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While I can certainly remember the losing days before the Kelly era, I was too way young at the time to really let it bother me. But after living through the glory years and onto the current state of the franchise, I have to say that this is looking like it could be one of the ugliest seasons ever.


I still watch every game and even though it might qualify me as a sell-out, I have not been to a live Bills game in three seasons. I just can't make it worth my while to drive up from Jamestown and drop well over $100 to see a team that does not put 100% effort into their games. As much fun as the tailgating is and as rabid as the fans are, I just can't bring myself to drive up there anymore to witness such incompetence on the field. It is bad enough witnessing it on the television.


It's sad that I have gotten over the denial that the Bills are a really bad franchise and even worse now that I have accepted it. Today's result didn't surprise me at all, unfortunately. I think the big surprise was that we actually hung with New England last week for as long as we did. Instead of getting upset when the Bills play bad, now I just find it laughable...in a very disturbing sort of way.


Most of the 70's and early 80's!


I used to feel this way, before this season started. Now, I'm sure this is the absolute lowest this team has ever been, and I've been watching games since 1973.


As bad as those teams were, we never went 10 years (and counting) between playoff appearances. I really don't see any hope for improvement within the next three years. By then, this team will have different ownership and play in a different city.


I'll still pull for this team, but I simply don't care anymore. It's sad, really.


Just have a question for all you long time bills fans. By long time im talking like 30-40 years. Anyways, my question is: Has there ever been a lower point to be a bills fan? If yes, when? Just curious. Go bills :bag:

The early 70's were bad but nothing compares to the 84 and 85 teams. Those were the worst I have seen. Talk about no hope back to back 2 and 14 seasons and Jim Kelly electing to go to the old USFL what a slap in the face. I remember going to a Denver game in 1984 and about 25000 fans showed up to see a young John Elway play and tickets at cost of only $15.00 for 25 yard line seats in the bottom 10 rows. Oh by the way the Bills lost something like 38 to 7 and Elway was hurt in the 1st quarter and Gary Kubiack played the rest of the way. The Bills only score came on a 70 yard TD pass to Byron Franklyn at the end of the game other than that a forgettable game.


Some of those earlier Bills teams were pretty bad, but you've got to consider all the changes made since the early 90's to level the playing field & establish parity. It's pretty damn hard these days to miss the playoffs for 10 years & counting... unless your owner is Ralph. :thumbdown:


Most of the 70's and early 80's!

i have not read this whole thread, but i presume someone informed you we had some good teams in the early 80s


but as far as now is concerned, yeah, it is pretty bad. i wonder if ralph is even lucid enough to know or care? i'm betting he isn't.

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