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The Pope on the end of a rope

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Blah, blah, blah, name call, blah.


You still haven't refuted the reality of what I am saying. Calling me names proves nothing. After all your irrelevant bluster, the Muslim problems still exist, as I said would happen. Thanks for proving me right, again. You could talk for days, and nothing you will say changes any of this. Muslim problems are Muslim problems, and somebody has to deal with them. My ego has nothing to do with it.


Yes, I am the reason that these people aren't fighting to save their own religion and themselves. It's all my fault. :rolleyes:


Frankly you are the one with the ego problem here: you keep acting as though denying the reality makes you superior. It doesn't. But go ahead and keep blaming me...as if I have anything to do with it.

I DEMAND an apology from you, then. And I DEMAND it tonight.

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I DEMAND an apology from you, then. And I DEMAND it tonight.

Uh, Ok.


I apologize for not buying into Darin's politically correct BS.


Lord knows, if only I personally would ignore the problems Islam has, then all the terrorists attacks, the psychotic celebrations of them, the delusion that somehow the average American gives a crap about the average person in any Muslim nation, the delusion that somehow we are interested in them enough to want to bother with oppressing them, and their desperate attempts to stay relevant centuries after the world has passed them by....would all go away.


Yes, it has been all my fault. The clear insecurity complex, delusions of grandeur(Achmedenijad claiming that "Iran is a big power" :lol: ), and all the rest of the Dr. Evil behavior? Yeah, that's all my fault as well. If only I would stop making Muslims in every other country but ours suck so badly at everything. Of course, my ego won't allow me to let them stop sucking. My ego is also to blame for their horrible willingness to continue to follow their horrible leaders...their BS ideology has nothing to do with it.


None of these problems are the fault of Muslims. All of them are mine. I am sorry.

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Uh, Ok.


I apologize for not buying into Darin's politically correct BS.


Lord knows, if only I personally would ignore the problems Islam has, then all the terrorists attacks, the psychotic celebrations of them, the delusion that somehow the average American gives a crap about the average person in any Muslim nation, the delusion that somehow we are interested in them enough to want to bother with oppressing them, and their desperate attempts to stay relevant centuries after the world has passed them by....would all go away.


Yes, it has been all my fault. The clear insecurity complex, delusions of grandeur(Achmedenijad claiming that "Iran is a big power" :lol: ), and all the rest of the Dr. Evil behavior? Yeah, that's all my fault as well. If only I would stop making Muslims in every other country but ours suck so badly at everything. Of course, my ego won't allow me to let them stop sucking. My ego is also to blame for their horrible willingness to continue to follow their horrible leaders...their BS ideology has nothing to do with it.


None of these problems are the fault of Muslims. All of them are mine. I am sorry.

When I was in first grade, I was assaulted by five christians who were taught by their parents that I don't believe in God. That is the way Christians are taught to deal with such things.


I deserve an apology from everyone who is christian and a big apology direct from the Vatican.

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When I was in first grade, I was assaulted by five christians who were taught by their parents that I don't believe in God. That is the way Christians are taught to deal with such things.


I deserve an apology from everyone who is christian and a big apology direct from the Vatican.

Oh, but wait, we aren't allowed to recount personal experiences here, right? Which D-bag said that again? I forgot who it was, and I'm not going to bother looking.


For the last time, I am not saying that we hold all Muslims accountable for some Muslim's bad behavior.


Edit: Let me ask you a question. Were there any other self-described Christians standing around when your beating happened?

If there were, and they didn't help/tell/something, then they are just as guilty as the tools who went after you, and they certainly didn't live up to the what they call themselves. They don't get to hide behind "yeah, but Christianity is a religion of peace". They tolerated that behavior in the name of their religion = not OK.


I am saying we ALL need to hold those that tolerate this bad behavior accountable for their actions = their toleration. Toleration is as bad as the act itself, because it supports it by giving the offender the impression that what he is doing is OK when it's not. If so many tolerate these acts that it effects the entire culture, then yeah, we can call it a bad culture, because it f'ing is. :wallbash:

I am saying we ALL need to accept the fact, and make damn sure that we don't encourage anything but Muslim acceptance of the fact, that 95% of their problems are directly due to their own f'ed up culture.


They didn't create this mess, that started 600 years ago. But, they do have a role in cleaning it up, and it's the primary role. They have to be accountable for their own choices going forward. I am not going to sit here and have some D-bag tell me that it's our fault when they attack us. That's retarded. I am not going to sit here and have some D-bag tell me that the f'ed up culture they espouse isn't 95% responsible for their problems, and the primary reason they attack us. That's also retarded.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Oh, but wait, we aren't allowed to recount personal experiences here, right? Which D-bag said that again? I forgot who it was, and I'm not going to bother looking.


Blah blah blah


The way I get under your skin with so little effort is just hilarious.

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Oh, but wait, we aren't allowed to recount personal experiences here, right? Which D-bag said that again? I forgot who it was, and I'm not going to bother looking.


For the last time, I am not saying that we hold all Muslims accountable for some Muslim's bad behavior.


Edit: Let me ask you a question. Were there any other self-described Christians standing around when your beating happened?

If there were, and they didn't help/tell/something, then they are just as guilty as the tools who went after you, and they certainly didn't live up to the what they call themselves. They don't get to hide behind "yeah, but Christianity is a religion of peace". They tolerated that behavior in the name of their religion = not OK.


I am saying we ALL need to hold those that tolerate this bad behavior accountable for their actions = their toleration. Toleration is as bad as the act itself, because it supports it by giving the offender the impression that what he is doing is OK when it's not. If so many tolerate these acts that it effects the entire culture, then yeah, we can call it a bad culture, because it f'ing is. :wallbash:

I am saying we ALL need to accept the fact, and make damn sure that we don't encourage anything but Muslim acceptance of the fact, that 95% of their problems are directly due to their own f'ed up culture.


They didn't create this mess, that started 600 years ago. But, they do have a role in cleaning it up, and it's the primary role. They have to be accountable for their own choices going forward. I am not going to sit here and have some D-bag tell me that it's our fault when they attack us. That's retarded. I am not going to sit here and have some D-bag tell me that the f'ed up culture they espouse isn't 95% responsible for their problems, and the primary reason they attack us. That's also retarded.

This is America- he has as much right to say that we brought it on ourselves as you do to call him a D-bad for it.

I will bring personal experience into it regardless of what people say. Those people attacked me were Christians- and that is why they did it. I want my apology from the Vatican and from all "Christians"


What they did to me can be considered fundamentalism or terrorism.

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The irony is precious. I honestly forget who said what in an 8 page thread...but there you are instantly ready to remind me. It's 2 am. Are you really that starved for my attention?


Please, that is the best you have? Too funny, I will leave you alone tonight, as I wouldn't want to make you cry or anything. I am not going in till noon, so I could trash you for at least an hour more, but I won't. :devil:

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The irony is precious. I honestly forget who said what in an 8 page thread...but there you are instantly ready to remind me. It's 2 am. Are you really that starved for my attention?



Please, that is the best you have? Too funny, I will leave you alone tonight, as I wouldn't want to make you cry or anything. I am not going in till noon, so I could trash you for at least an hour more, but I won't. :devil:


Good God. :rolleyes:


The way you two argue is legally recognized by San Francisco as marriage, you know that?

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Oh, but wait, we aren't allowed to recount personal experiences here, right? Which D-bag said that again? I forgot who it was, and I'm not going to bother looking.


For the last time, I am not saying that we hold all Muslims accountable for some Muslim's bad behavior.


Edit: Let me ask you a question. Were there any other self-described Christians standing around when your beating happened?

If there were, and they didn't help/tell/something, then they are just as guilty as the tools who went after you, and they certainly didn't live up to the what they call themselves. They don't get to hide behind "yeah, but Christianity is a religion of peace". They tolerated that behavior in the name of their religion = not OK.


I am saying we ALL need to hold those that tolerate this bad behavior accountable for their actions = their toleration. Toleration is as bad as the act itself, because it supports it by giving the offender the impression that what he is doing is OK when it's not. If so many tolerate these acts that it effects the entire culture, then yeah, we can call it a bad culture, because it f'ing is. :wallbash:

I am saying we ALL need to accept the fact, and make damn sure that we don't encourage anything but Muslim acceptance of the fact, that 95% of their problems are directly due to their own f'ed up culture.


They didn't create this mess, that started 600 years ago. But, they do have a role in cleaning it up, and it's the primary role. They have to be accountable for their own choices going forward. I am not going to sit here and have some D-bag tell me that it's our fault when they attack us. That's retarded. I am not going to sit here and have some D-bag tell me that the f'ed up culture they espouse isn't 95% responsible for their problems, and the primary reason they attack us. That's also retarded.

You say toleration is as bad as the act itself, but what about people who weren't there to do anything? They did nothing wrong. We have our own f'ed up culture and need to start admitting that, instead of looking to others to clean theirs up first.


No religion or political group is perfect, but people should look more to do right that ask others to do right.

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OC is a troll. But the weird kind of troll, the kind of troll who takes himself serious and really really thinks he's right. He's beliefs contradict all human decency and dignity, and yet he manages to think himself moral.


But that happens when you live in fact free world as OC does.


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When I was in first grade, I was assaulted by five christians who were taught by their parents that I don't believe in God. That is the way Christians are taught to deal with such things.


I deserve an apology from everyone who is christian and a big apology direct from the Vatican.


Oh no...I feel for ya man. Did the Christians issue a fatwa on you, blow you up and then declare themselves The Religion of Peace

Edited by whateverdude
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Oh no...I feel for ya man. Did the Christians issue a fatwa on you, blow you up and then declare themselves The Religion of Peace

yeah, cause if there is no explosion, there is no issue. They sure aren't the religion of peace and no such statement has come from Da Popey

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yeah, cause if there is no explosion, there is no issue. They sure aren't the religion of peace and no such statement has come from Da Popey

Islam sure the hell is not but they'll kill you to prove it is. BTW you just proved the point I made in the survey thread LOL! Way too funny

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Islam sure the hell is not but they'll kill you to prove it is. BTW you just proved the point I made in the survey thread LOL! Way too funny

Really don't care. I think its silly that you are minimizing a religious-based attack, because you just want to defend that religion. Five kids beating the snot out of a first grader because they are incorrectly taught about reality isn't right.


And justifying it by casting stones at another religion is pretty sad. They did wrong in the name of your false god.

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Really don't care. I think its silly that you are minimizing a religious-based attack, because you just want to defend that religion. Five kids beating the snot out of a first grader because they are incorrectly taught about reality isn't right.


And justifying it by casting stones at another religion is pretty sad. They did wrong in the name of your false god.

I not defending what those people did to you, I think it is wrong, But I do think that Christians hear about it when they do wrong it's front page news every day, which is good the cleansing light of truth should be shined on hypocrites. I believe that Islam is coddled and off limits to ridiculed for some reason when they do wrong.

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