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Teen suicide due to bullying

Terry Tate

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Maybe they are lying about the girls laughing, as they are suing the school, but if not, that is some seriously young evil...


It was the fourth time in little more than two years that a bullied high school student in this small Cleveland suburb on Lake Erie died by his or her own hand — three suicides, one overdose of antidepressants. One was bullied for being gay, another for having a learning disability, another for being a boy who happened to like wearing pink.


Suzana Vidovic found her sister's body hanging over the front lawn. The family watched, she said, as the girls who had tormented Sladjana for months walked up to the casket -- and laughed.


"They were laughing at the way she looked," Suzana says, crying. "Even though she died."



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a sinner cannot be blessed???..then no human can be blessed.i think your understanding of christianity is on the same level as the bills' front office understanding of football.

"If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads." Leviticus 20:13


It's the Bible, I recommend reading it. I'm an atheist and I've read the thing twice. Maybe it's about translations, ok. Let us think of history. How many gays and lesbians have been killed by the church? The Christian faith is one of the most dangerous in the history of the world. Do not get me wrong, I think if religion makes you a better person than congrats, worship all you want. But when you're a member of Westboro Baptist than you have issues.


I am simply saying there is great irony in blessing someone who has committed a sin. Read Judges, Laviticus, or just THIS. While it is up for debate, clearly, in Christianity, there should be no homosexuality.


Also, just for fun, Islam is a sect of Christianity. How cool is that?



I hate that someone else killed themselves for bullying. I still think parents need to do better with their kids and should be in a good enough relationship to see some of the tell-tale signs. Also, I think we need to stop preaching so much tolerance to kids. If someone is picking on you, blast'm. Some people are just mean and this is the only way to stop them. I've been bullied, I've bullied, about everyone has had their fair share of both and knows that as soon as you get a good punch in on you that you back off the person.

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