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Is Obama stupid and lazy?


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While reasonable folks may disagree with his views, it's absolutely ridiculous to attack his intellect or work ethic.


FWIW, I was in his class at HLS and personally saw him studying late at night (i.e., past 10 pm) most nights in Langdell library. You saw him two places that first year--in the gym and in the library. After he made law review, he wasn't as visible, as those folks spend about 50 hours a week working on the journal in the Law Review's offices, in addition to their normal course load.


In terms of his intellect, he was widely regarded at HLS, by conservative and non-conservative students alike, as one of the smartest people in the class. One of my friends, now a tenured professor at Stanford Law School, called his intellect "off the charts". When Obama was a student, he was helping Larry Tribe, probably the foremost liberal Constitutional scholar of our day, write scholarly papers while other students were considered lucky to get jobs working as fact checkers for Tribe. Tribe has called Obama his smartest student ever.


You're so way off base on this one that I had to break a personal rule and type this out at work (that and the Pats* thread cheesed me off today). As noted, while people can disagree with his policies and views, attacking him on these two points itself is simply ignorance.....

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Seems to me that getting through Harvard Law would be kinda difficult for anyone that was truly stupid and lazy.



Unless they are C. Thomas Howell in blackface.


Lazy I doubt. But don't forget that "stupid is as stupid does". I view his policies as stupid, but they have to be viewed in the light of what he is trying to accomplish. If his goal is to turn this country into another 3rd world state or even just a European style socialist state his deeds are brilliant.

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If most of the claims in that article are baseless, refute them then. All of them for that matter.


This "I went to school with him and saw how hard he worked" doesnt refute most of the claims in that article. It only says that he was "Present" which he's got a long history of saying. Though being a "Bill Jacker" seems to fit his empty suit persona.

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If most of the claims in that article are baseless, refute them then. All of them for that matter.


This "I went to school with him and saw how hard he worked" doesnt refute most of the claims in that article. It only says that he was "Present" which he's got a long history of saying. Though being a "Bill Jacker" seems to fit his empty suit persona.

I would also like you to refute the claim that you are an elephant descended from an ancient sack of potatoes from the planet Xenu who came to earth on a dare using an improbability engine that does not exists and found a magic bean that turned anyone who touched it into an "erynthered" and erased all past memory of ever being an elephant descended from an ancient sack of potatoes.

Edited by conner
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I would also like you to refute the claim that you are an elephant descended from an ancient sack of potatoes from the planet Xenu who came to earth on a dare using an improbability engine that does not exists and found a magic bean that turned anyone who touched it into an "erynthered" and erased all past memory of ever being an elephant descended from an ancient sack of potatoes.


Dabbling in Scientology? :unsure:

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While reasonable folks may disagree with his views, it's absolutely ridiculous to attack his intellect or work ethic.


FWIW, I was in his class at HLS and personally saw him studying late at night (i.e., past 10 pm) most nights in Langdell library. You saw him two places that first year--in the gym and in the library. After he made law review, he wasn't as visible, as those folks spend about 50 hours a week working on the journal in the Law Review's offices, in addition to their normal course load.


In terms of his intellect, he was widely regarded at HLS, by conservative and non-conservative students alike, as one of the smartest people in the class. One of my friends, now a tenured professor at Stanford Law School, called his intellect "off the charts". When Obama was a student, he was helping Larry Tribe, probably the foremost liberal Constitutional scholar of our day, write scholarly papers while other students were considered lucky to get jobs working as fact checkers for Tribe. Tribe has called Obama his smartest student ever.


You're so way off base on this one that I had to break a personal rule and type this out at work (that and the Pats* thread cheesed me off today). As noted, while people can disagree with his policies and views, attacking him on these two points itself is simply ignorance.....

Stupid is giving him the benefit of the doubt.


If he's just an idealistic stooge whose strings are being pulled by a puppeteer or just a true believer of some ideology impressed upon him by an influential mentor, that may call his intelligence and judgement into question but not necessarily his character.


If he is, however, as brilliant as you say, and not just a fairly smart guy who worked hard to get himself educated beyond his intelligence, one can only wonder why he would behave the way he has.



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I wouldn't characterize Obama as stupid or lazy. I would offer that he is just in so far over his head, that he can't help but make terrible decisions.


I know a bunch of people who went to Harvard, and all of them worked hard to get their law degrees, but all of them also make it clear that you don't have to be smart once you're at Harvard. Pay the bill, do some work, and you will graduate. Recently I heard that something like 90% or more graduate cum laude. I think that says a lot about the institution. Also, I've been told that only certain people have to work really hard at Harvard, and I would stipulate that Obama was not one of those people.


What has he really done in the world of the working class that makes everyone believe he is so qualified to run this country? I haven't seen any evidence that he has actually really worked a day in his life. Show me some real evidence, I beg you...........

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What has he really done in the world of the working class that makes everyone believe he is so qualified to run this country? I haven't seen any evidence that he has actually really worked a day in his life. Show me some real evidence, I beg you...........

You make a great point. From listening to the guy on the few occasions I've heard him off script, he's never struck me as profound in any way. He just regurgitates trite lines, many of which are either simple or require simplicity on the part of the listener to fly.

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You make a great point. From listening to the guy on the few occasions I've heard him off script, he's never struck me as profound in any way. He just regurgitates trite lines, many of which are either simple or require simplicity on the part of the listener to fly.

Who was the last politician who struck you as profound? I mean Bush, Palin and Boehner have struck me at times as profoundly stupid but that's probably not what you meant- In Boehner's defense he may have been drunk or was having a stroke, it was hard to tell, but anyone who saw him on "THIS WEEK" talking about global warming know what I'm talking about.

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Yep- he's an idiot, just like the last guy you people elected and the next one you will elect....wait- what does that say about the voters......Oh Wait, I am supposed to deny anything bad and claim that we are all made from the best stuff on Earth, my bad....

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Who was the last politician who struck you as profound? I mean Bush, Palin and Boehner have struck me at times as profoundly stupid but that's probably not what you meant- In Boehner's defense he may have been drunk or was having a stroke, it was hard to tell, but anyone who saw him on "THIS WEEK" talking about global warming know what I'm talking about.



Rudy Guiliani seems pretty damn smart. To name one politician.


And it hurts me to say this, but Bill Clinton was smart enough not to mess with the economy (unlike the current boob).

Edited by BB27
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Who was the last politician who struck you as profound? I mean Bush, Palin and Boehner have struck me at times as profoundly stupid but that's probably not what you meant- In Boehner's defense he may have been drunk or was having a stroke, it was hard to tell, but anyone who saw him on "THIS WEEK" talking about global warming know what I'm talking about.

So Waxman, Reid, and Pelosi don't strike you as profoundly stupid as well? Or did you only name idiot Republicans because you're unable to face the demons that run the party you identify with?

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