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Paladino Wins!!

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I think the best thing would be for the Tea Part to continue to separate itself from the Republican party. Americans are becoming more and more frustrated with the two party system. If the Tea Party continues it's growth and better defines itself I think the money will come.


In an ideal world, the Tea Party would be socially and fiscally conservative and the Republican party socially liberal and fiscally conservative or vice-versa. The label means nothing to me.

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No, actually stupid people put words in my mouth. I very well know Libertarians don't get elected. I also know why.

I doubt it.

For as bad as the voters are they would never be that stupid.

The continued election of Democrats and Republicans is far more stupid than electing any third party candidate. I'm not surprised that you're unable to understand why and are trying to find fault with a boogie man that doesn't exist.

Paladino hasn't been elected either Darin, you moron, he won a primary.

Never said he was. You're the one who trumpeted that he won and furthered the Libertarian revolution by winning the Republican primary. Who's the moron again?

I also know Libertarians are responsible for nothing. They are worthless and their ideas childish, just like Paladino

You'll forgive the fit of laughter I'm having at you calling someone else's ideas childish. :lol:


For example, he ran a commercial where he promised state cuts & then he promised to create jobs. Now that may play in other parts of the state, but anyone who knows the Albany area would have had enough sense to know that cutting the state workforce will do nothing but have a ripple effect on employment in this area that will only lead to job loss, not job creation. At least in Albany, state cuts mean more unemployment, not less.

Which is why NYS will continue to bleed like a victim in need of a tourniquet. At some point something needs to change drastically. As long as the status quo remains, NYS (especially Upstate) will continue to lose jobs and fall deeper into the red on pension obligations.

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In an ideal world, the Tea Party would be socially and fiscally conservative and the Republican party socially liberal and fiscally conservative or vice-versa. The label means nothing to me.

The Tea Party is less concerned about social issues than the GOP.

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