like experience to our free agent dealings. This is hardly steel city thinking.


The Kelsay extension makes absolutely no sense.

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