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Now this just angers me...

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Imagine for a second that public schoolchildren took a trip to an Evangelical Christian Church and during the school trip were presented an opportunity for an altar call to salvation. Imagine the uproar from Huffington Post, the ACLU and other liberal organizations. Well where's the outcry when it happens at a mosque? How is it that tax dollars are supporting a field trip to a mosque anyway? I'm tired of this country and its slide toward moral equivalence. If you're going to keep faith out of the public arena, keep ALL faith out of the public arena, especially one that espouses a return to the Middle Ages.

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If you're going to keep faith out of the public arena, keep ALL faith out of the public arena, especially one that espouses a return to the Middle Ages.

Agreed. You have spiritual bi-partisan backing on this one, Joe :D

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Imagine for a second that public schoolchildren took a trip to an Evangelical Christian Church and during the school trip were presented an opportunity for an altar call to salvation. Imagine the uproar from Huffington Post, the ACLU and other liberal organizations. Well where's the outcry when it happens at a mosque? How is it that tax dollars are supporting a field trip to a mosque anyway? I'm tired of this country and its slide toward moral equivalence. If you're going to keep faith out of the public arena, keep ALL faith out of the public arena, especially one that espouses a return to the Middle Ages.

You didn't get the memo did you? Islam has trade marked the phrase "Religion of Peace" so we all must kiss the Muslim ass now.

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Joe Joe Joe....dont you know by now that everyone execpt white hetero male christians fall into "The Victim Class" and are therefore subject to a different set of standards?

White hetero male christians can also be in the victim class if they join the spandex mafia.

Edited by ieatcrayonz
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Imagine for a second that public schoolchildren took a trip to an Evangelical Christian Church and during the school trip were presented an opportunity for an altar call to salvation. Imagine the uproar from Huffington Post, the ACLU and other liberal organizations. Well where's the outcry when it happens at a mosque? How is it that tax dollars are supporting a field trip to a mosque anyway? I'm tired of this country and its slide toward moral equivalence. If you're going to keep faith out of the public arena, keep ALL faith out of the public arena, especially one that espouses a return to the Middle Ages.

If you are looking for an argument, its not coming from here

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