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This isn't Grand Island v. Trott Vocational. This is the NFL. Everybody is lining up to worship the Green Bay Packers...as if they are the 27 Yankees. There is not one person anywhere who respects the Bills enough to say this game will be close. You know what? The game is played on the field, not in the paper.


The Packers were lucky as hell that Aaron Rodgers dropped from #2 to the mid 20's in that draft. They got really lucky. That was not genius. Genius was the trade for Favre.


I'm just tired of all the adolation.


The Bills stunk last week. So did a lot of teams. This is a new day.


There's a pool at work where every week you pick the team you are sure will lose. Everybody except me chose the Bills this week. Everybody. The pool will be over this week. I will win the pool because I did not choose my team to lose.


a loss of over 21 points...take his house, car, cats, dogs, boat and motorcycle...bet doesn't include wife & kids.

the Bills are so pathettic...my prediction of 2-14 may be off by 2 games...IN THE WIN COLUMN!!!


Oh the Humanity!!!

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