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Sharia Law In the US


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So, you are now admitting that Fox News* is legitimate? If you are throwing them in with the Alphabet news sources I'm not sure they'd be happy with your brand of legitimate.



* I am aware of Sean Hannity's program using the wrong crowd footage on his show. When discovered they did apologize. When Dan Rather was caught he wouldn't admit his folly. I'm not aware of the other networks ever owning up to the deliberate attempt to twist the white male racist with a gun story. Regardless, you haven't mentioned one thing about the column in the original link I posted. All you have railed about is the source. Why don't you read the article and refute what it says, not just do your usual drive-by hack job on the source.

And btw, it wasn't even a very good hack job.

Fox has a good newscast- its the other stuff they do that gets tuned out. Hannity is no Hume.....

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I do refute that. I linked to an article that referred to certain groups and a Whitehouse representative that would like to see it happen. Maybe if you would have read the column you'd know that. I think we will wake up much sooner than the UK and prevent it from happening here.


Do you ever have anything of substance to say?




Nice attempt at another hack job. Why don't you ever have anything of substance to say? I'm beginning to wonder if you should be called mini connor or he should be called mini frenkle.

Looney Toons, time to bust out the tinfoil hats. Keep feeding your ravenous worldview, dummy.

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Looney Toons, time to bust out the tinfoil hats. Keep feeding your ravenous worldview, dummy.


Ah, more substance from mini connor. Why don't you refute the original post? Why don't you do something other than make wild assumptions and accusations? Why do you have to resort to just calling people names?

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Human Events - "Leading Conservative Media Since 1944"

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No agenda there...


You are a wingnut because you can't see, or more likely refuse to see the obvious bias. I mean, they don't even try to be subtle about it, and still you're all fired up.

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Human Events - "Leading Conservative Media Since 1944"

Related Articles

Exposing the Koran's History

by Julia Duin

Islamists Say the Darndest Things

by James Zumwalt

Jihad to Subvert the Constitution

by Connie Hair

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by Doug Giles

No agenda there...


You are a wingnut because you can't see, or more likely refuse to see the obvious bias. I mean, they don't even try to be subtle about it, and still you're all fired up.


Where's the bias? Read the articles. If they don't try to be subtle about it and are straightforward they must be biased? I think you need to check your own bias meter.

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Where's the bias? Read the articles. If they don't try to be subtle about it and are straightforward they must be biased? I think you need to check your own bias meter.


You're kidding, right?


Or do you actually believe that the Muslim Brotherhood was founded by the Nazi Party in Munich in 1936?

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The people who opposed the Virginia "911 mosque" were called bigots...


"Our 'Modern Muslim' Problem"...





note: google the title of the WSJ article to read the full length piece.




"Exposing the Myth of Moderate Islam"...



Edited by 1billsfan
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Nope. Link?


The story you posted has as its sole source of information a site that explains, among other things, how the Muslim Brotherhood was created by the Nazis in Munich in the '30s.


Now normally, I might let that degree of separation slide...but...well..."Judge me by who I associate with"... :w00t:

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The story you posted has as its sole source of information a site that explains, among other things, how the Muslim Brotherhood was created by the Nazis in Munich in the '30s.


Now normally, I might let that degree of separation slide...but...well..."Judge me by who I associate with"... :w00t:

Uh...but, it is historically accurate to say that the SS and even Hitler himself purposely inserted Muslims or inspired them towards insurrection in both Egypt and Palestine, based purely on either Muslim ideology and/or hatred of the Jews. The concept of eradicating the Jews in Palestine was one of the central themes of this. Nasser was even part of these groups.


Most of these efforts failed miserably, and, in a hysterical twist, their slight successes inspired the Jews to form their own paramilitary groups to defend themselves...which ultimately led to Palestinian Jews now being called...Israelis. Nice job idiots. :doh::lol::lol: Nothing like getting the exact polar opposite of what you intend. Oh, and my controversial source is...The History Channel :o BIAS!

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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The story you posted has as its sole source of information a site that explains, among other things, how the Muslim Brotherhood was created by the Nazis in Munich in the '30s.


Now normally, I might let that degree of separation slide...but...well..."Judge me by who I associate with"... :w00t:


The story I linked was on the Human events site yes. It quotes several sources of information and background. Click on the link below and look at the 177000 references to the muslim brotherhood and nazis. Now, that wasn't the initial purpose of my op but it is interesting and would seem to refute your position on the nazis and the muslim brotherhood. I had some knowledge of the cooperation of the muslim world and the nazis (because of WWII)but didn't realize the depth of it. Two things, you learn something everday and even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile. :D

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The story I linked was on the Human events site yes. It quotes several sources of information and background. Click on the link below and look at the 177000 references to the muslim brotherhood and nazis. Now, that wasn't the initial purpose of my op but it is interesting and would seem to refute your position on the nazis and the muslim brotherhood. I had some knowledge of the cooperation of the muslim world and the nazis (because of WWII)but didn't realize the depth of it. Two things, you learn something everday and even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in awhile. :D





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What the hell is wrong with you guys? Jesus !@#$ing Maria, I had no idea that so much islamophobia did exist on this board which tells me that a lot is out there. !@#$ing relax, they are people just like you and me, they just come from different cultures and circumstances. There are some radicals out there just like there are radicals in every country, religion or political party.


I never thought I would be using the world Islamophobia because it is word that the libtards like to use, but !@#$, in this case it applies.


To judge the entire religion because of a few nutballs is extremely stupid and ignorant. Just stop it! You give reasonable thinking people here in the U.S a bad name to the rest of the world.

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What the hell is wrong with you guys? Jesus !@#$ing Maria, I had no idea that so much islamophobia did exist on this board which tells me that a lot is out there. !@#$ing relax, they are people just like you and me, they just come from different cultures and circumstances. There are some radicals out there just like there are radicals in every country, religion or political party.


I never thought I would be using the world Islamophobia because it is word that the libtards like to use, but !@#$, in this case it applies.


To judge the entire religion because of a few nutballs is extremely stupid and ignorant. Just stop it! You give reasonable thinking people here in the U.S a bad name to the rest of the world.

Like it or not, there are a lot of people who "think" like this these days.

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