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You wanna know who scares the hell out of me?

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<BR>I'm curious Joe, how many semesters of college do you have under your belt? Did you actually have professors that bombarded you with "humanist-marxist-socialist blather" or is this just you repeating the standard talking points?<BR>
I'm a year shy of a bachelors, and a handful of loose courses. Many of them in the education field, and I can most ASSUREDLY tell you that "senisitivity" and "cultural equivalence" and the "oppression of minorities by whites" are ALL central themes in education courses. That's not even taking into account courses revolving around the fallacious idea of classroom inclusion, etc... Schools of education are nothing but indoctrination facilities for the NEA.
<BR>I've got two bachelor's degrees <BR>
WTF would you do something like THAT for? Glutton for punisment?<BR>
I also find the demonization of education to be particularly interesting. What exactly is so evil or so wrong about being educated? I don't think that higher education automatically turns you into a far left winger any more than dropping out of school makes you a right winger. <BR>
education != intelligence. GW Bush was a Yale graduate, and had an MBA if I'm not mistaken, and Joe Biden also has a college degree.<BR>
I'm not sure ignorance is something you should cherish or strive for.<BR>
Education != a lack of ignorance. See any "learned professor" that holds to global warming as ironclad truth.<BR>
Anyone that <B>klings </B>to the idea that the earth is 6000 years old is either retarded or delusional.<BR>
Erm, nice spelling. And perhaps, just maybe that person believes in a higher being. So, now it's acceptable to mock people who hold religious belief? If that's "enlighenment," count me out. Carry on with your smug self-assuredness, it's mildly entertaining. Edited by Joe In Macungie
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I think Sarah Palin is a moron, but I have a couple questions for you.


1) Who was the last successful politician who gained a following by means other than "having vague talking points"?

(btw...I'm making less than $250,000 so I presume my Obama-promised tax cut will show up any minute)


2) Why would you be scared of someone who holds no elected office (and in fact, appears to be unemployed), and has very limited prospects for ever being elected to any office again?



What scares the hell out of me is the ability of those in power to stay that way and continue inflicting damage to our country by convincing people there is some scary bogeyman out there waiting to get them.


So here's the thing... when you see a candidate, when you hear them talk when you hear their actions, when you read what they support when they don't, when you read their advertisements and propaganda, when you hear criticism of the candidate...

.. you have to make a judgment call. You have to judge if that candidate is going to help improve this country (or at least your vision for what improvement looks like).


Some candidates are hard to assess. Scott Brown is one example. After time, I kind of like the guy, but given the chaos of his candidacy I was really unsure about him.


Some candidates are easy to assess. Sarah Palin is one of these. It's all in the judgment of the people. In the judgment of me and many many progressives she is a complete dunce, incapable of understanding issues, incapable or helping this country. She seems to be the kind of person who is lazy, stupid, and loves money more than her country. That is our judgment and assessment. That is far and away not the type of person that should hold a public office.


The fact that 30+ million people fail to judge her this way (or do but are happy with it) is scary. Really scary.

Edited by conner
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Great reply, and exactly what I was looking for in this thread.


I wasn't aware of the Bill you mention, but I could have sworn that she has said in interviews that she is against gay marriage. Still though, very interesting that she vetoed that bill.


I know that the "you betcha" attitude will help her win votes...but isn't that a little immoral to "play dumb" to get votes? I'm also sure that the dems play mind games like that as well - but it just doesn't seem so insulting.


Also, at my campus (North Carolina State University), I can't believe how many Jesus freaks speak in the main quad area all the time. Really pisses me off.

The aren't "Jesus Freaks"

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I'm not so sure about this.


None of my professors interject their own political beliefs.


Why do conservatives always seem like stiff, cranky old men who want to rule the world?


If professors at Universites are so liberal-biased then that makes me want to be even more liberal.


I would much rather follow the advice of someone who has studied these things in a formal setting for a career, rather than just some guy who has certain "feelings" about the way things should be.


The fact that their is a stereotype of professors leaning to the left says a lot to me.

How about this "stereotype"? Or, as I like to call it, fact:


Obama's 3 economic advisers who have quit, so far, all were college professors before, and have gone right back to being college professors after they quit.


So, given their absolute failure, because, hey, it's not like we are only talking about 1 person here, clearly college professors aren't going to succeed merely because they are college professors.


I had business college professors. The simple fact is most of mine were smart people, but putting that in perspective with what I have seen since I have been working? Clearly the smarter people are working in business, not teaching it.


And finally: college professors are typically completely unaccountable to anyone for anything. That is not a good thing, believe me. It will screw with your head no matter how hard you try to avoid it. It creates an unhealthy detachment from other people and their problems.


Oh, wait, wasn't Obama also a college professor? :rolleyes: Does he make you want to become more liberal? :lol:

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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As someone who worked/taught in the English department of Oklahoma State for a few years I can assure you the whole leftist brainwashing conspiracy is absolute nonsense.

As someone who was given an F for the class discussion portion of my grade in Organizational Theory, because I said things like "we shouldn't send women to Saudi Arabia, due to their culture, not ours" and other common sense statements, took my case to the Dean and beat the leftist, lesbian, male-bashing, retard feminist professor in the debate that ensued in the Dean's office, guaranteeing me an A in both her class and the Dean's


....I can assure you that NOT ALL of the leftist brainwashing conspiracy is absolute nonsense.


I took a huge risk on that, for all I know I could have been booted altogether. The question I have is: if no bias exists, then why did I have to jump through those hoops?

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As someone who was given an F for the class discussion portion of my grade in Organizational Theory, because I said things like "we shouldn't send women to Saudi Arabia, due to their culture, not ours" and other common sense statements, took my case to the Dean and beat the leftist, lesbian, male-bashing, retard feminist professor in the debate that ensued in the Dean's office, guaranteeing me an A in both her class and the Dean's


....I can assure you that NOT ALL of the leftist brainwashing conspiracy is absolute nonsense.


I took a huge risk on that, for all I know I could have been booted altogether. The question I have is: if no bias exists, then why did I have to jump through those hoops?


Because it is always about you isn't it.

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How about this "stereotype"? Or, as I like to call it, fact:


Obama's 3 economic advisers who have quit, so far, all were college professors before, and have gone right back to being college professors after they quit.


So, given their absolute failure, because, hey, it's not like we are only talking about 1 person here, clearly college professors aren't going to succeed merely because they are college professors.


I had business college professors. The simple fact is most of mine were smart people, but putting that in perspective with what I have seen since I have been working? Clearly the smarter people are working in business, not teaching it.


And finally: college professors are typically completely unaccountable to anyone for anything. That is not a good thing, believe me. It will screw with your head no matter how hard you try to avoid it. It creates an unhealthy detachment from other people and their problems.


Oh, wait, wasn't Obama also a college professor? :rolleyes: Does he make you want to become more liberal? :lol:


OCinBuffalo, you are the guy who stabs his eye in the video ...

Edited by conner
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OCinBuffalo, you are the guy who stabs his eye in the video ...


Yes the catastrophic failure of these liberal college professors, who have gone right back to Harvard and Berkley....is washed away by your D-bag, irrelevant video. :lol:


The facts are that these Keynesian acolytes have failed miserably, because Keynes was the finest example of putting minor short term gain over long term macro benefit. Oh, wait, I thought it was only the evil corporations who did that. :rolleyes:


Their policies failed because they are based on a failed ideology. ALL the evidence we have supports this conclusion.


But, wait, I am sure we are going to hear, for the 100th time, that the ideology isn't flawed...it's just that it wasn't implemented properly. :wallbash: So, apparently the people who are clearly at the pinnacle of this ideology, um Harvard, Berkley, don't know how to implement it? :lol:


Got any more BS you want to spew before 2 NOV 2010? Might be good to get it all out of your system before reality hits you like freight train.

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I'm not so sure about this.


None of my professors interject their own political beliefs.


Why do conservatives always seem like stiff, cranky old men who want to rule the world?


If professors at Universites are so liberal-biased then that makes me want to be even more liberal.


I would much rather follow the advice of someone who has studied these things in a formal setting for a career, rather than just some guy who has certain "feelings" about the way things should be.


The fact that their is a stereotype of professors leaning to the left says a lot to me.

I'll never forget Enid Bloch, University at Buffalo. Worst professor I've ever had and a perfect example of the liberal professor injecting their own political beliefs into their courses. She claimed that she wanted free thinking but if you didn't agree with her extreme liberal points of view in your papers, it's an automatic C. Learned my lesson quickly and regurgitated everything she talked about in class and turned my semester grade for World Civ into an A. My roommate didn't fare quite as well. He basically argued against her POV in his papers even though he was and still is a liberal, and ended up with a C (you may wonder if he's just a dumbass, but the man is an MD/PhD right now). It was her class that made me realize that I wasn't quite as liberal as I was told I should be. If anything, I think it was my first experience that being liberal and open minded in college meant being completely accepting to anything that was not western and all the evil that was done to the world was done by white people and large corporations.


Engineering school was much better since it was all science and engineering and zero politics. The professors taught you the content and you worked on integrating that into problem solving. I do not ever recall any political agendas being pushed.


In case you're wondering, I'm not white...I'm asian.

Edited by sweet baboo
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I'll never forget Enid Bloch, University at Buffalo. Worst professor I've ever had and a perfect example of the liberal professor injecting their own political beliefs into their courses. She claimed that she wanted free thinking but if you didn't agree with her extreme liberal points of view in your papers, it's an automatic C. Learned my lesson quickly and regurgitated everything she talked about in class and turned my semester grade for World Civ into an A. My roommate didn't fare quite as well. He basically argued against her POV in his papers even though he was and still is a liberal, and ended up with a C (you may wonder if he's just a dumbass, but the man is an MD/PhD right now). It was her class that made me realize that I wasn't quite as liberal as I was told I should be. If anything, I think it was my first experience that being liberal and open minded in college meant being completely accepting to anything that was not western and all the evil that was done to the world was done by white people and large corporations.


Engineering school was much better since it was all science and engineering and zero politics. The professors taught you the content and you worked on integrating that into problem solving. I do not ever recall any political agendas being pushed.


In case you're wondering, I'm not white...I'm asian.

It is always good when someone can avoid pointing the finger at another group. Almost without exception, every group- political, religious, you name it, throughout history has committed attrocities against other groups.


The cause is one of the most diabolical and evil in human history- group think. And most people don't even realize how vulnerable they are to it.

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