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Teen suicide due to bullying

Terry Tate

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Part of the problem, is there are still many parents who tell kids to suck it up and deal with it.... instead of maybe recognizing that the underlying issues need to be addressed before a suicide takes place. if you aren't taught to recognize the issues, it's a lot tougher to get help for them before it is too late.


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It devolved into the internet tough guys fondly reminiscing about their days on the block playing Smear the Queer and complaining how kids are pussies these days.


Smear the Queer = bullying? We must have played differently when I was a kid; I don't recall anyone having personal animosity toward the ball carrier of the moment.




p.s. kids are pussies these days. The problem with that is they turn into whiny, pansy adults who need to be coddled or they get upset. Example: Yesterday at work we had a management meeting and ordered in lunch. Someone apparently complained because no one had ordered lunch in for the sales meeting that had taken place the day before. Yikes.

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Smear the Queer = bullying? We must have played differently when I was a kid; I don't recall anyone having personal animosity toward the ball carrier of the moment.




p.s. kids are pussies these days. The problem with that is they turn into whiny, pansy adults who need to be coddled or they get upset. Example: Yesterday at work we had a management meeting and ordered in lunch. Someone apparently complained because no one had ordered lunch in for the sales meeting that had taken place the day before. Yikes.



Good point, there is a fine line between bullying and being kids... the problem is too many people don't know where that line is and step over it constantly.

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Smear the Queer = bullying? We must have played differently when I was a kid; I don't recall anyone having personal animosity toward the ball carrier of the moment.

I have never heard "Smear the Queer" used that way until now. We called it "kill the carrier."

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Smear the Queer = bullying? We must have played differently when I was a kid; I don't recall anyone having personal animosity toward the ball carrier of the moment.




p.s. kids are pussies these days. The problem with that is they turn into whiny, pansy adults who need to be coddled or they get upset. Example: Yesterday at work we had a management meeting and ordered in lunch. Someone apparently complained because no one had ordered lunch in for the sales meeting that had taken place the day before. Yikes.


Being outed, especially as a kid or losing your job due to bad performance, as is the case in that other suicide out in CA are both heavy, heavy stressful events. No doubt. Terrible and tough to deal with. But such events leading to suicide, especially in the immediate aftermath of these events leads me to believe that these poor folks had a lot of other deep deep mental issues and were NOT just struggling with sexual identity or not being able to get 2/3 of your class to pass an exam.


And "Kill the guy with the Ball" as we called it, is as FAR from "bullying" as one could get. In our school(s), it was the ONE game where EVERYONE, from EVERY clique played and punishment was doled out in equal portions! Same for it's second brother, the Jr. high school equivalent we called..."suicide."

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these poor folks had a lot of other deep deep mental issues and were NOT just struggling with sexual identity



Actually, when evaluating someone for major depression, one of the questions they ask (always, in my experience) is about sexual identity - essentially, "Are you gay, but just really really insecure about it?"

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Amazing point, Sarah is awesome.


There could be a huge study on the issue, but I will leave my comments to a minimal as I have already insulted several in this thread. I will still insist that if someone committs suicide there is a deeper issue than simply bullying.

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Actually, when evaluating someone for major depression, one of the questions they ask (always, in my experience) is about sexual identity - essentially, "Are you gay, but just really really insecure about it?"


I am not trying to open about a whole issue here... Just a courteous debate. You can refute me all you want. The thing is... If "gayness" was more determined by biological issues (ie: born gay)... Than wouldn't more people be naturally secure about their "gayness" than what they are finding today? This would hold true no matter what society's view on being gay is. Now contrast that with the notion that gayness is determined by lifestyle or social issues/dynamics... Wouldn't we expect to see a lot of insecure issues with gay people? Those insecurities seem to be on the rise more and more EVEN know society is becoming more and more open/tolerant to the gay lifestyle.


No? If not (which I know you will refute my argument... :D )... Please explain why it seems we are "trending" in the opposite direction with regard to gay persons insecurities. Or is it just because things are more in the open, they are documented more.

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People born with physical defects are massively uncomfortable with them so your argument makes no sense. Someone with a cleft palate or no legs doesn't walk around as secure as Brad Pitt.


The trend to acceptance is perhaps because more people are out talking about homosexuality. Lots of people who aren't gay can now look around them and say, "Well it's not for me but I guess it really isn't that big of a deal." That trend is rising fast. Poll out today says a majority of people support gay marriage. It's just a matter of time before the law catches up.

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People born with physical defects are massively uncomfortable with them so your argument makes no sense. Someone with a cleft palate or no legs doesn't walk around as secure as Brad Pitt.


The trend to acceptance is perhaps because more people are out talking about homosexuality. Lots of people who aren't gay can now look around them and say, "Well it's not for me but I guess it really isn't that big of a deal." That trend is rising fast. Poll out today says a majority of people support gay marriage. It's just a matter of time before the law catches up.


So you are saying being gay is a defect? I don't even agree with that.


Why what seems to be a rising insecurity even when it is accepted openly?

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So you are saying being gay is a defect? I don't even agree with that.


Why what seems to be a rising insecurity even when it is accepted openly?


If you're trying to be civil, act like it and don't put words in my mouth.


You argued that if being homosexual was genetic (something you don't believe I suspect), then gay people would be secure in their "gayness." I refuted that by pointing out that people with defects they are born with are not necessarily "secure" in them. Just because you're born a certain way doesn't make you secure in it. See a world of plastic surgery, hair coloring, hair restoration, tanning, etc. for proof.


Gays have a rising insecurity. What you're seeing is more gay people talking about how it's hard to be gay. They can talk about it more because the closet is more open than it once was. People are telling their stories in life to help those still going through the awful experience of hiding in the closet.


Consider what happened as women's rights started to rise in the 60s. Suddenly there was a spike in spousal abuse reporting. Lots of people said, "See, women's rights groups are making the family into a battle zone." In fact what happened was that women were getting brave enough to report the abuse they'd been getting in silence for hundreds of years. The "rising" insecurity you perceive is not a "rise" at all, but merely a moment where homosexual people are finally speaking out openly.


BTW, I could care less if it's genetic or by choice. I don't know when I genetically wanted a woman...or when I chose. But either way, no one should stand in the way of my preference. Or tell me I can't marry someone of my choosing. Or make me feel lesser for my choice.

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If you're trying to be civil, act like it and don't put words in my mouth.


You argued that if being homosexual was genetic (something you don't believe I suspect), then gay people would be secure in their "gayness." I refuted that by pointing out that people with defects they are born with are not necessarily "secure" in them. Just because you're born a certain way doesn't make you secure in it. See a world of plastic surgery, hair coloring, hair restoration, tanning, etc. for proof.


Gays have a rising insecurity. What you're seeing is more gay people talking about how it's hard to be gay. They can talk about it more because the closet is more open than it once was. People are telling their stories in life to help those still going through the awful experience of hiding in the closet.


Consider what happened as women's rights started to rise in the 60s. Suddenly there was a spike in spousal abuse reporting. Lots of people said, "See, women's rights groups are making the family into a battle zone." In fact what happened was that women were getting brave enough to report the abuse they'd been getting in silence for hundreds of years. The "rising" insecurity you perceive is not a "rise" at all, but merely a moment where homosexual people are finally speaking out openly.


BTW, I could care less if it's genetic or by choice. I don't know when I genetically wanted a woman...or when I chose. But either way, no one should stand in the way of my preference. Or tell me I can't marry someone of my choosing. Or make me feel lesser for my choice.



as much as I like EiI (and hate talking about him like he's not in the room, haha), you're better off not discussing matters

relating to homosexuality with him. he believes its a full on choice, and people can choose to be gay or not like flipping a switch. which completely skews any sense of reality from his positions. (EiI, feel free to correct me if Im wrong, but that is what I have observed from your previous posts)

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as much as I like EiI (and hate talking about him like he's not in the room, haha), you're better off not discussing matters

relating to homosexuality with him. he believes its a full on choice, and people can choose to be gay or not like flipping a switch. which completely skews any sense of reality from his positions. (EiI, feel free to correct me if Im wrong, but that is what I have observed from your previous posts)


I think everbody is both... Whatever floats your boat... As I duck from the incoming!


You know me Doc... I am an uber-liberal too... Go figure!


Oh... The "switch" you mention is in the societal rules. I know I am making myself clear... It is just people want to attack me for not being part of either group's way of thinking... And in this case I am getting more flak from the pro-gay groups. My compassion is unwavering towards everybody... Some just don't want to recognize that.

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Leviticus announces that men who lay with men are sinners, and a sinner cannot be blessed. I think it is horrible that all people cannot appreciated but it bothers me that so many people are saying how this kid is in heaven. I wish there was a heaven, but if there was, according to the Bible, he is not there.



"Honestly, this is like the second or third post by jboyst62 that I have read in the last couple days, that made me wonder what the hell he was talking about!"

I get distracted every 4 seconds and have to restart my brain, it's really, really annonying.


a sinner cannot be blessed???..then no human can be blessed.i think your understanding of christianity is on the same level as the bills' front office understanding of football.

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