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The Pope on the end of a rope

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Jesus loves religious intolerance.

Jesus hated self-righteous phonies too. I don't remember him being very religiously tolerant of the Pharisees.


The simple fact is that the vast majority of religion-based acts of violence today are committed by Muslims...and...the defense we are offered by other Muslims is (hauling out an old one) but...but...but..."Islam is a religion of peace".


That's not condemning the acts, never mind the d-bag himself, of the terrorist. Instead, it sounds like something out of 1984. It sounds like Clinton-esque obfuscation. It sounds bizarre, especially when it is said 2 days after ANOTHER Muslim kills somebody.


No amount of calling me, or anybody else, names is going to to make this "religion of peace" crap sound less bizarre to rational people. It's also not going to explain why in the hell the "good" Muslims aren't going out of their way to squish the bad ones. IF they are, then they should fire their PR people, because we don't see it, hear about it, nothing.

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The same reason most "good" Christians don't go out of their way to squish Westboro Baptist Church.


Yeah...carrying a sign that reads "God hates Fags"....pumping loaded 767s into skyscrapers, hacking heads off "infidels", starting global 'jihad', forcing people into hiding for drawing a cartoon....all the same.


Jesus hated self-righteous phonies too. I don't remember him being very religiously tolerant of the Pharisees.


The simple fact is that the vast majority of religion-based acts of violence today are committed by Muslims...and...the defense we are offered by other Muslims is (hauling out an old one) but...but...but..."Islam is a religion of peace".


That's not condemning the acts, never mind the d-bag himself, of the terrorist. Instead, it sounds like something out of 1984. It sounds like Clinton-esque obfuscation. It sounds bizarre, especially when it is said 2 days after ANOTHER Muslim kills somebody.


No amount of calling me, or anybody else, names is going to to make this "religion of peace" crap sound less bizarre to rational people. It's also not going to explain why in the hell the "good" Muslims aren't going out of their way to squish the bad ones. IF they are, then they should fire their PR people, because we don't see it, hear about it, nothing.


Yeah, but um...five hundred years ago or something there were the Crusades.


Oh...and Tim McVeigh.

Edited by RkFast
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Yeah...carrying a sign that reads "God hates Fags"....pumping loaded 767s into skyscrapers, hacking heads off "infidels", starting global 'jihad', forcing people into hiding for drawing a cartoon....all the same.


He did not say the actions of the idiots are the same. Think about it.

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Yeah...carrying a sign that reads "God hates Fags"....pumping loaded 767s into skyscrapers, hacking heads off "infidels", starting global 'jihad', forcing people into hiding for drawing a cartoon....all the same.


Seriously, conner? Seriously?


Or do you want to take some time to consider how ass-munchingly stupid your response is?

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It took about 150 years before more enlightened Christians refuted other Christians belief that the bible condoned slavery- of course only about 2 million Africans died on the middle passage voyage and maybe about 4 million overall.


600,000 Iraqi's dead, 2 million displaced, infrastructure destroyed, A secular middle east country with high levels of literacy, health care, infrastructure, and middle class professionals turned into a basket-case and you are aggrieved by an unsubstantiated plot of street cleaners against a pedophile enabler, well whateverdude.

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The fact that this:

Jesus hated self-righteous phonies too.

Is followed by this:

The simple fact is that the vast majority of religion-based acts of violence today are committed by Muslims...and...the defense we are offered by other Muslims is (hauling out an old one) but...but...but..."Islam is a religion of peace".


That's not condemning the acts, never mind the d-bag himself, of the terrorist. Instead, it sounds like something out of 1984. It sounds like Clinton-esque obfuscation. It sounds bizarre, especially when it is said 2 days after ANOTHER Muslim kills somebody.


No amount of calling me, or anybody else, names is going to to make this "religion of peace" crap sound less bizarre to rational people. It's also not going to explain why in the hell the "good" Muslims aren't going out of their way to squish the bad ones. IF they are, then they should fire their PR people, because we don't see it, hear about it, nothing.

Ought not be lost on anyone.


Your "arguments" are as ridiculous as the liberals when they attempt to blame guns for the actions of those who use them to do horrible things to people. Complete ignorance of reality.

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The fact that this:


Is followed by this:


Ought not be lost on anyone.


Your "arguments" are as ridiculous as the liberals when they attempt to blame guns for the actions of those who use them to do horrible things to people. Complete ignorance of reality.

Let me ask you this Darin, were you against and outraged over the black south African apartheid (system of legal racial segregation enforced by the National Party government in South Africa between 1948 and 1994, under which the rights of the majority 'non-white' inhabitants of South Africa were curtailed and minority rule by white people was maintained)? I think your answer would be yes like most people were.


Did you realize that apartheid is alive and well and practiced in the Muslim community even amongst the so called moderate or traditional Muslims? Can you guess who the victims are?

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I'm stupid, please explain how it is the same reason?



Jesus Christ and holy Muhammad Tom it's not even close to the same thing.




I wasn't saying anything about the moral equivalance of extremists' actions; I was pointing out the equivalence of people's reactions to them: the vast majority of normal people are too busy just living their lives to worry about these idiots.

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Let me ask you this Darin, were you against and outraged over the black south African apartheid (system of legal racial segregation enforced by the National Party government in South Africa between 1948 and 1994, under which the rights of the majority 'non-white' inhabitants of South Africa were curtailed and minority rule by white people was maintained)? I think your answer would be yes like most people were.


Did you realize that apartheid is alive and well and practiced in the Muslim community even amongst the so called moderate or traditional Muslims? Can you guess who the victims are?


Did you realize that apartheid is alive and well and practiced in Israel


Did you realize that Lebanon is a parliamentary democracy with the three high positions (President Maronite Christian), (Prime Minister Sunni Muslim) (Speaker of the Parliament Shi’a Muslim) divided among the main represented religions and the parliament seats divided proportionally among all religions.


Did you realize that Iran hosts the largest Jewish population of any Muslim-majority country.

Did you realize that Jews are protected in the Iranian constitution.


Did you realize that Iran at one time had a Democratically elected fairly secular government until America and Britain overthrew it and installed the Shaw.


Did you know about the American relationship with the House of Saud, the House of Saud's relationship with Wahhabism and Wahhabism's relationship to Islamic extremism.


Did you realize the Iraqi Sunni insurgency that killed many American troops got most of it's outside support from Saudi Arabian Wahhabists


Do realize the Islamic extremism was encouraged and used against Communism during the Cold War


Do you realize that Saddam and Osama Bin Laden were both supported by the C.I.A


Do you realize of the 19 highjackers 15 were from Saudi Arabia and 4 from Egypt


Did you realize we are doing a 60 billion dollar arms deal with Saudi Arabia


Did you realize you have no freaken clue of what's going on.

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Let me ask you this Darin, were you against and outraged over the black south African apartheid (system of legal racial segregation enforced by the National Party government in South Africa between 1948 and 1994, under which the rights of the majority 'non-white' inhabitants of South Africa were curtailed and minority rule by white people was maintained)? I think your answer would be yes like most people were.

Outraged? :lol:

Did you realize that apartheid is alive and well and practiced in the Muslim community even amongst the so called moderate or traditional Muslims? Can you guess who the victims are?

The fact of the matter is ANY group that has absolute power is going to rule in a horrible manner. History has proven it over and over again. The fact that you tool boxes continue to pretend that this is the exclusive domain of a single religion or that every Muslim on the orb is complicit is ridiculous and nothing more than fear mongering for the sake of needing a boogie man.

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I wasn't saying anything about the moral equivalance of extremists' actions; I was pointing out the equivalence of people's reactions to them: the vast majority of normal people are too busy just living their lives to worry about these idiots.


Well, thats not theway it came across. Which makes you a poor writer more than it makes me stupid.

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Outraged? :lol:


The fact of the matter is ANY group that has absolute power is going to rule in a horrible manner. History has proven it over and over again. The fact that you tool boxes continue to pretend that this is the exclusive domain of a single religion or that every Muslim on the orb is complicit is ridiculous and nothing more than fear mongering for the sake of needing a boogie man.

You just made my point, so why is everyone kissing Muslim ass if they are no better than everyone else. It's Fear or the boogie man as you put it. People buy into the "Religion of Peace" (trade Marked) because they fear not only what the extremists will do but what the so called moderates will do too. Our gov't and media pushes this BS because they fear the backlash in the Muslim world if they were to confront the real issues of human right violations. The pope is not getting a free ride on the human rights issues of the church. The media and gov't challenges the catholics over their misdeeds with children and Jews. The pope is on an apology tour right now in the UK over this crap. Its easy to go after the catholics, they won't blow you up over it. When will the Muslims be challenged to clean up thier act?

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You just made my point

How exactly is that?

so why is everyone kissing Muslim ass if they are no better than everyone else.

Who said they were? Maybe you can enlighten me on who exactly is "kidding Muslim ass". I must not watch the right television shows.

It's Fear or the boogie man as you put it. People buy into the "Religion of Peace" (trade Marked) because they fear not only what the extremists will do but what the so called moderates will do too.

Which, of course, ignores the fact that the vast majority of Muslims do live peacefully.

Our gov't and media pushes this BS because they fear the backlash in the Muslim world if they were to confront the real issues of human right violations.

Is that the same government and media that gotten us into unnecessary conflicts in the Middle East for over half a century? You're somehow expecting truth now?

The pope is not getting a free ride on the human rights issues of the church. The media and gov't challenges the catholics over their misdeeds with children and Jews.

Which isn't the case historically. It's only been recently that the media has started truly digging into what the Catholic Church has been doing and no one likes what they see very much.

The pope is on an apology tour right now in the UK over this crap.

I'd hardly call the systemic molestation of children and the cover up that followed "crap". Defensive much?

Its easy to go after the catholics, they won't blow you up over it. When will the Muslims be challenged to clean up thier act?

Probably about the same time the United States government starts keeping its hands to itself. Somehow I doubt burning Korans or denying people their Constitutional freedoms is a good path to take.

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