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Maybe if you was nicer

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Last week I came in here to tell a funny story THEN bash your team and some of you decided to get on my case like I was out of line or something.I am a BANDWAGON FAN and I never follow the Jets when they lose.I came here with one purpose......Rile up the board then disappear.When the Jets start to lose you won't find me here.....nope,not me!


Well now that the Bills choked, I am here to gloat!!! I wouldn't take it too hard though. It is just that the Jets are pretty much like the fans in New York City.We shoot people in the streets over cab fare,steal money from old people,scam the visitors,collect tax money from Western New York to help build a shrine near ground zero. then laugh. We like to run up the score because it makes us feel powerful.


I also said the Bills might win a game soon and this might be the week but I only said that because I am such a wonderful person.



P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS.

Edited by Another Point of View
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Last week I came in here to tell a funny story THEN bash your team and some of you decided to get on my case like I was out of line or something.I am a BANDWAGON FAN and I never follow the Jets when they lose.I came here with one purpose......Rile up the board then disappear.When the Jets start to lose you won't find me here.....nope,not me!


Well now that the Bills choked, I am here to gloat!!! I wouldn't take it too hard though. It is just that the Jets are pretty much like the fans in New York City.We shoot people in the streets over cab fare,steal money from old people,scam the visitors,collect tax money from Western New York to help build a shrine near ground zero. then laugh. We like to run up the score because it makes us feel powerful.


I also said the Bills might win a game soon and this might be the week but I only said that because I am such a wonderful person.



P.S. J-E-T-S Jets JEts JETS.



"We shoot people in the streets over cab fare , steal money from old people , scam the visitors , collect tax money from Western N.Y. to help build a shrine near ground zero . Then laugh ."


You forgot that you probably sell your food stamps that you get from the tax payers to buy crack !! And we wonder why the U.S. is the way it is !!


They say this is the best city in the world !! Maybe this is why every New Yorker get's to keep just 36 cents of every dollar they make ??


There are so many things that could be said about this post but i don't have to write them on a football blog to let your ignorant's show through - you have already done it for us !!!!!!!!!!


With that being said if it takes us having a rebuilding football team to be an upstanding & decent region of N.Y. State i'll take it every day over what this post tells us about N.Y.C. folks !!


Boy wouldn't Rex Ryan & the mayor of N.Y.C. like to read about just what kind of people inhabit there city ??


But of coarse they all ready know !!! :thumbdown:

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