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The Pope on the end of a rope

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Um, I think you missed the message. Should a muslim hold a press conference, each time Al Queda does something stupid? I haven't seen you holding a press conference to refute Jim Jones' wanting to burn the Koran.


No. Yet, they don't have to be totally silent on almost everything... Especially really terrible acts of terror. As always, mum seems to be the word. At least make an effort to subdue the sentiment within the ranks. Again, mum seems to be the norm. And yes, I speak out agianst the Koran thing... It makes all Christians look bad and that is something I feel responsible for.


Again... It would be nice for people to speak out and set the record straight about what is right or wrong when interpreting Islam. Knock the Catholic church (by other Christians)... The good thing is, there is a central figure (the Pope)... It is something Islam could surely use. Yes, many other Christian denominations may not agree with the Catholic organization... But the message is still Christian at heart, and that is something that all can rally around.

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The fact that this:


Is followed by this:


Ought not be lost on anyone.


Your "arguments" are as ridiculous as the liberals when they attempt to blame guns for the actions of those who use them to do horrible things to people. Complete ignorance of reality.

No they aren't. And that analogy is broken. Try again.


The same reason most "good" Christians don't go out of their way to squish Westboro Baptist Church.

Are you shitting me? Those people have been excoriated everywhere, all the time, by everybody.


Meanwhile, the "Draw Mohammed" lady has to go into hiding?


Time for a re-think Tom.


Both of you: seem to be stuck in this "yeah but we are better than you because we defend Muslims" shtick. I ain't working. Time to deal with the reality here. I know it feels good to "take a stand"...but this ain't that. It ain't, and it's far past time for you both to accept that you are defending the indefensible.


The reality is that Islam has been causing a lot more problems than it solves lately. Don't start obfuscating by talking about other religions. Muslims have a lot of problems, THEY need to solve them, and no amount of blaming other people or other religions solves their problems.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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Meanwhile all those Catholic pedophiles have gotten plenty of air time the last decade.


I wonder how much air time the MSM will give to this pr3vert

I know CNN has been all over this guy. Every morning at breakfast, I look up and he's plastered up on the TV screen.

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No they aren't. And that analogy is broken. Try again.

Yeah, they are. Kinda funny that you'd go ahead and prove it with the very next sentence. How exactly is the analogy broken? You're demonizing an entire religion based on the actions of a few. Liberals demonize every single gun owner based on the actions of a few. Go ahead and ramble on for a few paragraphs about how it isn't. It'll be entertaining.

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Yeah, they are. Kinda funny that you'd go ahead and prove it with the very next sentence. How exactly is the analogy broken? You're demonizing an entire religion based on the actions of a few. Liberals demonize every single gun owner based on the actions of a few. Go ahead and ramble on for a few paragraphs about how it isn't. It'll be entertaining.




You missed a step though, somehow it will relate to him and his personal experiences.

Edited by Booster4324
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Yeah, they are. Kinda funny that you'd go ahead and prove it with the very next sentence. How exactly is the analogy broken? You're demonizing an entire religion based on the actions of a few. Liberals demonize every single gun owner based on the actions of a few. Go ahead and ramble on for a few paragraphs about how it isn't. It'll be entertaining.

Do I need to explain? If I do, then I need to use more than 10 words. And, they may be big words....


I am not condemning an entire religion based on the actions of a few, so yeah, your analogy is retarded. I am simply saying that you cannot wish away the obvious, serious problems that Islam currently has by constructing some menagerie of "look at me, see how tolerant I am?", politically correct BS. When you get done with your exercise in phony moral superiority, the fact that Islam has major problems will remain, and you will have solved nothing. Ignoring these problems doesn't make you right, and it never will.


We are talking about Islam, and its obvious issues here. Other religions have no effect on these problems. Do you really think that solving the problems in other religions will have any bearing on solving Islam's problems? Of course not. But go ahead and bring up Christianity again... :wallbash:


Muslims have to solve the Muslim terrorist/psychotics that clap when people die problem. It boils down to choices, and Muslims have to hold each other accountable for their choices. It's not our f'ing job, it's theirs. If they don't do it, we have every right to criticize them, and every right to go after their problem children if they won't.


You want an accurate analogy? Racism against people of color is a white people thing, and only white people can solve that problem. Islamic terror is a Muslim people thing, and only they can solve their problem.


Making excuses for them, and ignoring reality is a waste of time, unless of course it feeds your need to appear "superior". :rolleyes:

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Yeah, they are. Kinda funny that you'd go ahead and prove it with the very next sentence. How exactly is the analogy broken? You're demonizing an entire religion based on the actions of a few. Liberals demonize every single gun owner based on the actions of a few. Go ahead and ramble on for a few paragraphs about how it isn't. It'll be entertaining.

Its not just a few...Practicing Islam in any way, shape ,form, structure, radical, non-radical, peaceful, non-peaceful presents some serious human rights issues that can not be denied. The state is the religion and the religion is the state and the rule book on how to rule is the Koran. They need to clean up their act and be held to it like the rest of us.

Edited by whateverdude
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Do I need to explain? If I do, then I need to use more than 10 words. And, they may be big words....


I am not condemning an entire religion based on the actions of a few, so yeah, your analogy is retarded. I am simply saying that you cannot wish away the obvious, serious problems that Islam currently has by constructing some menagerie of "look at me, see how tolerant I am?", politically correct BS. When you get done with your exercise in phony moral superiority, the fact that Islam has major problems will remain, and you will have solved nothing. Ignoring these problems doesn't make you right, and it never will.


We are talking about Islam, and its obvious issues here. Other religions have no effect on these problems. Do you really think that solving the problems in other religions will have any bearing on solving Islam's problems? Of course not. But go ahead and bring up Christianity again... :wallbash:


Muslims have to solve the Muslim terrorist/psychotics that clap when people die problem. It boils down to choices, and Muslims have to hold each other accountable for their choices. It's not our f'ing job, it's theirs. If they don't do it, we have every right to criticize them, and every right to go after their problem children if they won't.


You want an accurate analogy? Racism against people of color is a white people thing, and only white people can solve that problem. Islamic terror is a Muslim people thing, and only they can solve their problem.


Making excuses for them, and ignoring reality is a waste of time, unless of course it feeds your need to appear "superior". :rolleyes:

White non-racists don't need apologize for what white racists say. Muslims do not need to apologize for what Al Quaeda does, just because Al Qaueda claims to be of the same religion. I am accountable for my own actions, not anyone elses' actions.


Its not just a few...Practicing Islam in any way, shape ,form, structure, radical, non-radical, peaceful, non-peaceful presents some serious human rights issues that can not be denied. The state is the religion and the religion is the state and the rule book on how to rule is the Koran. They need to clean up their act and be held to it like the rest of us.

That's funny, since many so-called christians want to deny rights to so many people right now- they should be called anti-christians or original christians, because they are diametrically opposed to the teachings of Jesus Christ- who, by the way, was Jewish.

Edited by Adam
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That's funny, since many so-called christians want to deny rights to so many people right now- they should be called anti-christians or original christians, because they are diametrically opposed to the teachings of Jesus Christ- who, by the way, was Jewish.

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

-Mahatma Gandhi


Gandhi was a crazy MF-er, but he hit the nail on the head once in a while.

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"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

-Mahatma Gandhi


Gandhi was a crazy MF-er, but he hit the nail on the head once in a while.

Ghandi was a great leader......a shame we won't have any more like that.....

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That's not the way it came across BECAUSE you're stupid. It was perfectly clear to others that don't interpret every comment on the subject through the prism of an Islamophobic religious war.


So according to you your "prism" is right and everyone else's is "stupid?"


Thats stupid.


And also the textbook definition of bigotry.

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Do I need to explain? If I do, then I need to use more than 10 words. And, they may be big words....


I am not condemning an entire religion based on the actions of a few, so yeah, your analogy is retarded. I am simply saying that you cannot wish away the obvious, serious problems that Islam currently has by constructing some menagerie of "look at me, see how tolerant I am?", politically correct BS. When you get done with your exercise in phony moral superiority, the fact that Islam has major problems will remain, and you will have solved nothing. Ignoring these problems doesn't make you right, and it never will.


We are talking about Islam, and its obvious issues here. Other religions have no effect on these problems. Do you really think that solving the problems in other religions will have any bearing on solving Islam's problems? Of course not. But go ahead and bring up Christianity again... :wallbash:


Muslims have to solve the Muslim terrorist/psychotics that clap when people die problem. It boils down to choices, and Muslims have to hold each other accountable for their choices. It's not our f'ing job, it's theirs. If they don't do it, we have every right to criticize them, and every right to go after their problem children if they won't.


You want an accurate analogy? Racism against people of color is a white people thing, and only white people can solve that problem. Islamic terror is a Muslim people thing, and only they can solve their problem.


Making excuses for them, and ignoring reality is a waste of time, unless of course it feeds your need to appear "superior". :rolleyes:

Read the last sentence aloud to yourself in a mirror. Then read the rest of the post, you ego maniacal hypocrite.

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Why didn't you sign that:



Guy who doesn't know a single Muslim and has never been to a "muslim" country?


Wait, I know the answer. Because you're full of crap.

Sounds like you got it all figured out Abdul


White non-racists don't need apologize for what white racists say. Muslims do not need to apologize for what Al Quaeda does, just because Al Qaueda claims to be of the same religion. I am accountable for my own actions, not anyone elses' actions.



That's funny, since many so-called christians want to deny rights to so many people right now- they should be called anti-christians or original christians, because they are diametrically opposed to the teachings of Jesus Christ- who, by the way, was Jewish.

Ok....so what does this have to do the Islamic human rights record?

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So according to you your "prism" is right and everyone else's is "stupid?"


No, according to me, my prism is right and your prism is stupid.


Thats stupid.


Not nearly as much as overgeneralizing "you" to "everyone else".


And also the textbook definition of bigotry.


No, it's the textbook definition of arrogance. To wit, I respond "No ****, buckwheat. Have you read my posts?"

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Read the last sentence aloud to yourself in a mirror. Then read the rest of the post, you ego maniacal hypocrite.

Blah, blah, blah, name call, blah.


You still haven't refuted the reality of what I am saying. Calling me names proves nothing. After all your irrelevant bluster, the Muslim problems still exist, as I said would happen. Thanks for proving me right, again. You could talk for days, and nothing you will say changes any of this. Muslim problems are Muslim problems, and somebody has to deal with them. My ego has nothing to do with it.


Yes, I am the reason that these people aren't fighting to save their own religion and themselves. It's all my fault. :rolleyes:


Frankly you are the one with the ego problem here: you keep acting as though denying the reality makes you superior. It doesn't. But go ahead and keep blaming me...as if I have anything to do with it.

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White non-racists don't need apologize for what white racists say. Muslims do not need to apologize for what Al Quaeda does, just because Al Qaueda claims to be of the same religion. I am accountable for my own actions, not anyone elses' actions.

I absolutely agree that nobody has to apologize for what other people do, that doesn't make sense.


I am saying: if I am playing golf with a bunch of white guys, and somebody tells a Jewish joke, I can choose not to laugh. I can even choose to tell that guy that I don't want to hear that stuff. Those choices ARE mine, and I am responsible for making the right ones. If I simply just go along with it, laugh and say nothing, then I am supporting it, like it or not.


In the same light, Muslims need to make the right choices as well. Not speaking out against terrorism is a backhanded way of supporting it...similar to laughing at the Jewish joke. Right now, and again this could be due to lots of things, we haven't seen a lot of Muslims confronting those who are bastardizing their religion. Instead we see either active or tacit support, and that is simply unacceptable.


Muslims don't get to complain that the US is forced to deal with Muslim problems, if they aren't doing anything to solve them. And, the Alaska Darin's of the world are trying to convince us that these problems don't exist, and that we are bad people if we refuse to believe in his self-righteous fairy tale. :rolleyes:

That's funny, since many so-called christians want to deny rights to so many people right now- they should be called anti-christians or original christians, because they are diametrically opposed to the teachings of Jesus Christ- who, by the way, was Jewish.

I work with some Orthodox Jews and they remind me of Christ's Jewish heritage a lot. :D In fact, they say that Jesus was simply an Orthodox Rabbi, whose disciples created a separate religion he didn't intend. It's an interesting position to say the least.


Perhaps Darin would like to explain to the guy who lost 2 cousins in two separate attacks that Islam doesn't have major problems...and that the only reason he sees these problems, as the problems they are, is because he is a bad person. :rolleyes:

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