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Is Obama stupid and lazy?


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Seriously? Grades? Seriously? That's what the political debate has come down to?

I like this piece on elitist Ivy League know it alls



What hath Harvard wrought?


Not much good. A Harvard Law School classmate of the president leads the Federal Communications Commission effort to control media available to the average citizen. The narrowly passed ObamaCare bill was engineered by a team from the Harvard School of Public Health with the expressed purpose of putting government in charge of individual health care choices. They were assisted by medical ethics consultants from Princeton who -- if you take away the academic doublespeak -- do not believe that individuals should be allowed to give birth to handicapped children. And the Harvard doctor nominated to head Medicare flatly wants to ration health care for seniors so as to achieve "social justice" for other, more valued citizens. Too old to be of value, he says with a shake of his pointy head.

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