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The Pope on the end of a rope

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Well, thats not theway it came across. Which makes you a poor writer more than it makes me stupid.


That's not the way it came across BECAUSE you're stupid. It was perfectly clear to others that don't interpret every comment on the subject through the prism of an Islamophobic religious war.

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How exactly is that?


Who said they were? Maybe you can enlighten me on who exactly is "kidding Muslim ass". I must not watch the right television shows.


Which, of course, ignores the fact that the vast majority of Muslims do live peacefully.


Is that the same government and media that gotten us into unnecessary conflicts in the Middle East for over half a century? You're somehow expecting truth now?


Which isn't the case historically. It's only been recently that the media has started truly digging into what the Catholic Church has been doing and no one likes what they see very much.


I'd hardly call the systemic molestation of children and the cover up that followed "crap". Defensive much?


Probably about the same time the United States government starts keeping its hands to itself. Somehow I doubt burning Korans or denying people their Constitutional freedoms is a good path to take.

This is what kissing Muslim ass will lead to. What preferential treatment leads to


example 1

example 2

example 3

example 4

example 5

example 6

example 7

example 8

example 9

example 10

example 11

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Wow tons of typos in the first couple of links. That speaks poorly for your cause.

What LOL! The first link is from a French speaker translating to English about the situation in their country, I would expect typos! All the rest are mostly news outlets like Fox,USA today ect.., local town papers. DUDE did you see both videos in the first French link. Ok, now you can put your blinders back on and move along nothing to see here but the rest of the cattle with blinders on. BTW I got all this stuff off a Google search in 5 min. just think what I would pull up if a really researched the issue.

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Why can't mainstream Islam express a little bit of humility about what is happening (the acts of terror)? Humility would really go far in helping the situation... Can Islam express it to others outside of their religion? It (humility) is such a cornerstone in Islam.

Mainstream Muslims who are guilty of nothing should show humility for what? Acts they dissociate from?


They should be humble because some nut-bags have similar professions of faith, but radically different conclusions?

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Mainstream Muslims who are guilty of nothing should show humility for what? Acts they dissociate from?


They should be humble because some nut-bags have similar professions of faith, but radically different conclusions?


See that is the thing. Many feel they don't dissociate enough. There needs to be more of a vocal voice within the Islamic community. Yes, if it is only guilty of having the same religion. I am Catholic and bear the burden and guilt of scandal and the flaws that the church has. I know many will diagree with my conclusions, so be it.



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See that is the thing. Many feel they don't dissociate enough. There needs to be more of a vocal voice within the Islamic community. Yes, if it is only guilty of having the same religion. I am Catholic and bear the burden and guilt of scandal and the flaws that the church has. I know many will diagree with my conclusions, so be it.




I think you should consider that holding American Sufis as arrogant for the actions of Saudi Wahabists is a little like asking Baptists to have more contrition in the Catholic clerical scandals.

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I think you should consider that holding American Sufis as arrogant for the actions of Saudi Wahabists is a little like asking Baptists to have more contrition in the Catholic clerical scandals.


In a way yes. They have every right to be vocal. As Christians, the dialogue shold be very frank and open. Of course it shouldn't be used to just slam Catholicism.

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It is not a Muslim's job to refute actions that are not their own. It is not a christian's job to refute what that Jim Jones guy threatened to do in Florida. We are not responsible for other people's actions- that is how it works in America.


As an American, it isn't my job to refute the actions of the democrats and republicans.....it is just fun, since they are so stupid.

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It is not a Muslim's job to refute actions that are not their own. It is not a christian's job to refute what that Jim Jones guy threatened to do in Florida. We are not responsible for other people's actions- that is how it works in America.


As an American, it isn't my job to refute the actions of the democrats and republicans.....it is just fun, since they are so stupid.




Maybe that is the problem?


"It isn't my job."


Boy, that phrase seems to get a lot of miles more and more with each passing year. We are all starting to sound like an union shop.



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Maybe that is the problem?


"It isn't my job."


Boy, that phrase seems to get a lot of miles more and more with each passing year. We are all starting to sound like an union shop.



Um, I think you missed the message. Should a muslim hold a press conference, each time Al Queda does something stupid? I haven't seen you holding a press conference to refute Jim Jones' wanting to burn the Koran.

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