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The Pope on the end of a rope

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I believe that Islam is coddled and off limits to ridiculed for some reason when they do wrong.

Reminds me of fat people. We can berate smokers of cigarettes in public all we want about the poor choices they're making, but when it comes to fat people, nuh-uh. <_<

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I not defending what those people did to you, I think it is wrong, But I do think that Christians hear about it when they do wrong it's front page news every day, which is good the cleansing light of truth should be shined on hypocrites. I believe that Islam is coddled and off limits to ridiculed for some reason when they do wrong.

Not really, they don't. And my example it just to show that no religion is perfect. I don't really think I should get apologies from people who didn't do anything- thats lidicrous and would be a waste of time and energy on my part and on the part of people who did nothing.


Look at the uproar from the Vatican over a couple of very good movies- Angels and Demons and Da Vinci Code. Both had a great message- to be wary over religion.


No religion is truly peaceful, because people are not peaceful- we are the lowest form of animal on the planet and don't ever forget that. What other animal makes war for the made up reasons that we do?

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Reminds me of fat people. We can berate smokers of cigarettes in public all we want about the poor choices they're making, but when it comes to fat people, nuh-uh. dry.gif



We shouldn't be berating fat people OR smokers, really. Or, more specifically, the gubmint shouldn't.

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Not really, they don't. And my example it just to show that no religion is perfect. I don't really think I should get apologies from people who didn't do anything- thats lidicrous and would be a waste of time and energy on my part and on the part of people who did nothing.


Look at the uproar from the Vatican over a couple of very good movies- Angels and Demons and Da Vinci Code. Both had a great message- to be wary over religion.


No religion is truly peaceful, because people are not peaceful- we are the lowest form of animal on the planet and don't ever forget that. What other animal makes war for the made up reasons that we do?

OK, than can we agree that no religion should be duded "The Religion of Peace". But, people or individuals can be for peace. Some reason the religion of peace phase that gets tossed around in the media and the PC crowd just enrages me! I lose it every time i hear it!

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OK, than can we agree that no religion should be duded "The Religion of Peace". But, people or individuals can be for peace. Some reason the religion of peace phase that gets tossed around in the media and the PC crowd just enrages me! I lose it every time i hear it!

WOW Adam, your silence speaks volumes. I guess you don't agree or maybe you have not checked the board yet?

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WOW Adam, your silence speaks volumes. I guess you don't agree or maybe you have not checked the board yet?

Nearly passed out from a bad allergy attack, this time of year isn't exactly fun. I also don't post from my Blackberry much after I leave work.


Not many people in this world are peaceful. I know I am far from perfect- and I am the only one I can have much of an impact on.....I try not to worry so much about others, at least until I am beyond reproach.

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That's not condemning the acts, never mind the d-bag himself, of the terrorist. Instead, it sounds like something out of 1984. It sounds like Clinton-esque obfuscation. It sounds bizarre, especially when it is said 2 days after ANOTHER Muslim kills somebody.


No amount of calling me, or anybody else, names is going to to make this "religion of peace" crap sound less bizarre to rational people. It's also not going to explain why in the hell the "good" Muslims aren't going out of their way to squish the bad ones. IF they are, then they should fire their PR people, because we don't see it, hear about it, nothing.


Well, there is that guy in Orchard Park who has a TV network in order to build bridges from Muslims to the rest of the world.

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Muslims denouncing terrorism as search terms = About 5,290,000 results.


Mind you, they aren't all about Muslims denouncing terrorism, but yeesh. Why don't we hear about it? Well, it ain't going to spike ratings.

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Nearly passed out from a bad allergy attack, this time of year isn't exactly fun. I also don't post from my Blackberry much after I leave work.


Not many people in this world are peaceful. I know I am far from perfect- and I am the only one I can have much of an impact on.....I try not to worry so much about others, at least until I am beyond reproach.

yeah the rag weeds around here is killer this year.


So, what about the religion itself? You are avoiding saying that Islam is not the religion of peace. I already know you feel this way about Christianity. Are you frighten to say this about Islam?


You stand on a very weak foundation when you bash other organised religions and defend only one. Either bash them all respect them all or don't defend any of them.

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So, what about the religion itself? You are avoiding saying that Islam is not the religion of peace. I already know you feel this way about Christianity. Are you frighten to say this about Islam?

I believe he addressed that:


No religion is truly peaceful, because people are not peaceful- we are the lowest form of animal on the planet and don't ever forget that. What other animal makes war for the made up reasons that we do?

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yeah the rag weeds around here is killer this year.


So, what about the religion itself? You are avoiding saying that Islam is not the religion of peace. I already know you feel this way about Christianity. Are you frighten to say this about Islam?


You stand on a very weak foundation when you bash other organised religions and defend only one. Either bash them all respect them all or don't defend any of them.

As I have said on other occasions, there is no religion of peace or religion of violence. Religion is what it is- and that is neutral. People are good or bad and for the most part, influenced by what is around them, as they are usually too weak to think for themselves. We can only look to ourselves to do the right thing- we don't need somebody else to do it for us.

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Reminds me of fat people. We can berate smokers of cigarettes in public all we want about the poor choices they're making,


Actually, we can't. They don't choose to be addicted to cigarettes, the tobacco industry forced them to be addicted. They're just innocent victims.


We're headed that way with the obese, too. Give it a decade, and the fat bastards will be considered innocent victims of the fast food industry.


Pretty soon, the only people we'll be allowed to make fun of are the mentally ill and Republicans.

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We're headed that way with the obese, too. Give it a decade, and the fat bastards will be considered innocent victims of the fast food industry.

A decade? Ha! It's already begun. Don't forget genetics and "I'm addicted to food," too.

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Actually, we can't. They don't choose to be addicted to cigarettes, the tobacco industry forced them to be addicted. They're just innocent victims.


We're headed that way with the obese, too. Give it a decade, and the fat bastards will be considered innocent victims of the fast food industry.


Pretty soon, the only people we'll be allowed to make fun of are the mentally ill and Republicans.

Nah, its only fun to make fun of democrats and republicans....in other words, idiots!

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"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

-Mahatma Gandhi


Gandhi was a crazy MF-er, but he hit the nail on the head once in a while.

Ah, Jesus, I like him very much, but he no help with curveball.

-Pedro Cerrano

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Muslims denouncing terrorism as search terms = About 5,290,000 results.


Mind you, they aren't all about Muslims denouncing terrorism, but yeesh. Why don't we hear about it? Well, it ain't going to spike ratings.


You get 5M if you don't put quotes around it because then you get everything having to do with any of those three words. Put quotes around your three words and it's far less, I'd say:

About 5,200 results (0.37 seconds)


And, even that number is so skewed that very thread is number ten on the list!

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