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Monorail! Monorail! Monorail!

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Great, The Simpson's Economic Plan. :wallbash: As I recall that didn't do too well for Springfield, and the guy who proposed it made a lot of money on it and then took off when it failed. Hmm, but the big players in all this environtology dreck aren't looking to make big money off this, no, they are all about the planet. :lol: And sure, these un-elected people will hold themselves accountable and stand by the crap they are selling, they won't fail and then run away back to Harvard/Berkley.


Art imitating life? Life imitating Art? :bag:

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Great, The Simpson's Economic Plan. :wallbash: As I recall that didn't do too well for Springfield, and the guy who proposed it made a lot of money on it and then took off when it failed. Hmm, but the big players in all this environtology dreck aren't looking to make big money off this, no, they are all about the planet. :lol: And sure, these un-elected people will hold themselves accountable and stand by the crap they are selling, they won't fail and then run away back to Harvard/Berkley.


Art imitating life? Life imitating Art? :bag:


Is your avatar comparing Tom Brokaw to Olbermann and Mathews? I suppose I'm not surprised.

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Great, The Simpson's Economic Plan. :wallbash: As I recall that didn't do too well for Springfield, and the guy who proposed it made a lot of money on it and then took off when it failed. Hmm, but the big players in all this environtology dreck aren't looking to make big money off this, no, they are all about the planet. :lol: And sure, these un-elected people will hold themselves accountable and stand by the crap they are selling, they won't fail and then run away back to Harvard/Berkley.


Art imitating life? Life imitating Art? :bag:


I have an idea for an economic stimulus project that will combat global warming. What's the biggest contributor to Global Warming?

The Sun. So lets build something to block out the Sun.



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We can't have meglev high speed rail, that's only for advanced countries with national will, and everybody knows national will is for suckers! it's a global everyman for themselves Randian outlook that will carry the day- soon they will get rid of NASA and reverse rural electrification and we can all be happy.

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Thanks for resurrecting this if only for the reason of reminding me what a better world it is without Conner. Comparing a Goverment subsidized train with the fire department?


Fire department, no. But it's a fair comparison to roads & airports. I honestly don't know if a fair study comparing different modes of public transit have ever been done. There are a lot of variables to consider, ranging from the existing railroad infrastructure and rights of ways to trying to retrofit them for vehicular use and dumping more cars on the roads leading into cities which can't handle the traffic load. For that reason, railroads may still be the best alternative in heavily populated areas.

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Fire department, no. But it's a fair comparison to roads & airports. I honestly don't know if a fair study comparing different modes of public transit have ever been done. There are a lot of variables to consider, ranging from the existing railroad infrastructure and rights of ways to trying to retrofit them for vehicular use and dumping more cars on the roads leading into cities which can't handle the traffic load. For that reason, railroads may still be the best alternative in heavily populated areas.

And the 40 year old Gov owned Amtrak is a failure? Why? How will the new system be different?

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And the 40 year old Gov owned Amtrak is a failure? Why? How will the new system be different?


Hard to say, because Amtrak was forced to maintain a lot of unprofitable routes (ie transcontinental). But there are a lot of routes, especially in very heavily traveled corridors where it could make a profit. But very few public transportation units make a profit, so that's not a fair way to look at it.

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Hard to say, because Amtrak was forced to maintain a lot of unprofitable routes (ie transcontinental). But there are a lot of routes, especially in very heavily traveled corridors where it could make a profit. But very few public transportation units make a profit, so that's not a fair way to look at it.

And that is the heart of the issue. privately owned airlines see a unprofitable route they raise the price. No one wants to buy? Discontinue the route. But the Government will just keep throwing money at it, and sending empty trains across the country.

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It's a fantastic idea conceptually speaking. The government takes tax dollars and spends them on projects that will put a few people into jobs making goods and services that no one wants and will only use if the government takes more tax dollars and subsidizes the users of those goods and services in order to incent their use.

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