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This BTW comes from someone who thinks the acceptable reasons for divorce only include abuse: physical, substance or severe mental (including infidelity). If you get married and have kids, you should not get divorced unless you want to guarantee that your kids will end up messed up in some way.

It's not doubted that children of divorce are often messed up in some way, but I wish to ask a question. Which do you think is worse, a child growing up in a very unhappy home or growing up in a bi-nuclear setting, with two happy/not unhappy "homes?"


To me the answer doesn't come quickly or obviously.

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This. If you have kids, you're in it for life. Sorry.




Ever heard of the Protestant Reformation?:rolleyes:

You mean the Luther thing? You say that you defend faith but you pick and choose which ones to defend...you can't do that. Trash them all or defend them all. what comes around goes around ect ect..

Edited by whateverdude
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It's not doubted that children of divorce are often messed up in some way, but I wish to ask a question. Which do you think is worse, a child growing up in a very unhappy home or growing up in a bi-nuclear setting, with two happy/not unhappy "homes?"


To me the answer doesn't come quickly or obviously.


Unless one parent is abusing the child, there's no doubt that it's better to have both parents under the same roof.


You mean the Luther thing? You say that you defend faith but you pick and choose which ones to defend...you can't do that. Trash them all or defend them all. what comes around goes around ect ect..


I can't defend an institution that gave us the Inquisition, the Crusades and Replacement Theology. Not to mention Indulgences, Purgatory and the Infallibility of the Pope.



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Unless one parent is abusing the child, there's no doubt that it's better to have both parents under the same roof.

Again, I don't think that's so obvious. A child that is raised by parents who are constantly fighting/bickering over serious issues is not going to have the best mental health. I think that in, at the very least, the extreme cases similar to this divorce would put much less strain on the child's mind.

Edited by LeviF91
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Unless one parent is abusing the child, there's no doubt that it's better to have both parents under the same roof.




I can't defend an institution that gave us the Inquisition, the Crusades and Replacement Theology. Not to mention Indulgences, Purgatory and the Infallibility of the Pope.



Dude seriously their is no difference between the two in the human rights violator department. choose your poison: slaughter of millions, burning witches in Salem, support of slavery, converting "savages" at the point of a gun ect ect..

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You mean the Luther thing? You say that you defend faith but you pick and choose which ones to defend...you can't do that. Trash them all or defend them all. what comes around goes around ect ect..


So you defend the Muslim faith right? Oh only your particular version of God? Hypocrite.

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Dude seriously their is no difference between the two in the human rights violator department. choose your poison: slaughter of millions, burning witches in Salem, support of slavery, converting "savages" at the point of a gun ect ect..


None of which were instituionalized across all of Protestant Christendom. On the other hand, the Inquisition, Infallibility, Transubstantiation, Indulgences, and any manner of non- or extra-Biblical practices were enforced by FORCE in Catholic realms. And as far as the slaughter of millions goes, I think the Aztecs, Maya, and Jews would take offense to an apologist for Catholicism pointing out such activities.

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So you defend the Muslim faith right? Oh only your particular version of God? Hypocrite.

I have not gone on record as to defending any one religion, but I have bashed Islam and have said that in different words that it seems to be ok to bash Christians but not Muslims. Why?


None of which were instituionalized across all of Protestant Christendom. On the other hand, the Inquisition, Infallibility, Transubstantiation, Indulgences, and any manner of non- or extra-Biblical practices were enforced by FORCE in Catholic realms. And as far as the slaughter of millions goes, I think the Aztecs, Maya, and Jews would take offense to an apologist for Catholicism pointing out such activities.

So Hitler was Catholic now? or for that matter all of Germany who turned a blind eye. Also, Those people who

refused to accept the Church of England and its teachings were executed. "On 30 July, 1540, of six victims who were dragged to Smithfield, three were reformers burnt for heretical doctrine, and the other three Catholics,hanged and quartered for denying the king’s supremacy. DUDE ITS THE SAME THING!

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I don't have as much free time as you so I will only address one of your misquotes.


Here is the entire sentence.


Twenty times, in the course of my late reading, have I been on the point of breaking out, 'this would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion in it!!!!' But in this exclamation, I should have been as fanatical as Bryant or Cleverly. Without religion, this world would be something not fit to be mentioned in public company—I mean hell.

Yes, you seem to have barely any free time at all. :rolleyes:


Really though, thanks for the correction. I appreciate it. In retrospect, that particular quote seems a bit over-the-top for the time.



Care to show me the misquotes in the other John Adams quotes:


Can a free government possibly exist with the Roman Catholic religion?

- John Adams


Where do we find a precept in the Bible for Creeds, Confessions, Doctrines and Oaths, and whole cartloads of other trumpery that we find religion encumbered with in these days?

- John Adams


The doctrine of the divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity.

- John Adams


Yes, he was.


He was raised an Austrian Catholic and received Confirmation.


Never let a fact get in the way of a good rant, dude.


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Yes, you seem to have barely any free time at all. :rolleyes:


Really though, thanks for the correction. I appreciate it. In retrospect, that particular quote seems a bit over-the-top for the time.



Care to show me the misquotes in the other John Adams quotes:


Can a free government possibly exist with the Roman Catholic religion?

- John Adams


Where do we find a precept in the Bible for Creeds, Confessions, Doctrines and Oaths, and whole cartloads of other trumpery that we find religion encumbered with in these days?

- John Adams


The doctrine of the divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity.

- John Adams





You are either misreading the quotes or intentionally misrepresenting them. Many of the founders, John Adams included were Deists. They had an issue with organized religion, not a lack of belief in a God. :oops:


Power always thinks... that it is doing God's service when it is violating all his laws.


If men through fear, fraud or mistake, should in terms renounce and give up any essential natural right, the eternal law of reason and the great end of society, would absolutely vacate such renunciation; the right to freedom being the gift of God Almighty, it is not in the power of Man to alienate this gift, and voluntarily become a slave.


It must be felt that there is no national security but in the nation's humble acknowledged dependence upon God and His overruling providence.
Edited by Booster4324
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Yes, he was.


He was raised an Austrian Catholic and received Confirmation.


Never let a fact get in the way of a good rant, dude.

So now I get it you and gene are anti-catholic. Catholicism and Protestantism are really the same thing, ones the country cousin of the other, one kneels the other stands and sits big difference there I guess. LOL, this whole thing reminds me of when I was a kid and would argue over whose father was stronger or which bike was faster or whose super hero was better or who could pee the furthest.


Let face it if any of us here were true believers in Christianity or religious we would not be here trading barbs with other jamokes but would be serving at a soap kitchen or tending to the infirmed or volunteering to be a big brother, or visiting with family. If you already do than why aren't you doing more?

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So now I get it you and gene are anti-catholic. Catholicism and Protestantism are really the same thing, ones the country cousin of the other, one kneels the other stands and sits big difference there I guess. LOL, this whole thing reminds me of when I was a kid and would argue over whose father was stronger or which bike was faster or whose super hero was better or who could pee the furthest.

Let's not kid ourselves, there are major, major differences between Catholicism and mainstream American Protestantism. Things Catholics believe that mainstream American protestants don't believe include:

Transubstantiation during the rite of the Eucharist

Papal infallibility

Worshiping of "saints"

Salvation through faith and good works (I'm pretty sure they still believe this, but it's all off the top of my head)

Priests being "normal" people's only direct line to God

Condoms spread AIDS :D

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Let's not kid ourselves, there are major, major differences between Catholicism and mainstream American Protestantism. Things Catholics believe that mainstream American protestants don't believe include:

Transubstantiation during the rite of the Eucharist

Papal infallibility

Worshiping of "saints"

Salvation through faith and good works (I'm pretty sure they still believe this, but it's all off the top of my head)

Priests being "normal" people's only direct line to God

Condoms spread AIDS :D

I've been to both and there is not much of a difference they say the same things and read from the same book and accept Jesus as their savior, die for theirs sins ect.. The pope, the priests and the Eucharist play very little role in the day to day life of a Catholic they are largely ceremonial props. Catholics pretty much do the same things protestants do. people are people and Christians are Christians.


I have also live with 2 Sunni Muslim roommates, studied with an ex-Israeli officer and took classes with Lebanese Muslims. The Lebanese were actually pretty cool and embraced American culture. He tried for american citizenship but they turned him down so he put the moves a few girls in class so he could marry in but they just laughed at him. For some reason he loved to wear army camo pants every day. The Sunni roommates were respectful on the surface but definitely had an aura of superiority about them and would really rip on Americans especially American women. They would not let you get to close to them.

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This. If you have kids, you're in it for life. Sorry.




Ever heard of the Protestant Reformation?:rolleyes:


A divorce with no kids is just a bad breakup.


You are either misreading the quotes or intentionally misrepresenting them. Many of the founders, John Adams included were Deists. They had an issue with organized religion, not a lack of belief in a God. :oops:


Franklin and probably Washington were Diests. TJ too. John Adams was not. He waned more Christian than many of the others. Not that he was a huge churchgoer or believer in organized religion, but he had more of a Christian-rooted faith than those two.


Again, I don't think that's so obvious. A child that is raised by parents who are constantly fighting/bickering over serious issues is not going to have the best mental health. I think that in, at the very least, the extreme cases similar to this divorce would put much less strain on the child's mind.


There is more to it. If you are a parent, you need to not just stay together. You need to work your **** out. It's part of what you signed up for. IF you fight so badly that you make the atmosphere toxic for your kids, it's as bad as divorce. Not better, not worse. But it's on you.


Marriage and parenting are hard. People kitty out.

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I know what you said, but it doesn't apply to me, butthead.


I've always considered you a godless communist. :lol:


If you get married and have kids, you should not get divorced unless you want to guarantee that your kids will end up messed up in some way.

That is a complete and utter load of bunk.

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You probably don't live in the South or Midwest. There are a TON of religious people in the US, who would deeply and correctly identify themselves as so. The US is definitely a religious country (based on the number of people practicing relig


Right, but that doesn't translate to them knowing a lot about Islam, Buddhism, Judaism (Outside of the Judeo-Christian connection)or any other religion. This is a stoopid survey. I was raised Roman Catholic, know a lot about other religions cuz I read a lot, and consider myself agnostic . . . why the hell should I know anything about other religions?


Give me a survey about Judeo-Christian tradition and I ace that Mo-Fo.


BTW, i did 14/15 missing only the last question . . .

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