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  On 9/20/2010 at 2:46 AM, KD in CT said:

Wow, the first call for a 'fan boycott' usually doesn't happen till sometime around Thanksgiving.

The natives are restless. :devil:

  On 9/20/2010 at 2:00 AM, b-unit said:


i as well as all of you im sure am pretty fed up with what has been happening not only these past 2 games but for the past decade. IM the guy when in 1990 was in kindergarden and cried when the bills lost the superbowl and my mother told me dont worry they will be there next year well guess what they were for 3 more years. I guess you can say we were spoiled in the early 90s but why do we get **** on in the 2000s



I was thinking about this. I expect, given the cost, most fans pay for tickets with a charge card.


Now most charge cards have dispute and fraud provisions. In other words, if you authorize a charge for a color TV,

and the merchant ships you a black-and-white one (or no TV at all), you can dispute the charge and most cards will hold

the transaction while you try to straighten it out with the merchant. If you never do receive your color TV, it's fraud,

you don't pay.


I think the fans who've bought tickets should all dispute the charge with their credit card companies on the grounds of fraud -

they purchased tickets to a professional NFL game, and so far, a professional NFL game has not been delivered.


That's really the only way. Talk is cheap, vote with your pocketbooks.


Now I don't expect the customer could prevail on this, since technically, the Bills are still in the NFL which makes them professional NFL football by definition.


But it would certainly get management attention (and publicity) if, say, ten thousand fans all disputed their ticket charges at once.


The Buffalo Bills are the laughing stock of the NFL. It is obvious. Yet, most of the people in the "know" will not come out and say what the problem is. It is obvious, though, to an intelligent fan, that Ralph is the problem. He's not only accepted this crap, but he's insisted on methods of free agent aquisition and spending constraints that do not allow for any short term dramatic improvements. He has said, if we read between the lines, that the Bills cannot be good enough to be a SuperBowl team here unless we get lucky with a SuperBowl caliber coach that doesn't demand SuperBowl caliber salary, and a roster made up of rookies and youth on their first contract, with maybe two or three high end contracts. He won't give us a winner, but he won't sell the team to an ownership with passion?


The fans can call him out. The fans can gather at the stadium before games and create a union of sorts - a collective display of Ralph improve the team or sell it kind of thing - with a boycott of going in. The NFL is very concerned with public perception. They do not want a team to be percieved to be too cheap to want to compete, nor do they want that overall bad publicity. There'd be pressure on Ralph to do something - because if people talked about it then the truth would be visible - it's obvious there is something holding this team back, and if Green Bay can succeed in that market there's no reason the Bills can't.


Ralph won't spend the money to make a great team, which will in turn make him money - because he doesn't have to. He threatens the fans and they come to support this garbage! He's promised us, with his deeds and policy, a guarantee of failure - he's given us a team that is designed to fail - and we keep coming back for more. We are just as much to blame as he is.


umm... they cant. not yet. however, we've hit rock bottom when people are calling for the new coach's head by week 2, so it can only start going up from here. Gonna take a few drafts and FA's first


O.k., I just read what I wrote, and I know I'm really mad, and I know the Bills aren't the lowest spending team in the NFL. But, there is something going on that isn't spoken of on T.V. - but you can tell, even by watching guys like Tasker on his show, or Kelly when he talks - that there isn't an EXPECTATION FOR THE BILLS TO WIN! These guys who know a lot behind the scenes, know, for whatever reasons, that the Bills don't have a realistic chance. Not now, not over the last few years, and it doesn't look like it in the next few. So, why? I do think it is Ralph. He is the man who needs to lead the team in being committed, beyond any exception, to winning.

  On 9/20/2010 at 2:41 AM, cåblelady said:

Oh, damn. You changed ur avatar. :cry:

Yeah I was getting to many offers Harriet. Had to take it down, but I'm still on FB for you;)


Things you can do:


1) Call up their ticket office and yell at someone and tell them you won't spend any money on the Bills until they improve.


2) Write a letter saying the same thing.


3) At least email them.


4) Brown bag it at home games.


5) Call up talk radio shows and declare that you are no longer spending any money on the Bills.


6) Email your congressman and local officials and let them know you don't support the franchise.


Those are just a few, maybe I will think of some more and post them.

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